The Foolish Republicans

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When I read this:

At the forum, Tancredo also disagreed with President Bush’s decision to send thousands of additional troops into Iraq earlier this year.

"We should disengage," he said "We have to take American troops out of the target, the military target and political target. There is absolutely a role to play for the United States – to make sure al-Qaida does not create a source for terrorist activity. We have to make sure that we do control the situation, but I do believe we need to disengage."

I’m grateful there are people such as Bill Kristol who will call these kinds of beliefs from the Republicans what they really are

Foolish (h/t Gateway Pundit)

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This is exactly why I’m not a fan of Tom Tancredo. Yes “he’s good on the border issue”, as his fans tirelessly repeat. But he’s wrong on so much else. Kind of a nut sometimes, in fact.

I agree Tom. He is a one issue type of candidate. Love him on the immigration issue but dislike him in so many other ways.

Make it three to all agree Tom is not all there. While he talks immigration a lot, he forgets we’re at war with a very dangerous enemy.