Larry Johnson, that ViPer with a serious case of the BDS, is at it again peddling a forged document: (h/t Ace of Spades HQ)
Some brave soul in the U.S. military sent Pat Lang a memo issued Monday that shows the U.S. ability to support its troops is collapsing and very vulnerable to disruption.
The memo states:
Due to a theater-wide delay in food delivery, menu selections will be limited for the near future. While every effort will be made to provide balanced meals, it may not be possible to offer the dishes you are used to seeing at each meal. Fresh fruits and salad bar items will also be severely limited or unavailable.
We don’t have enough convoys to give our troops three hot meals a day. We want them to step up the patrolling. We want them to search 24-7 for missing soldiers. But, by God, they don’t deserve three hot meals a day.
Excuse my rudeness, but that is fucked up. Way to go General Petraeus.
The document?

But before the investigation could really start on this memo Larry "His Kookiness" Johnson updated his post:
UPDATE: I’ve received a note from a journalist buddy who say’s that the US military Public Affairs Officer in Baghdad says this is a phony document. We’ll see. I sure hope that is the case. But it does not undermine the basic point of the vulnerability of the U.S. supply line.
Um, yeah, it does. If there is no disruption of the supply line then your "basic point" is not a point at all, just a lie.
And this guy was an intelligence official inside our CIA at one point.
PS – Check out Ace’s post to see where that eagle on the top right of the "memo" came from….bad bad forgery.
LGF with some more information on this forgery:
Also notice that the PDF document is not a scan of a printed original, it’s editable text captured directly from Word. So this PDF file was created from a Microsoft Word document, two days after the date on the so-called “memo.”
Plus look at the WaPo article in which they report on this food "shortage":
But mouths turned dry Monday when an internal embassy e-mail announced a "Theater-Wide Delay in Food Deliveries." Due to an unspecified convoy problem, it said, "it may not be possible to offer the dishes you are used to seeing at each meal. Fresh fruits or salad bar items will also be severely limited or unavailable."
If the delays continue, the message said, "DFACs [dining facilities] will be required to serve MREs for at least one meal out of the day."
Instead of rice pilaf with turkey or fish — Monday night’s main entree, according to embassy spokesman Dan Sreebny, who said he topped it off with two cookies — the staff would have to make do with military Meals Ready to Eat, freeze-dried concoctions with prescribed amounts of starch and protein, capable of withstanding parachute drops and remaining edible for three years after packaging.
"We’ve run out of some things," Sreebny said. "I miss my yogurt in the morning and my fresh-cut melon."
Notice the quote from an embassy spokesman.
Apparently IraqSlogger also had this on the 23rd, and they reproduced the fake memo:
Though this memo only seems to apply those eating at cafeterias at US State Department facilities across Iraq, including US military personnel who eat at those cafeterias, news that food deliveries in Iraq are experiencing supply-side disruption theater-wide raises questions about whether US troops may be dealing with the similar supply challenges.
IraqSlogger has as yet been unable to determine how widespread the anticipated food shortage may be, but will update this story as more information comes available.
So IraqSlogger writes up an article on this forgery on the 23rd, the same day that the forged document was created, along with ole nitwit Larry Johnson. Then the WaPo was next on the 24th. Albeit with an embassy spokesman. But reading that article you cannot really tell if that spokesperson is confirming a shortage or confirming what would happen if there was a shortage, ie…MRE’s. The spokesperson also seems to confirm that yes, delays happen. Poor guy doesn’t get his yogurt.
Larry Johnson in the comment thread of his original post:
You complete bonehead. US Embassy authorities confirmed its authenticity on Thursday. You are a certifiable idiot. Go take up space where intelligence is not a requirement to participate.
They confirmed its authenticity on Thursday the 23rd huh? No where in that WaPo article does it state they authenticated the memo.
This guy takes the cake man. He takes this obvious forgery at face value because it fits in with his own preconceived notions….wait a minute, our MSM does that also. Guess we could call him a part of the MSM since he did write that 2001 editorial in which he stated the threat of terrorism is WAY overblown.
Good comment left at Ace’s
Timeline for May 23rd:
Johnson posted the PDF on his blog at 10:22am EST.
DeYoung posted the article on WaPo at 5:23pm EST.
Iraqslogger’s Christina Davidson posted a pic of the PDF and a short article at 5:24pm EST.
