Really, really sick of people acting like children because they don’t get their way:
Hey, President Bush? Fuck off. You are going down in history in a neck-and-neck battle with Jimmy Carter as worst president of the twentieth century.
And you know what? You are, pretty much, a fucking moron.
All that time we’ve razzed the left about claiming that? Oh, you’re not diagnosably retarded or anything, but you’re a fucking dim bulb, and you’ve got some nerve of accusing opponents of the amnesty bill (which you surely haven’t even read, genius) of not being smart enough to support it.
That’s from Ace by the way. Did anyone NOT know President Bush’s stance on immigration in 2000? Why is anyone surprised?
He supports this bill, and believes people who don’t are wrong. Pretty much how opinions work.
While I don’t agree with Bush on this issue I do appreciate that he does not back down because others disagree with him. If he caved on this, something he has obviously believed in for a long time, then he would have caved with the Democrats on many many issues over the years. He is not Clinton who bends with the wind, or which way the polls show he should bend.
Stop acting like children, stop acting like the KOSkiddies, all because you disagree with the man.

See author page
The problem is two-fold: (1) Bush never backs down, even when he is proven to be absolutely wrong, and (2) his accusations and others in his administration that if we disagree with the immigration bill, we are somehow not on the right side of America. (1) causes me consternation, and (2) enrages me.
I was never, repeat, never, under any misapprehension that Bush was a true conservative, since I live in Texas. But it seems to me that he has continuously slid further from the middle and toward the left since he became President. (Other than the GWOT) His stance on this immigration bill is wrong, dead-wrong, and if the bill is passed, I believe this country will suffer great harm in the years ahead.
Of course, I could be wrong. NOT.
I brought this up on another conservative blog, mentioning Peggy Noonan’s piece about betraying the base. But didn’t President Bush campaign on this very issue, mentioning immigration reform? We may not like everything about President Bush, but we got exactly who we voted for; and the alternative was…what again?! Gore? Kerry?
I’ve been saying the same thing for years, Curt. President Bush is a leader, he doesn’t stick his finger in the air before he makes a decision – he just does what he thinks is the right thing to do. I don’t agree with him all of the time either, but nothing he does surprises me. He told us in 2000 what he’d do, and by God, that’s what he’s done.
To Ace and all of the rest; you should’ve voted for McCain then you’d get someone who changes direction with the wind.
Curt – President Bush is not simply “betraying the base” with pushing this immigration “reform”, he is betraying the US Constitution in upholding the laws and sovereignty of this nation. I do not agree with Ace’s language, but I agree with his take on President Bush going down as one of the worst Presidents in history, based on his pro-illegal immigration stance.
What this tells me is that we are not a sovereign nation and we are no longer a nation of laws. He is telling me that the ends justify the means. And that my hard work as an American citizen is not worth as much as the hard work of an illegal alien.
I have lost all respect for President Bush and for all those who support illegal immigration.
This has also made me lose all confidence in my government and told me that my vote means nothing, absolutely nothing.
This immigration debate should be about two things and two things only:
(1) Are we a nation of laws or not?
(2) Are we a sovereign nation or not?
Those who are pushing illegal immigration tell me that their answer to both those questions is no.
Because of that, I have lost faith in my government and my country. And have lost all respect for my President and my elected officials.
So based on one issue he is the worst…give me a break. This is pure unadulturated hysteria over an issue that was not fixed under any of the previous administrations, including Reagan. Many of them made it worse, Reagan being one of them. There is a much bigger picture to this world, this country and our well being. To paint an administration who everyone and their mother knew was going to go this route regarding immigration as the worst because he followed thru with what he said he was going to do is, well, silly.
Sorry, this hysteria is just making some people look foolish.
I wish he would feel the same way about this issue as you or I, but I will not throw him down the drain because we differ….he has done to much to ensure the safety of this country and to have finally, after so many decades, brought the fight to our enemies PLUS he put two OUTSTANDING justices to the SCOTUS…..and he is worst? Pure hysterical ramblings.
Hissyfit! Are you kidding me? Here’s a president I supported through thick and thin that is pushing this crappy bill through Congress and then basically calls his now former supporters BIGOTS AND UN-AMERICAN. You need to open YOUR eyes and see why people are disgruntled. Maybe they don’t like their character being assailed by someone they helped elect merely because they don’t agree with him. What a tool!
Curt – I have come to greatly respect your blog and all the authors which contribute here. But if you are going to say that those of us who are complaining when we see the rule of law and our nation’s sovereignty thrown out the window are simply engaging in “pure hysterical ramblings”… well, I’m going to lose a lot of respect for you as well.
You are a Marine veteran and a current law enforcement officer. Yet you don’t see anything wrong with those in our government, being led by the President of the United States, saying that the rule of law means nothing and our nation’s sovereignty means nothing?
The President and his Administration have explicitly stated that they do not intend to fix anything, as they do not see illegal immigration as any sort of “problem”, but instead see it as necessary to America, necessary for our economy.
Meanwhile, those of us who are hard-working, law-abiding Americans, working to support our families just like the illegal aliens, are told by our President and his Administration that we are bigots and racists and un-American for wanting others to follow the laws of the land and respect our country’s borders. And now you have stated that these concerns are “pure hyterical ramblings”.
