More Truther Madness & The Democrats Who Love Them

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Lots of Twoofer news today.  First John Edwards pulls a John Kerry and panders to the nutcases by promising to look into the conspiracy of Bush to blow up WTC 7:

What is it with the Democrats of today?  We’re they dropped on their heads as children?  Smoked too much weed in high school?  What causes them to think like this?

It’s freakin insane!

And a Presidential candidate doesn’t tell the guy to seek psychiatric help, he actually tells him he will look into it.

Mark Steyn makes an excellent observation:

British schools would rather not teach the Holocaust because too many of their Muslim pupils think it didn’t happen. How long will it before American teachers complain that it’s difficult to teach 9/11 in class because a small minority of pupils insist on clinging to the discredited and divisive fantasy that it was an attack by foreign terrorists?

Think it will never happen?  Don’t forget how liberal our Professors are in this country.  Hell, it may be happening as we speak.

Then we have this Twoofer on Hannity tonight in which he not only claimed Bush was behind WTC 7 but that Osama is actually CIA agents:

That idiot’s name is Webster Tarpley, in case you were curious. 

A "troupe of CIA actors"….oh boy.

Finally we have the Loose Change nimrods, ahem…I mean makers, comparing themselves to Rosa Parks and Winston Churchill: (h/t Weasel Zippers)

The attacks on our supporters in the entertainment business have only emboldened us. We know we are right, not just because of our evidence but because so much effort is going into frightening and silencing those that like us, dare to ask questions and demand answers about what really happened on that fateful day. Like Rosa Parks, Simon Wiesenthal, Winston Churchill, and Nelson Mandela, we will not veer from our course and we will not shut up.

And these are the types of people that John Kerry and John Edwards pander to.  These are the types of human beings they refuse to call mentally imbalanced.  People who think Bin Laden is actually acted by the CIA, people who think Bush knew about 9/11 before it happened, people who think fire can’t melt steel.  People who saw WITH OWN DAMN EYES airplanes flying into the towers but still believe it was a controlled demolition.

Everyday I saw I cannot be anymore amazed at the idiocy that comes from the leftwing in this nation, and everyday I am surprised. 

Oh, check out this great rant from Ace before you click outta here….

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And to think 35% of all Democrats actually believe this crap!

As much as I would LOVE to blame President Bill Clinton for the “Controlled Demolition” of the Alphred P. Murrah Federal Building here in OKC, I cant!


It was Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols and that’s it and that’s all!

This is the New Democrat Conspiracy Theory Party.

God help us all!

What is it with the Democrats of today? We’re they dropped on their heads as children? Smoked too much weed in high school? What causes them to think like this?

From the “summer of love”, we have apparently reaped a generation of idiot bastards.