Additional nugget: Davidson used Lang earlier in May for a letter he posted from an Iraq veteran.
Conclusion: Lang leaked the PDF to both Johnson and Davidson, possibly also to DeYoung.
Not a slam-dunk yet but getting there.
Now Patrick Lang, another idiot ViPer and the apparent originator of this bogus memo, has responded: (via Ace of Spades HQ)
—— Forwarded Message
From: "Patrick Lang"
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 23:18:45 -0400M
To: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Food-shortage memo an obvious fraud.
Get the Washington Post To retract
Yeah….I have a feeling this will be happening shortly.
Chad, a Ace of Spades HQ commenter apparently emailed the embassy and they confirmed the amateurous "memo" as being real:
From: Chad
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 9:36 AM
To: Baghdad, Press Office
Subject: Question regarding a Washington Post storyDear Sir or Ma’am:
I am a blogger who is following up on a story appearing in the Washington Post regarding a shortage of fresh foods reaching the embassy. There are some bones of contention regarding this story:
1. Is the title US Mission – Iraq in use? It is my understanding that a US Mission includes all American activities in a particular country where the embassy is merely the physical building. Is this correct?
2. Did a memo attached appear outside the dining facility, or is it a fake used to dupe the Washington Post into writing yet another negative story about the conditions in Iraq as alleged by some.Thanks for your time
From: Baghdad, Press Office []
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 11:09 PM
To: Chad
Subject: RE: Question regarding a Washington Post storyHi Chad,
These are great questions.
In short, the term “US Mission-Iraq” is how the military here generally refers to us; however, we at the Embassy simply call ourselves “the US Embassy” or, for the actual real estate on which we sit, “the Embassy compound.” As for the food-shortage notice, yes, it was a legitimate notice; however, food convoys have since begun to come in and we’re gradually getting back to normal.
Thanks for asking!
U.S. Embassy, Baghdad
So while the memo appears real many of us seemed to have missed the real story behind this thing in an attempt to get the "scoop" on another forged document. That real story being the fact that there was NO theater wide shortage of food, just a bunch of civilians who didn’t get their yogurt due to bad weather:
Asked about the convoy problems, Col. Steven A. Boylan, spokesman for Gen. David H. Petraeus, the U.S. military commander in Iraq, cited bad weather in Kuwait and along the routes north. "Visibility was very poor and [it] would not have been safe to drive," Boylan said in an e-mail.
Patrick Lang apparently peddled this story as some kind of scoop about the whole thing going to hell in a handbasket, and the WaPo bit.
Another thing, how did Lang get this "memo"? Someone leaked it obviously, in a lame attempt to manipulate the media. So the memo is no longer fake, the story is real but waaaayyyy over exaggerated.
Another interesting comment here about the creation date of the document:
Thank you, Dave – you’ve solved the mystery of the differing dates and differing file formats.
Col. Lang posted the document as a Word .DOC on 23 May, but the .DOC itself was created the same day as the date of the memo – 21 May. Whoever created the PDF took the same file Lang has (from the same or a similar source, or from his site) and used Word to convert it to PDF.
Why? Because the MS Word .DOC is an insecure file format commonly used to transmit worms. Only an idiot sends a Word .DOC over the Internet as an attachment. (And only an idiot opens a Word .DOC he finds on the Internet, but I decided to take one for the team on this.) The person who created the PDF was either unwilling or unable to transmit the .DOC (some networks are properly configured to prevent their transmission).
Now…. who would be sending that email with the PDF attached, and to whom?
Any bets that the WaPo server is configured not to accept .DOC files?
Now that makes sense. Lang gets the .DOC file from a leaker who wants to manipulate the media, the WaPo can’t accept .DOC’s so he converts it to .PDF.
Some very valid points by Seixon about this memo:
If the memo is real, that means:
1. The US Embassy refers to itself by a name (US Mission Iraq) in letterhead that it claims only the military uses for it.
2. The US Embassy uses a picture of a commercial figurine in their official letterhead, although official logos should be readily available.
3. A whole four people were involved in sending a simple email: "khanp", "martinkm", Mr. Butler, and Mrs. Muench.
4. A simple email was written in Microsoft Word, not exactly the best way to broadcast a message since it requires that the recipient has Word to view it.
Not to mention the simple fact that there never was any problem with the food supply, as the WaPo story even admitted at the end of their article, and the supposed response from the embassy shows.
