Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s Sister Found!

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That is definitely the scariest thing I have ever seen and the most hillarious. lol

We should tell the terrorists this is what awaits them upon capture. 🙂

On a side note everyone should go check out this You Tube Video where Michelle Malkin was embedded with U.S. Troops for a week in Baghdad.

She walks around a Baghdad neighborhood with U.S. and Iraqi Soldiers.

She stops to have tea with Iraqi civilians.

It’s very interesting video:

O MY GOSH, I laughed so hard :lol:!!!!!

It’s also Ron Paul’s half sister!


“655,000 Iraqis are dead because we invaded Iraq. Who are the terrorists.
“I support the troops”

yeah, right.

They never march against terrorists.

Man….that was not the picture to look at with sleep still in your eyes, scared me right awake.

You win. Make it stop.