I’m sorry, Curt. This isn’t just “one issue”. This is the core of what makes America, America: laws and sovereignty. If we don’t have laws and we don’t have sovereignty, we don’t have a country. I would expect a law enforcement official to care about enforcement of the nation’s laws and I would expect someone who served to protect the sovereignty of the nation to care about the sovereignty of this nation.
Dude, you read that I disagreed with him right? But I will not throw him over the cliff because of one issue. This thing wasn’t fixed twenty years ago and a magic pill wont fix it now. If you really believe a bill that we would want could get through this congress your out of your mind. It would never see the light of day. Compromises need to be made. I don’t agree with them but something is better then what we have now.
I’m sorry if you lose respect for me because I will not support the hatred and the hysteria on the right on this issue, but if thats the case then so be it.
I want a complete wall, I want many more border enforcement officers, I want all illegal criminals deported, I want all of those things but there are also OTHER issues I hold near and dear. I’m telling you, if we get a Democrat in office in 2008 you can kiss any hope of ANYTHING being done on immigration.
Plus, and this is a big plus, Bush was supporting this kind of bill in 2000, and in 2004. I voted for him anyway in both elections….Why is it people are now saying he is stabbing them in the back? Convenient memory loss I think. I knew his opinion on immigration way back when but still think he was and is a great President.
Curt – The reason people such as myself have turned on President Bush is because he told me, one of his most strongest supporters for the past 4 years, that I am a bigot, a racist and un-American. All because I want the laws of my nation enforced and the sovereignty of my nation protected. No one will continue to receive my support after that.
And as I stated originally, if my government tells me that the laws of this and the sovereignty of this nation don’t matter when it comes to illegals, then I have lost all faith in my government and my country and have lost all faith in the political process. This nation’s sovereignty is nothing to be compromised. I’m sorry you feel that it is.
I am sure you don’t feel that way about the war and war funding bills. Our nation’s sovereignty is just as important, if not moreso.
Stop putting words in my mouth. Read my whole post again, and my comments and where do you see me saying such a thing. Man, I get enough of this kind of thing from the left….
Doesn’t take much for you to lose faith I see. The bill, with the amendments that are getting added, will do something about the problem. No, it doesn’t have everything you AND I want but at least it’s something. I want something better, but I am not shocked (as you seem to be) that Bush supports this, he has been saying so for 8 years!
As I said in the main post, these displays of hysterics are getting us nowhere.
Curt – You stated:
To me, that says that you are willing to compromise our national sovereignty. We don’t need a bill. We have laws on the books right now, and have for the past 20 years that the government flatly refuses to enforce. Adding hundreds of pages of laws on top of the already unenforced laws is downright stupid.
There is a simple solution: (1) Enforce the laws we currently have. (2) Build a wall. Anything less than that is telling me that our nation’s sovereignty is non-existent.
In case you missed it, I stated earlier that the President has explicitly stated that he does not see illegal immigration as a problem to be solved, but rather as something that is necessary for our nation and its economy. The government has no intention of enforcing any of the laws that it is writing in this bill, just as they have not, for the past 20 years, enforced the laws in the 1986 bill.
You want to know what I expect of my government, Curt? I expect them to enforce the laws of this nation and protect our sovereignty. No compromises and no excuses.
Unless a bill is drawn up that says they will enforce the laws of this nation and will fund and build a wall and get started on it immediately, I will have lost all faith in my government to actually stay true to their oaths of office.
I don’t see that as “easily losing faith”. If my government cannot even uphold the basics of their responsibilities and on top of that tells me that I am a bigot, racist and un-American for expecting that of them, what reason is there for me to have any faith in them anymore? Please explain that to me.
Baloney. That means I would rather have something rather then nothing…which is what we got now. This bill is killed I can guarantee you there will not be another one. Well, there will be in 2008 if a Democrat gets in, putting it in with much much worse provisions.
Go ahead, stand firm, call for impeachment….your choice. But I’m a realist and will continue to call those doing it as hysterical, unhelpful, unrealistic voters.
You still haven’t answered the basic premise of this post. That being how in the world people are hysterical that Bush felt this way, when we all knew it 8 years ago? How in the world are people surprised by this?
Our country has been screwing this immigration deal up for 30 years and your just now losing faith? You said you’ve been a firm Bush supporter for the last 4 years when you knew he felt this way about immigration, and you knew our laws on immigration have sucked…but just now losing faith?
Just sounds like people are rushing to join the crowd in throwing Bush over the cliff to me, but whatever. Do and say what you will.
But don’t expect me to join in and don’t expect me NOT to call people hysterical when they so obviously are.
This is perhaps one of the best posts I have seen from someone who disagrees with the President on this issue.
Too bad it is notable due to its near-uniqueness on the right.
“Too bad it is notable due to its near-uniqueness on the right.”
Coming in from the left (but also opposed to the bill), I’d have to agree…
While some (like the ones you mention) are ready to bail on Bush &/or the Republican party over it, others on the right seem not to know that Bush has anything to do with it, judging by the way they hit it as an awful, rotten Democratic bill that must be stopped by good Republicans everywhere…
This post strikes a good balance, I think…
As far as not knowing, I can only guess that some on the right felt (or were really hoping, to the point of delusion) it was just campaign talk, and Mr Bush would never actually go through with it…