In other words, there is no "there" there, while Larry Johnson calls for Petraeus to apologize to the troops and tries to cause a big stink about it.
Not to mention that the US military Public Affairs Officer in Baghdad said that the memo was phony! The embassy guy in Chad’s email did not confirm the authenticity of the actual memo being passed around, he confirmed the authenticity of the fact that a notice was given.
I think that the memo was faked based on a real notice, for reasons 1-4 stated above, and what I just stated.
Right now, the memo is real based on the emails. I have a query into the embassy myself and will report back what they say. IraqSlogger said they got confirmation on the authenticity of the memo so I will probably get the same response. As for the Salon geniuses who have shown up, I posted the emails as soon as I received them. Didn’t hide them or wish them away.
Something Dan Rather should have learned but I digress.
Whether the memo is real or not the fact is that Johnson whipped up a doom and gloom story based on a notice about some cookies and cream not being delivered to civilians in an embassy. And that is a very sorry attempt to make a mountain out of a molehill.
But for now, the forged document is not a forgery.
A very poor amateurish memo using a picture of a figurine as it’s emblem, for sure, but it’s for real.
Of course what else is real is Larry Johnsons statements of doom and gloom.
sent Pat Lang a memo issued Monday that shows the U.S. ability to support its troops is collapsing and very vulnerable to disruption.
Or this winner:
Who is in charge of the supply convoys? The U.S. military, not the Embassy. Why is there a resupply problem? Because the resupply line is being attacked and disrupted.
Of course this genius must not have read the whole WaPo article he cited since they state that the problems were due to WEATHER.
This is called bald faced lies, all to make a simple story about a minor food shortage into Iraq collapsing.
Ace has a source who apparently knows who the originator of this figurine memo is. Apparently it is Parvaz Khan, Or khanp as the .PDF showed, a Human Resources Officer in the embassy. His source continues:
Why would the Human Resources Officer be involved with this matter?
Why were there two people, Khan and Martin, working on such a simple memo and not the actual people listed in the memo as having drafted and approved it?
And why was Lang leaked the Word document (created by Khan and last saved by Martin), while Johnson was given the PDF done by Khan?And for the love of all that is good, why in the world were they using that damn figurine picture as a logo?
The bottom line here is that someone, possibly Khan, tried to stir up a controversy by leaking a mundane notice about what was eventually a non-existent delay in food supplies, and perhaps tried to dress up a fairly standard email that was sent around as a "memo".
I think most of you use email as part of your job every single day, and the prospect of the US Embassy in Iraq sending around Microsoft Word documents as email seems fairly ridiculous.
And I have to agree with Seixon on this one. This looks more and more like it was a simple email notice sent out to the personnel inside the embassy after which this khanp decided to dress things up and leak it to a certifiable kook like Larry Johnson and Peter Lang.

See author page
As Ace well points out he’s pull a Dan Rather here in the docs make be fake but the story still rings true.
What a crock.
The truth according to a BDS infected fool. Is he kin to Blather Rather?
I was posting in the comments over at AoS and out of curiosity I emailed the embassy in Baghdad. They confirmed the memo was real.
sorry hit post too soon. I provided the e-mail to Ace and will be happy to forward it to you guys also if you want it.
So, you were wrong. The entire premise of this scandal was wrong. This entire fake “controversy” was entirely false.
But that’s not the real story?
Only wingnuts can claim being completely wrong as being right.
It’s called “pulling a Michelle Malkin.”
I wouldn’t put too much faith in that supposed e mail:
1. Why would anyone put out a memo about how fruits and veggies might get a bit short?
2. Why use the term “theater-wide” when we’re talking about the US Embassy in Baghdad?
3. Why use a non-official logo?
4. How can a “theater-wide” problem we solved in less than a week?
5. Why didn’t Chad’s correspondent put his name to it?
I’m still holding this as bogus – at least in the sense that if there is a tiny grain of truth in it, it was blown out of proportion by leftwingers who are determined to paint the worst possible picture.
Pat Lang is a certified hero.
You sir, are truly a flopping ace. Making a fool of yourself on Memorial Day of all times.
Hey, how about an apology to Larry Johnson??
The ease with which totally fabricated rightwing stories populate the net (and then take a life of their own, even after they are shown to be bogus)is frightening.
It’s Orwellian x 100.
Welcome to the new world of disinformation.
