Ray Robison has a HUGE find in this new article today. In the 1998 indictment handed down by the Clinton Administration It was alleged that al-Qaeda was involved in Somalia during the early 90’s and was directly involved with those who killed our troops in 1993. After which Clinton ran like the good Democrat he was.
The House Intelligence investigation has said there were indirect links between Iraq and al-Qaeda, the 9/11 Commission said the same thing.
And now Ray ties it all together with these new documents:
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa.
[…]The al Qaeda document is entitled The Ogaden File: Operation Holding (Al-Msk). Its’ name refers to a tribal region of Ethiopia extending into Somalia (Ogaden) and ‘al-Msk’ is an acronym for the Mission to hold Somalia and Kenya. The file is a personal log about a group of al Qaeda terrorists sent to Somalia in 1993 to provide military training to local Islamic militants.
The document provides details on a known al-Qaeda leader being sent to Pakistan for training under the orders of Mohammed Atef, that name should ring a bell.
Atef then sends them to Somalia:
The date of Atef’s order for them to go to Somalia is very significant because it corresponds with an order by Saddam Hussein to do just that. A different set of documents, provided by the Cyber News Service (CNS) in 2004 and reported on here, are purported to be from a cache of documents captured in Iraq. CNS stated they were given to them by a member of the Iraqi Survey Group. Those documents – which have not yet been verified by the US government but do match secret information from other known Saddam documents and have been confirmed by several experts – are memorandums between Saddam and his intelligence service.
Saddam Hussein ordered his intelligence service to "hunt the Americans" in Somalia via Afghan mujahideen proxies including the EIJ on January 18th, 1993 just two days before EIJ leader Atef ordered his best men to Somalia. The CNS memoranda also show that Saddam’s intelligence service was meeting with the leader of the EIJ (almost certainly Ayman al Zawahiri) to give him the assignment.
Saddam wanted his intelligence service to work with mujahideen (Islamic fighters) displaced from Afghanistan in 1992, which likely also included Usama bin Laden’s followers, the EIJ (the two groups would officially merge together to become al Qaeda) and another associated terror leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The order provided funding to the mujahideen and drew precedent from operations with the EIJ against the Egyptian government because it sided with the UN coalition against Iraq in the Gulf War.
This new al Qaeda document, when combined with the CNS documents, provides a sequential timeframe for the events and the human linkages to carry out the order from Saddam to his intelligence service to Ayman al Zawahiri to Mohammed Atef and then to his terror trainers.
But hey, Saddam would NEVER work with al-Qaeda right?
Scott Malenesk adds
This goes back to last night’s hot debate topic: why do they attack us? The answer is in 1992. Seriously, if I had to pick a single year that’s it. Here’s some tidbits you might want to add:
In June 1998, the Department of Justice obtained a sealed indictment in the Southern District of New York against Bin Ladin as the sole named defendant in a “conspiracy to attack defense utilities of the United States.” Among other overt acts, the indictment charged that in October 1993 “members of al-Qa’ida participated with Somali tribesmen in an attack on United States military personnel serving in Somalia [which] killed a total of 18 United States soldiers and wounded 73 others.” The indictment was unsealed after the East African embassy bombings and was followed by a series of superseding indictments that charged Bin Ladin and others with a conspiracy to “murder United States nationals anywhere in the world, including in the United States.”
-Joint House/Senate Intelligence Committees Inquiry Into the 911 Attacks
[In December 1992, as U.S. military forces were deploying to Somalia as part of a United Nations operation to provide humanitarian assistance to a starving population, Islamic extremists attacked a hotel in Aden, Yemen housing U.S. service members supporting that operation. An Intelligence Community paper from April 1993 concluded that “[Bin Ladin’s] group almost certainly played a role” in that attack. An article from an April 1993 National Intelligence Daily also took note that three to four hundred Islamic militants had [page 204] received training the previous year at military camps in Afghanistan funded by Persian Gulf Arabs. One camp was run by an Egyptian and funded by Bin Ladin].
-Joint House/Senate Intelligence Committees Inquiry Into the 911 Attacks
note: until the US attacked Afghanistan fully 2/3’s of the hierarchy in the Al Queda network were members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad include the strategic planner, Dr Ayman al Zawahiri, and the military planner, Mohammed Atef.
