The ever useful Screw Loose Change blog, which should be a daily visit for those who want to keep tabs on the tinfoil hat crowd, put up a post on that earlier John Gibson interview of two twoofers I posted about earlier. Inside that post of theirs is a great comment by commenter M&M on why someone should trust John Gibson (responding to a twoofer of course)
He looks like a used car salesman…any reason why I should trust him?-Greg.. | 06.07.07 – 2:57 pm
A few wild guesses,
Because he isn’t trying to play pin the 7WTC "insurance fraud" on the jew?
Because he doesn’t think a cruise missile hit the Pentagon and that Hani Hanjour is selling used camels in Yemen?
Because he hasn’t doctored photos, video, and voice recordings to manufacture so called "smoking gun evidence"?
Because he doesn’t think you could wire two 110 story commercial office spaces housing 50,000 workers with demolitions and get away with it without leaving a scrap of evidence?
Because he doesn’t think ex-professor Steven Jones, theologist D.R. Griffin, Propaganda Minister in waiting Alex Jones, and professional muslims, K. Barrett and W. Rodriguez, are viable witnesses to discount the hundreds of peer-reviewed scientists and thousands of eye witnesses who completely contradict their for profit swill.
Because he doesn’t think the airfone phone calls were faked and 7wtc was pre-rigged with explosives that didn’t explode while the building burned for five hours like some twoofers believe; but at the same time they also believe any fellow twoofers who thinks the planes were faked and the towers were brought down by space based ray guns are completely crazy.
Just a few guesses.
Yup, just a few guesses.
It’s not like the twoofer crowd needs anymore rope to hang themselves but when a few extra feet comes along I am more then happy to provide it to them…being such a good guy and all.

See author page
He knows steel can melt!
Are you listening Rosie?
These people are certainly in thier own little world.
I do have a tin foil hat question however.
If explosives were deliberatly planted in WTC7, why blow it at 5:00 in the afternoon? After everyone had been evacuated? Where’s the shock value in that?