I bet Jamil Hussien cooked this whole thing up to remind everyone that wingers are conspiracy slathered idiots.
For what? He took one report about some embassy personnel not getting their yogurt and turned it into his patented “Iraq is lost” whining…..pathetic and sad.
The entire premise of this scandal was NOT wrong. The entire premise is this loser making a big deal about some cookies and cream not being delivered to civilians in an embassy.
More like a certified nimrod.
figured you salon readers couldn’t read. Check the date of the post….Nimrods.
Oh, btw, big difference between us conservatives and you losers. When we find evidence that we were wrong we post it up. The memo turned out to be real and I put up the emails. The lefties can only deny deny and deny some more.
Whether the memo is real or not, his shrill cries of disaster in Iraq are pathetic.
Oh man…good one. Since there is no Jamil Hussein that argument is not grounded in reality. And since the left is filled with the twoofer nuts, Halliburton conspiracy nimrods, war for oil dingbats, and the sort we all know where to go for the conspiracy theories….
I absolutely love it when Salon links over here, lets us all see how certifiably pathetic you people are.
Glenn Greenwald just ripped you a new one for your antics on the “fake” memo, “genius”.
You lame-ass dweebs! Suckered again! Thanks for a chuckle, and thanks to Salon for sending us over to see what roiling idiots you are–again.
OMG! THE Glenn Greenwald! Whatever am I gonna do?
How will I ever face myself when a rabid idiot like Greenwald attacks me?
You SalonTards always make me chuckle. No debate, no facts…just attacks and name calling.
and you calling others “losers” “nimrod” “twoofer nuts”, “dingbats”,”certifiably pathetic” and of course “rabid idiot” would that be debating facts or name calling? Hypocrisy is thy name. Perhaps rather than attacking you should just admit you were wrong, accept it and move on. It would be quite liberating.
and how would you characterize this rant from your buddy?
I guess thats what passes for “civil” debate from the right these days?
Um, I did admit I was wrong about the memo, but I also believe there is a larger point to this story, namely the fact that LJ attempted to portray this memo as a “the sky is falling” indictment against the war.
It’s dishonest.
But he can’t admit it as such, even tho the very newspaper he points to states that it was due to weather.
I admit my mistake in my post. Have yet to see him due the same.
As for Greenwald, he attempts to say that us conservatives will find fault in any news that things are going badly because we just can’t believe Iraq is going to hell in a handbasket…but now there is true hypocrisy since I can say the same thing about him. He routinely dismisses reports that show things are going smoothly.
Oh, and for the comment made by someone other then myself I really don’t see your point. I didn’t write it. If your trying to lump us in all together then I can easily do the same with a visit to Kos, HuffPo, and DU.
This is a classic case of spin. Left spin, right spin, they both blur the truth.
Having worked in Army admin previously – 75B at the time, later it became 42A, I would have to say the logo debate is so much red herring. Most of the people who make up these type of notices just grab the first piece of clipart out of MS Word that matches what they’re trying to do and roll with it. This was probably a document template that someone made up. This is probably something put up as a quick notice to the situation, never meant to be under national scrutiny.
At the same point, it doesn’t make any larger point about the operation or whatever nonsense the left is trying to stick to it. Truck’s delayed. Big whoop. A small notice to people that they might not get their salads for a week. That’s all it is.
Side note: the people referring to this as a problem of “some civilian not getting his cookies” apparently haven’t had to live off of MREs for any length of time. Granted, they are getting better, but still not the first choice in food. Hopefully they’re recent MREs and not the old 1990s era ones. Then again, war is war – sometimes you just have to eat the unidentified meat.
And as far as the latest update – it looks like this was something meant to be posted on the door to the DFAC, not emailed.
Why it was converted to PDF and set out to the media? Well, that’s the million dollar question isn’t it?
Update VII has it correct I think. This was nothing but a simple admin notice that a BDS sufferer in the embassy thought would be great for propaganda value. They ginned up a crappy ass memo, sent it to other BDS sufferers who got it to the Post so they could make it a story. What is really scary is that such is exactly how the majority of the media get its stories in the first place, from friendly liberal elements that send them the latest Bush bashing talking point. Oh and to the guy (or gal) whinning about Ace’s civility, please pull that stick out of your a@#. Ace is meant to be bitting and funny, with some actual intelligent thought, not Sunday church going material. I am sure Ace has a nice Flappy award for you, however.
