Terrorism & Mickey Mouse

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This whole Mickey Mouse thing going on right now is kind of perplexing.  How in the world can anyone be surprised at the indoctrination by the Palestinians of their children into terrorism?  We have been talking about this fact for a long time.  Pictures of kids with guns, cartoons that are played for them, sick behavior all around.  But NOW with the introduction of Mickey Mouse it’s a big story?

If you’ve been living in a cave here is the video in question:

Where was the big story 5 years ago when this cartoon aired?

Or this video depicting how great it was that three children killed themselves and others:

Or this music video teaching kids that throwing stones at Israeli’s defends their mother’s.

Where was all this outrage?  Palestinian Media Watch has been documenting these video’s for years and I highly suggest checking them out often.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad something…anything, has called attention to the sickness coming from the Palestinians but just wish it would have been highlighted a bit more earlier.

What I find is the bigger story in all this is the attempts by CNN to whitewash the whole thing as detailed by Glenn Beck:

How much you wanna bet that CAIR got to CNN?

And they try to tell us there is no such thing as a liberal bias in our MSM.  They deliberately tried to make the translation sound not as evil as it really is.  They wanted to pull this sick video because they don’t want viewers to see just how really sick our enemy is.  But in a heartbeat they will air video’s of snipers killing our soldiers.

Sick twisted minds at CNN and in Palestine.

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Don’t forget about This one, Curt.

We seriously need to be more aggressive at countering this sort of propaganda and indoctrination of their young people.

Even those who have lived here in the U.S., as illustrated by those like the Fort Dix Six and Qtub, are capable of radicalization. In the case of the “disaffected youth”, I blame our own media and university professors for shooting us in the foot by not countering the anti-American propaganda aggressively and definitively enough.

You see the anti-Americanism in the sons and daughters of illegal and legal immigrants, who choose to join MeCHA and believe in the Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, and Howard Zinn professorship over that of a Victor Davis Hanson. It’s the liberal “blame America first” crowd, who have hammered us over the head with notions of America as imperialistic and racist.

The mainstream media has clearly lost their collective minds. They have long since dumped their Constitutionally-protected civic duty to report unbiased, untainted information to the American people so that we can form our own opinions on issues and make sound decisions at the ballot box. They tossed objectivity and intellectual honesty out the window, trading them for a brush to paint the world not as it is, but to reflect their political ideology and cover their activism. Yet, when caught in the intellectually forbidden cookie jars of bias, lies, fact manipulation/omission, and propaganda, chocolate covered faces and hands testament to their guilt, they simply deny everything, blame us, and move on to the next cookie jar. Back in the day, the media was quite careful to hide their bias. Now it is IN YOUR FACE, perhaps even more so with the drunken power orgy the Dodocrats have been engaged in since regaining Congress.

If we are to survive as a nation, we must see the world as it truly is. To do that, you must be a critical thinker. You must be able to pick the kernel of truth out of a cornfield of deception. The sad fact is that public schools and universities no longer teach students how to be critical thinkers, they indoctrinate. Show a graduating High School senior a world map and ask him/her where Germany is. Most of them have no clue. OK, so maybe knowing where Germany, Afghanistan, or Washington DC is on a map is not all that important. What about knowing the differences between facts, editorials, and propaganda? I doubt one in ten could tell you. Now, should you ask about recycling, rain forests and “global warming,” I’m sure each could lecture you for hours on the subjects, reflexively regurgitating the “facts” as fed to them. How are we to effectively recognize the nature of the challenges that face us, and overcome them, if our press feeds us worthless crap and our schools are churning out environmentally friendly, Bush-hating morons with the attention span of a cat?

The world is an exceptionally dangerous place. It always has been and always will be because of the one thing that never changes: the evolutionary constants that govern all of nature, including human behavior. Freedom, real freedom, is rare, quite precious, and history teaches us that it never seems to last. There is always a Xerxes, Barbarian, Napolean, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Ahmadinejad amassing an army to take it away from the weak. We have a gun aimed at our heads and the left is telling us it’s actually an olive branch! When we are building a razor wire fence around the radioactive remains of a major US city, will the left and their media allies acknowledge their culpability by failing to honestly report the level of threat against us, or will it be business as usual: point a chocolate covered finger at the rest of us?

By the way, did the Disney Corporation ever come out and condemn the Mickey nock-off? The last I read had them quiet on the outrageous use of their company icon to promote hatred and terror. Spineless weenies…

Bravo, Major, Bravo!

You nailed it Major.

How will we ever deal effectively with ANY of the truly life and death issues which affect us if we cannot be honest about what is really happening.

I could give so many examples, like refusing to call the struggle against radical Islam a “war on terror” or complaining when President Bush calls is a war against Islamic fascists.

The same comfortable delusions which protect many in this country from actually DEALING with these painful issues is at work in the Palestinian issue as well. For years we’ve looked the other way as Palestinians teach another generation to hate and kill the Jews and remove them from the “occupied lands.” Well it’s a shame that the press will never report that the occupied lands the Palestinians talk about run from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Palestinians want every Jew removed from Israel period! And they would prefer they were murdered, as they are teaching their children that there is glory in bloodlust.

With our refusal to face the reality of the our enemies intentions and capabilities we blind ourselves to the effective actions necessary to countering it.