More Hypocrisy & Bias From The Leftist Community

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Recall the recent fit the MSM and the left had when President Bush misspoke and started to say 1776 instead of 1976 when speaking about the Queen’s last visit.  This WaPo article was typical from our MSM:

President Bush welcomed the queen with a royal faux pas about her age, suggesting she had witnessed American independence in 1776. Expressing admiration for her long friendship with the United States, Bush noted that Elizabeth had dined with 10 presidents and had "helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 . . ." He quickly caught and corrected his mistake, "in 1976."

Her Majesty did not appear to be amused.

Laughter rippled across the South Lawn, but the queen, who celebrated her 81st birthday last month, shot Bush a look that he sheepishly acknowledged "only a mother could give a child."

Of course the WaPo deemed the Queen as not being amused but apparently they were wrong once again:

The Queen has revealed she was amused by President Bush’s gaffe in which he nearly aged her by 200 years.

She laughed when referring to it in a speech at the British Ambassador’s residence in Washington.

"Mr President, I wondered whether I should start this toast saying when I was here in 1776," she told her fellow diners.

The remark prompted hoots of laughter.

Mr Bush, in his speech, replied: "Your Majesty. I can’t top that one."

I know, steady yourself….the MSM being wrong must of shocked you all.

Need another shocker?  The lefties went nuts once again as these examples from DummiesU can prove:

peaches2003  (1000+ posts) Mon May-07-07 03:33 PM
The Chimp acts like a fool with the Queen

[…]Would somebody else try to notice if he is wearing his cowboy boots with his white tie and tails tonight. He wears them with a tux, so I expect he will with tails, too. How the hell did Barbara bring up such an arrogant dunce.

tularetom (1000+ posts) Mon May-07-07 03:36 PM
2. Look at Barbara and then ask that question
That’s the most classless beeotch you’ll ever see.

xxqqqzme  (1000+ posts) Mon May-07-07 05:51 PM
4. and we were all wondering
Edited on Mon May-07-07 05:53 PM by xxqqqzme
what he would do to embarrass the country……again. Seems he can’t even complete a sentence w/o f*cking up. All that money – prep schools – east coast education – didn’t anyone ever teach this walking disaster any manners? He is bereft of any social skills.

natrat  (1000+ posts) Tue May-08-07 12:15 AM
4. why is texas not in jail

DamnYank  (73 posts) Tue May-08-07 12:47 AM
6. What a national embarassment
I’m currently attending a meeting where a lot of Brits are in attendence. They’re all exceedingly polite and professional. I’m actually ashamed of my own country.

And don’t forget the cartoons:

But something funny happened on the way to the leftist funnyfarm today.  Barack Obama had his own "gaffe" during a speech, and it was quite a doozy:

Yup, he said 10,000 dead during the recent Kansas tornados.  Only off by a factor of 1000.  But he blames it all on being tired due to the Presidential race:

Said Obama, "I can’t do it on my own. I can’t do it. There are gonna be some times when I get tired. There are goin’ to be times when I get weary. There are goin’ be times when I make mistakes."

If this man who is only in his late 40’s cannot stay energized during a Presidential race should any of us want this man to run our country? 

But I digress.  My point in this post is to point out how little attention is being attracted by Barack over his "gaffe".  If Bush had given this speech and made this same "gaffe" about 10,000 people dying you can imagine the firestorm that would be created on the left and our MSM. 

Guess what kind of response this brought from the DummiesU crowd:

zidzi  (1000+ posts) Wed May-09-07 05:10 PM
57. Dead in the water!
People make mistakes when they’re tired..seems Obama is only human. Gotta love him.

A mistake from misspeaking is not the same as making a deadly miscalculation.

I know you know this Horse..I’m just sayin’.

SteppingRazor  (1000+ posts) Wed May-09-07 02:23 PM
4. Given the oratory abilities of our current president…
I’m willing to give Obama a pass on a couple slips of the tongue.

As for the tired, weary bit, campaign life’s even more grueling than presidential life. These guys sometimes don’t sleep at all for days at a time.

panader0  (1000+ posts) Wed May-09-07 02:24 PM
Response to Original message
8. Au contraire…. I like people who admit their mistakes.
That is one of bush’s biggest problems. His ego won’t allow him to admit when he is wrong.

I love that one, you see Bush didn’t admit he made that gaffe…he made it seem like it was on purpose.

JNelson6563  (1000+ posts) Wed May-09-07 02:35 PM
17. haha Silly mortals!
They get "tired" and "make mistakes" and are…well…just less than perfect! Mortals are icky.

How sweet.  How forgiving.  How hypocritical. 

Doing a google search for Bush Queen & Gaffe there was 161 hits (click picture for larger view)

Doing a google search for Obama Kansas & Gaffe returned with a whopping 10 hits:

All this highlights something which I rail against quite often, as most of my regular readers know, the MSM bias along with the utter hypocrisy that is just so prevalent in the leftist community.

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