Ha ha ha ha ha! You chumps jumped the gun again! Pull those pants up and find us another “forgery”! “Flopping”aces is right.
Hate is great. Never have to apologize or retract. Forward and downward, plodding ahead, angrily outraged at the enemy’s insensitive animosity.
Once again, the Left is proving their total inability to deal with actual reality. Remember, many of these people think the Bush Guard memos were real and that there is actually an officer named Jamil Hussein who was a credible source.
The memo was forged; everyone agrees the Hummel figurine is not an official logo. The memo was leaked, probably illegally. There was no serious supply chain disruption, just some bad weather in Kuwait.
So what exactly about the story based on this memo actually stands up to scrutiny? Nothing.
So, lefties, how about an apology to our troops for claiming they were about starve to death, and a prosecution for the idiot who forged and leaked this?
Maybe, just maybe, all the memo’s about the thousands of KIA are a plot by those commie bastards over at precious moments meant to defame the legacy of W.
I sincerely hope you all are not doing this for a living.
Well actually from what I have seen on your site you do that anyway but my point was that I dont see you complaining about attacking from your friends on the right – no debate just attacks?
Why in the world would I complain about what Ace said in a post about LJ hyperventilating over some missing fruitcake?
Ace didn’t attack me, GG did. So I wrote about that. If Ace had attacked me, I would have wrote about that also….see where I’m going with this?
Of course you do, but you choose to go on this silly irrelevant rant anyways.
OMG, I am just laughing my ass off at this, you and your buddies go on and on about “Hummelgate†and when you are shown to be completely wrong you twist & spin! Now you guys just need a tutu.
First you guys go on for days about how Mr. Johnson fell for a fraud, even after the contents of the memo were confirmed you still said the memo was a fraud. Now that evidence has come out showing that you were wrong do you apologize for calling the man a liar? Nope, you spin just like Bush has been doing since 0 WMD’s were found in Iraq. You acknowledge that the memo is real but Mr. Johnson exaggerated the contents of it, “That real story being the fact that there was NO theater wide shortage of food, just a bunch of civilians who didn’t get their yogurt due to bad weather†When in fact the memo itself says that “Due to a theater-wide delay in food delivery, menu selections will be limited for the near future.†What exactly did he exaggerate?
You then go on to say “Whether the memo is real or not the fact is that Johnson whipped up a doom and gloom story based on a notice about some cookies and cream not being delivered to civilians in an embassy. And that is a very sorry attempt to make a mountain out of a molehill.†Huh? No gloom and doom, just an honest reaction from an American upon reading a memo that certainly suggests there is/was a problem with the food supply that goes to our soldiers. For days you attacked the validity of the memo and the people who posted it; “Larry Johnson, that ViPer with a serious case of the BDS, is at it again peddling a forged document.†You should’ve checked your sources before making such an accusation and now that you have been revealed as peddling false info do you say “opps, my bad!†Nope, not even close, just attack about what you think he typed, make some more shit up.
The scariest thing you said, “Not a slam-dunk yet but getting there.†The last time I heard the term ‘slam-dunk’ we invaded a sovereign nation that posed no viable threat to us. Do you people not ever learn from your mistakes or admit when you are wrong?
Wow, I guess that just went completely over your head. I really like this gem, I bet you don’t even see the irony
Keep up the attacks it just reinforces the idea that you have no facts and no debate.
That facts and debate are in the post….take a reading comprehension class or something.
Ok I get it, as long as you argue something followed by attack and insult, that’s cool? Well based on that definition you have nothing to bitch about because those ‘Tards’ although thoroughly ineloquent certainly made some valid points. Why are you complaining again?
It was amusing to hear you whine about their attacks with all the venom and vitriol you yourself spew. If you are going to complain about the high road, you may want to show some class yourself.
Then again its easier to insult and attack while playing the victim. Still you have to see how whining about attacks and insults while attacking and insulting doesn’t help your case. Of course its just a smoke screen to cover the inadequacies of your argument.
Based on your assesment perhaps you should join me in the reading comprehension class since I can see the point was totally lost on you.
Since you cannot comprehend what was written in the post, and the point that I was making that all you lefties came out of left field (ha ha ha….get it?) and wrote comments such as:
Then maybe you do indeed need reading comprehension skills.
