Sucking Up To Hillary

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Hillary Clinton did a phone interview with Joe Scarborough this morning in which he could barely keep his saliva off his sleeve, he was drooling all over her.  One quote from her is classic tho: (h/t Newsbusters)

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON [D-N.Y.]: No matter what you thought about the original authorization, or the president’s decision to rush to war before the inspectors were able to tell us whether there was any WMD, it is clear that whatever the mission used to be, it is either accomplished or over."

Leave aside the fact that she now thinks the mission has been accomplished when just a few days ago she blasted Bush for saying that.  Of course he never did say that, but why throw facts around when you can through hyperbole. 

Lets look at her WMD quote from today and then at her statements from a few years ago:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security."
— Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

My, what a change in the wind huh?

But I’m just thankful that Hillary wasn’t inside the studio this morning or Joe would have insisted she drop her skirt so he could kiss her ass for real.  Just read that Newsbusters post above and you will see what I mean.  Just embarrassing.

Video here:

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I caught a little of that this morning. I was going for Court TV but ended up on one channel below, MSNBC. I was curious why everyone on the set was sitting there like mannequins.

You’re right! It was absolutely nauseating to watch. It was like if anyone moved a muscle, she might hang up. I couldn’t stand it anymore and changed the channel.

What a catch, Hillary on a Republican(?) show. It’s all about face time and ratings baby!

I watched this program, in entirety, this morning on MSNBC. No, she was referring to what Bush thought when he was standing in front of his “Mission Accomplished” banner that hung on the ship for him just after we invaded Iraq–there is a difference. Yes, her stance on Oct 10, 2002 still stands as such.

I am not a big Hillary supporter, but at least don’t try to put words into her mouth that she didn’t say. As for comments below, as for any candidate, it is all about face-time. At least if the candidate is smart that is what they are going for. It isn’t her fault if Gravel or Kucinich or other candidates don’t follow suit.

I’d be supporting probably Obama or Edwards if Gore doesn’t choose to run afterall, but I must say, Hillary does know what she is doing–at least give her credit for that.

I love that, she was referring to what Bush THOUGHT!

So now she is a mind reader. You lefties take the cake.

Read the entire speech he spoke that day and you will find out that is NOT what he thought. He said that MAJOR combat operations had ended, and he also said that this battle will be long and hard.

You tell me not to put words into Hillary’s mouth but do it yourself when it comes to Bush.


I give her credit for nothing, she got to where she is at due to her husband, she has Socialist ideas on how to run a country and is a complete disaster in ever which way.

Obama and Edward….cough.