The Republican Nominee Poll

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The echo chamber of the Ron Paul candidacy has spoken by bringing down LGF.  Why would they do that?  Because the lefties don’t like LGF, and the Paulbots on the right don’t like the fact that LGF mocks them.

The left wants Ron Paul to gain traction since he is the closest thing to them, while the Randy Weaver types want him because they love anarchy or some such idiocy.

Either way, LGF put up a poll today in honor of the Ron Paul minions spamming the polls.  Here is my version of Charles’s poll:

My Ballot Box
Who Will Be The Republican Nominee

Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Ron Paul

View Results

But while all this is going on we have the Democrats passing bills which increase our taxes and endorse surrendering to our enemy.

Anyone really think the left isn’t behind Ron Paul now?


Hot Air has the audio of Charles being interviewed by Tammy Bruce discussing these nimrods.  But really, I do think his supporters are special

Incidently, LGF went down around 2050hrs PST and has now been brought back up two and half hours later.  Obviously a well coordinated attack in which I am familiar with.  As my server guru told me once when comparing the Jihadist server attackers and the lefty server attackers "the lefties are much more dangerous."  If anyone really believes that the DummiesU and KOS crowd isn’t pulling for Ron Paul they are deluding themselves.


Want more proof?  Bill Maher calls Ron Paul his new hero.

Bill effin’ Maher!  The man who told us that those who flew those planes into the WTC had courage.  The America hating idiot believes Ron Paul is the man…..

Um hello?


Paid a little visit to DummiesU and guess what I found?

ramapo (1000+ posts) Thu May-17-07 02:08 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. They have no shame
I have the utmost respect for Ron Paul. I believe he is the one and only representative who speaks honestly about the house of cards which is our financial system. His comments on Iraq where some of the most intelligent and honest words spoken in recent times by a politician. He is refreshing. I don’t buy his Libertarian beliefs around the scope of government but I find myself agreeing with him to a surprising degree.

truthisfreedom  (1000+ posts) Thu May-17-07 02:06 PM
Response to Original message
7. Hah! Can you imagine what would happen to their stiff-brained base if Ron Paul’s
very realistic theories were to take hold? They absolutely wouldn’t know what to do. "Does Not Compute!"

Alexander  (1000+ posts) Thu May-17-07 08:40 PM
Response to Original message
22. Ron Paul will be replaced by Chuck Hagel in 6 months.
This is the opening for Hagel to run as a Republican, if there ever was one.

If a once-third-party, libertarian, little-known, kooky Congressman from Houston can get this much attention because of his anti-war views, imagine how easily Hagel will eat up that support.

The recent attention to Ron Paul is about much more than just Ron Paul.

And the post I think we will see alot of in DummiesU and KosLand….they don’t like him but it will throw a monkey wrench into the whole thing:

Crunchy Frog  (1000+ posts) Sat May-19-07 08:02 PM
Response to Original message
11. Not support him for president, no.    Updated at 3:16 PM
But I could see throwing a few bucks his way, just to keep his message going enough to keep the Repuke debates shaken up. It seems like the media will take his message on the war more seriously than it will take our own guys. I’m more concerned with the message than the person.

Libertarianism is nice in theory, but in reality is no more practicable than communism. It seems to me to be just another pie in the sky ideology that’s not grounded in reality. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have important things to say.

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Question – If Congressman Ron Paul is such a crank conspiracy nut, why devote so much energy to putting him down?
All he has done is answer questions at a debate (for which the MSM hammered him or ignored him) and won some insignificant web and insta polls.

I’m no beltway connected pundit, nor some internet publisher, but it seems to me his answers have hit a nerve. Like ice cream on a decaying tooth.

Question – If Congressman Ron Paul is such a crank conspiracy nut, why devote so much energy to putting him down?

If you had been a reader of this blog from the beginning you would know by now I spend quite a bit of time exposing the truthers, the liberal MSM bias, and the general nuttiness of the left.

Ron Paul is a conglomerate of them all….along with his Paulbots such as yourself who sit at their Technorati screen and incessantly input Ron Paul into the search engine, and then post comments such as yours.

Pathetic and sad….two words I usually type often to the ultra left DummiesU crowd, but now you Paulbots have earned that title.


I can see it all now…this is why Rosie left “the view”…she’s planning on being Psul’s VP!! To go along with that, I’d bet Paul plans on making cindy sheehan his secretary of state, and michael moore his attorney general!!

You are clearly fixing the poll results in favor of Ron Paul #1 when everyone knows the real Ron Paul is number two.

The Fascist Fools have a new hero!


And I’ve already answered Mike the Girl Scout on another thread when I say that unlike the Democrats who embrace their kooks, in the Republican Party we TAKE OUT THE TRASH!

Ron Paul does not agree with the “truthers.”

SUN MAY 20 The NewsMax Trashing of John McCain