My comment, which you replied to in the very beginning, was that you lefties only come here to insult, not debate. That is hardly playing the victim. I care little about how you lefties view us conservatives, in fact I find it quite humorous to point it out…as I did. And the fact your getting all pissy about it makes me smile even more.
Ok how about this for needing comprehensions skills – those examples you gave are making a point, some implicitly, that you made a fool of yourself. I’m not sure its a debate per se because you yourself have admitted to the mistake but its a point nonetheless.
Those “tards” as you put it don’t exist in a vacuum, they came over to laugh at you and rake you over the coals. Perhaps that isn’t the classiest move but its still not attacking you for no reason, you gave plenty of reason. Rather than be a man about it, you try to spin it which is par for the course for partisan hacks.
WAAAAHHH, don’t hold me accountable for my mistakes. That’s how you come across – a whiny little baby.
How do you know I’m a lefty? Are you assuming? Perhaps you are using the same logic that brought you to the conclusion that the document was a forgery. Oops!
And for someone who “cares little” you have already posted how many times? Oops x 2!
How is that answering my argument? Specifically that you lefties came here only to insult, not debate. You took issue with this and are now giving an excuse for it.
Wow….you really are good at this huh?
Funny how the only one’s thinking I made a fool of myself are you and your fellow GG groupies. Myself, that memo still looks fake as hell and I still believe it was made up out of an email that was sent to the embassy staff to stir up the kind of retarded controversy LJ ultimately attempted to stir up. Some civilians missed their jello and he spun it to “the sky is falling” in Iraq.
It was a pathetic attempt, and I notice none of you lefties took him to task for it.
Shocker there.
Brilliant! You so smart.
If I had cared I would have been over in the swamp where you came from attacking those who attacked me. Dont care. But when you lefties come to my blog and comment you can bet your ass Im gonna reply.
The only one giving an excuse around here is you. Basically you are saying “I can call them names and attack them because I made a point.” The lefties come in here to attack you with your own foolishness but you cry Boo Hoo Hoo I am being attacked. I can’t put it any clearer than I did earlier either you’re to stubborn or to ignorant to see it.
All I’m saying, you can attack, insult, name-call all you want but don’t try and hide behind the “lefties only attack” bullshit like a whiny little bitch. Particularly if you are using the same vitriol they are.
You partisan hacks are amusing, on the left I’m called a rightwinger and on the right I’m a lefty.
Guess what – I’m not a liberal or conservative, I’m an American with common sense. But go ahead and make up labels if it will make you feel better about yourself.
No, I pointed out that this is ALL they are doing. I used some names in my post WITH the facts as I saw them. They did not. Are you really this ignorant or are you just playing like your a douchebag on purpose?
Hide? Where in the hell do you see me hiding? I made one point, as I stated above, and that was it. I’ve answered every comment that wasn’t JUST an insult. You call that hiding, fine…live in your little fantasyworld.
A rightwinger! You take the cake man….
And I pointed out that that was not ALL they were doing but of course you ignore that. Had you not made a complete ass of yourself would they be here? If you can’t comprehend that point then I really don’t think you should call anyone ignorant. Interesty fantasyland (*cough* partisan hack *cough*) you’ve got there…
douchebag? Really, that’s the best you got? WTF? What are we in third grade? What’s next you going to throw in some fart jokes? Although plenty around here does stink so…
I think you’ve made my point many time over. Its unfortunate that you can’t connect the dots but if you are the best conservatives have to offer its no wonder they are getting their asses handed to them.
brilliant retort, must be more of that “forged document” logic.
Village idiot?
Guess what – I’m not a liberal or conservative,
And I made the point that was indeed ALL they were doing.
So calling a obviously faked memo a fake is making an ass out of oneself to you? Admit it lefty, you came here with the rest of your GG groupie friends because the master of sockpuppetry linked to me.
The only one making an ass out of oneself here is you…douchebag, don’t really feel like throwing in the fart jokes right now….maybe later.
Oh, that’s rich. Your side barely has a majority in both houses, are more corrupt then ever, and can’t get anything done…but we got our asses handed to them…..yeah.
Oh…wow….that’s a good one. It’s obvious you have very few braincells to lose so I will overlook that ignorant response.
Such class! Such style! Such intellectual retort is astounding!
“No debate, no facts…just attacks and name calling.”
Thanks for putting the icing on my point!
Keep telling yourself that. btw, are you trying to convince me or you?