That Al Queda was involved in driving the US from Somalia is not at all in contention by leaders in either political party or by intelligence and military experts. The depth of Iraqi involvement is now supported and corroborated by multiple sources from multiple groups, and by documents as well.
Important points to remember, Bin Laden was just another disgruntled and washed up war vet until he decided to start killing Americans in 1992. He did so under the excuse of the US war/"containment" of Saddam, and claimed that Americans were acting as imperialist invaders trying to steal the riches of Somalia rather than just there to feed a starving desert nation cast in to anarchy.
Resistance started against the American invasion, because Muslims do not believe the U.S. allegations that they came to save the Somalis. A man with human feelings in his heart does not distinguish between a child killed in Palestine or in Lebanon, in Iraq or in Bosnia.
-Osama Bin Laden Interview with Peter Arnett Late March 1997
This happened at the exact same time that Iraq was working with Egyptian Islamic Jihad (which, again, made up 2/3’s of Al Queda) to strike against the US via unconventional warfare as Desert Storm had proven to the world that the US cannot be beaten in conventional warfare. The idea
that the US was a paper tiger when it came to unconventional warfare stemmed from the US defeat in Vietnam (mandated by political action lead by Democrats rather than by decision on the battlefield) as well as elsewhere.
After a little resistance, The American troops left after achieving nothing. They left after claiming that they were the largest power on earth. They left after some resistance from powerless, poor, unarmed people whose only weapon is the belief in Allah The Almighty, and who do not fear the fabricated American media lies. We learned from those who fought there, that they were surprised to see the low spiritual morale of the American fighters in comparison with the experience they had with the Russian fighters. The Americans ran away from those fighters who fought and killed them, while the latter were still there. If the U.S. still thinks and brags that it still has this kind of power even after all these successive defeats in Vietnam, Beirut, Aden, and Somalia, then let them go back to those who are awaiting its return.
-Osama Bin Laden Interview with Peter Arnett Late March 1997
Today, America is confused and divided over the historical fact that one of the side effects from not removing Saddam in 1991 was Bin Laden’s war on America. Now, whether that is a real reason that he and others were driven to kill Americans or whether it is just an excuse is debated and
too often denied entirely. Some would tell us that America should be isolationist, should have let Saddam invade Kuwait and Saudi and control the world’s oil, and that it was not in America’s interest to wage war in 1991. This idea of isolationism in a global economy with instant global telecommunications is naive, ignorant, and in some cases it serves merely as cowardly excuses to perpetuate planetary denial (to say nothing of the hypocrisy so many affix to being part of the
international community, and working with others etc).
In 1991 America had to act for its own national security and for the freedom of people in the region as well as the world. However, if people want to claim that the US brought about the 911 attacks and war with Al Queda as a result of getting involved (as Presidential candidate Rep Ron Paul has done), then it must be noted that -as detailed above-isolationism is simply not an option. We can’t just go hide between oceans and behind imaginary border fences and expect to be safe from flights of international terrorists. Thus, in hindsight the foreign policy path that should have been taken was not an appeasement of Saddam in 1990, or an indefinite containment, or air strikes, or international sanctions, or isolationism but full-on, all-out removal of the dictator in 1990. Instead, the dictator was allowed to stay in power and to encourage a terrorist war against the US-either indirectly as a martyr to US imperial oppression as Bin Laden and Al Queda readily claim in every tape and interview, or directly as these documents and multiple witnesses are all demonstrating.

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its good but the retards on the left will say some dumb sh!t like karl rove and halliburton paid off ray with iraqi oil money or that they used the chimpman’s mind control machine.
“paid off Ray”, Will that be in cash…I’ll even take Iraqi Dinars…HAH!
And I thought it was just me who thought we were fighting Al-Queada in Iraq!
A handful of American soldiers were captured the other day by Al Queda that’s not in Iraq (AQTNI). AQTNI is also the group (sometimes referring to themselves as The Islamic State of Iraq) that immediately after Sen Reid said the war was lost, put out an announcement in support of the Senator and of the Democratic Party’s efforts to force US troops from the field of battle.