When celebrities supported our troops AND their mission:

Everywhere he goes, actor Gary Sinise is recognized as Lieutenant Dan from the movie "Forrest Gump."
It was this recognition that gave him the inspiration for his band name: The Lt. Dan Band; a tool that Mr. Sinise uses to support the men and women in the Armed Forces by playing overseas tours and stateside through the United Service Organization, or USO.
The Lt. Dan Band performed at Spangdahlem Air Base May 15 wrapping up the band’s 2007 European tour. They played five shows throughout Belgium and Germany.
"The show was great and Gary Sinise said he had a great time as he always does when he comes to Spangdahlem," said Cravin Ham, 52nd Services Squadron, who was in charge of putting the show together. "The crowd was really into it. We estimated around 650-700 people, even though there was an exercise going on."
In 2003 Mr. Sinise went on his first USO tour to Iraq, as an actor which has since turned into a passion for entertaining American servicemembers.
"It was a big tour with a lot of people," Mr. Sinise said. "Then I did another tour and another, shaking hands, taking pictures and signing autographs, but I played music on the side with a group of friends from Chicago. So, I asked the USO if they’d let me take a band and they said yes. It’s a fun way to go out and support the troops as an actor. It’s fun for me because I’m a musician as well and I like to play. It’s also good for the troops because they get a show and not just me taking pictures. We can entertain them and have a good time doing it."

I know, going off the path here.
Here’s a few video’s of the Lt. Dan Band:

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Gary Sinise is awesome, no 2 ways about it!!!!!
I would date him in a heartbeat!
Gary is a Great American.
You’re right it is finally no longer to be PC in Hollywood to bash the Troops, even though some do, thankfully they are branded as lunatic’s.
Gary is a fine example of a part of Hollywood that doesnt give a damn about what the rest say, he know’s it’s the right thing to do.
Semper Fi Gary!!
My parents were able to see Gary Sinise and the LT. Dan Band last year when he came to Ft. Carson, CO. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to see the concert since I was deployed in an “undisclosed country.” They enjoyed themselves immensely.
Thank you for your support, Gary. It means alot.