Actually no, making an ass of yourself comes later when you found out it was indeed a real memo. You try to spin it oh yeah well it still looked fake. Classic! The only reason you thought it was fake was because it didn’t fit your agenda. Then you cant man up and say “Yep, I was wrong.”
Are you really that self-righteous that you think you know everything?
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
My side? ROFL I didn’t vote for those bozo’s but I have seen polls that indicate less and less people consider themselves Republicans. Why? a principle reason is partisan hacks like you. Before you get your panties in a bunch, we don’t consider ourselves dummicrats we consider ourselves independent. A concept like that however (like my other points) will probably elude you and the self-delusion will continue. If you hadn’t had your asses handed to you, dummicrats would NOT hold ANY majority. Do you know what the odds were before the election that the dems would take one house let alone both houses. Keep up the good work, I’m sure the Dummicrats appreciate the fine work you do. Any other fake memos you like to break?
lame comeback even for a third grader.
You really are a bonehead. You point out what you were trying to say, I point out what I was trying to say. Too hard to grasp I guess.
Actually, no, it has never turned out to be a real memo. The embassy said what was in it was real, as I said. It was an email made up by a partisan fool (just like you have turned out to be) to leak to LJ to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Yeah, the use of figurine as it’s header never entered anyones mind why it would be fake.
Awesome, you answer a question with an attack. Making my point every day.
Sure sure….go back to reading GG. All kinds of people like yourself over at that cesspool. Why can’t you “man up” (your favorite term…I’m guessing you have some kind of complex with your masculinity) and admit it lefty….and why are you trying so hard to prove to me your not a lefty anyways? Need a hug?
Pathetic man…pathetic.
(let me guess, you will answer that with your patented “lame comeback” comment…..thought I would save you the time.
Awww…don’t be like that. Quit behaving like a third grader, and maybe Curt’ll stop talking down to you, like one.
Tsk tsk tsk! Curt you really struck a nerve here.
Must be more than a few grains of truth in the underlying theme of your post, the willfulness of the “news” media to only present bad news no matter how dubious the source, if you get this kind of reaction.
And “afriend” is a “rightwinger?” I get such a laugh when these folks say something so transparently false. He’s probably comparing himself to some total neoMarxist loon to whom he is only two steps to the right.
You pointed out REPEATEDLY how you verified the information, but for some reason the lefties don’t want you asking too many questions about how it got leaked and for what purpose.
Why is that?
I think we all know the answer.
We’ve answered that question before when we disclosed how the New York Times ran front page stories about “abuse” at Abu Ghraib on 43 out of 47 days in a row yet not ONE article dedicated to the release of 42 Iraqis from an Al Queda prison where REAL torture was happening.
Only bad news is permitted to come from Iraq. And even if they have to trump up false impressions such as the one generated by this story they are going to do it.
The “news” media is only telling the story in Iraq that THEY want to tell. And that story is one which seeks to undermine U.S. forces and encourage and enable the evil men who would kill innocent Iraqis by the millions if the “news” media succeeds.
Their is blood on their hands and that’s why your pal “afriend” is squawking so loudly. Like his defeatist comrades, he’s desperate to avoid any accountability for such total lack of common sense and decency.
LOL “the embassy said what was in it was real” but it wasn’t the real memo. Classic. but I’m the partisan fool, hahaha
Ah back to playing the victim again? What happened to douchbag and bonehead? Were those attacks making my point or yours?
I would say the question is why are you trying so hard to label me a lefty? Without a shred a proof I might add. Then again based on your track record I guess that’s your style of analytical thinking or lack thereof. No facts needed, just (baseless) assuptions.
But it is interesting that when challenged people like you go for the “you have some kind of complex with your masculinity” style attack. Its only a matter of time when people have no argument.
Awww, here come the fanbois…
Geez, your dense.
Nope, pointing out the obvious to the retarded.
Trying hard? Nope, pointing out the obvious to the retarded….again and again and again.
Ahhhh, poor widdle baby got his feelings hurt. Need a hug?
Classic coming from a GG groupie
Seems I’ve given you plenty of time to hang yourself, and you performed just like a good GGbot should. So with that, begone young lefty.
Is there supposed to be an insult in that compliment, somewhere? *sigh* I guess I just don’t understood 3rd grade mentality.
You can learn from a master, little grasshopper.
Such class! Such style! Such intellectual retort is astounding!