As has been reported since last night six Jihadists have been arrested in New Jersey for planning terrorist attacks against an Army base.
Six men authorities described as radical Islamic terrorists arrested Monday night in Cherry Hill for planning to attack Fort Dix had also looked at Fort Monmouth, a federal building and a U.S. Coast Guard base in Philadelphia, and Dover Air Force base in Delaware.
Fort Dix may have chosen simply because one of the terrorists knew the base from delivering pizzas there.
"He delivered pizza to the base at Fort Dix regularly. He said he knew Fort Dix like the back of his hand. He drew a detailed map of Fort Dix from memory," U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie said at a speech Tuesday to the Ocean City Regional Chamber of Commerce here at the Flanders Hotel…
…Christie called the camera shop owner that alerted federal authorities an American hero. The suspected terrorists had gone to the shop about 16 months ago to transfer training videos from video tape to DVD’s.
"The camera store owner saw Muslim men in military garb toting weapons in the woods. He heard them talking about jihad and how Allah was great. He called the FBI and became a hero," Christie said.
The names and bios of the six are:
NAME: Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer.
AGE: 22; Born in Jordan.
HOME: Cherry Hill, N.J.
OCCUPATION: Drives a cab in Philadelphia.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: U.S. citizen.NAME: Dritan Duka.
AGE: 28; Born in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
HOME: Cherry Hill, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: In United States illegally.
OCCUPATION: Operates Colonial Roofing and National Roofing, which list business address at the home of his brothers, Eljvir and Shain Duka.NAME: Shain Duka.
AGE: 26; Born January 1981 in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
LIVES: Cherry Hill, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: In United States illegally.
OCCUPATION: Operates roofing businesses with his brothers.NAME: Eljvir Duka.
ALIASES: Elvis Duka, Sulayman.
AGE: 23; Born in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
LIVES: Cherry Hill, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: In United States illegally.
OCCUPATION: Operates roofing businesses with his brothers.NAME: Serdar Tatar.
AGE: 23; Born in Turkey.
HOME: Philadelphia.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: Legal U.S. resident.
OCCUPATION: Works at a 7-Eleven store in Philadelphia.NAME: Agron Abdullahu.
AGE: 24; Born September 1982 in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.
LIVES: Buena Vista Township, N.J.
IMMIGRATION STATUS: Legal U.S. resident.
OCCUPATION: Works at a Shop-Rite supermarket.
James Joyner notes the connection to Muslim Bosnia:
An updated version of the AP story at YahooNews reports that, “four of the men were born in the former Yugoslavia, one in Jordan and one in Turkey. Five of them lived in Cherry Hill, 10 miles east of Philadelphia and 20 miles southwest of Fort Dix.” Given that Muslim Bosnia was part of “the former Yugoslavia,” — and that it would seem unlikely that four Slovenians or Orthodox Serbs would join up with two Muslims — we’re likely dealing with Islamists.
And Laura Mansfield notes that the connections to al-Qaeda are slim at the moment, and we should not be surprised:
News media reports describe this morning’s terrorist suspects, who planned an attack on Ft. Dix, NJ, as homegrown with no ties to al Qaeda or any other international terrorist organization.
This isn’t surprising in the least.
It is very likely that this cell, like numerous others that have been uncovered in the past year, falls into the category of "Individual or Small Group Terrorism", as espoused by the Al Qaeda ideologue Abu Mus’ab al Suri in his book "Call to Global Islamic Resistance"..
The doctrine of "Individual or Small Group Terrorism" is a major concept in al Suri’s 1604-page manifesto, published on the internet in December 2004.
Al Suri, who is believed to be currently in US custody, describes three primary phases of Jihad in the book:
- Organizations
- Open Fronts
- Individual/Small Groups
He explains in depth each of these phases, and makes a strong case that the wave of the future is individual and small group terrorists.
He believes that the days of the larger groups, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, are close to ending, citing the increased effectiveness of security forces in breaking up the groups, as well as the security risks posed in top-down, chain of command structures. A primary concern of Al Suri was that an arrest of anyone in the chain could compromise all those involved.
While this cell was arrested before an attack happened, all because of a good citizen observing something suspicious and then calling police, we do not know how many more of these cells are growing. That’s the danger of al-Qaeda 3.0 as Rusty from The Jawa Report calls it. Fanatical Islamists are reading books, watching training videos on the net, and reading material supplied on Jihadist websites and then going out to do the bidding of Bin Laden. Are they taking orders from al-Qaeda, no. Not in the sense that they are receiving direct communication but you cannot discount the fact that the Global Jihad movement is supplying all the information and training needed to start up their own cells….all for one common goal. The destruction of the west.
On another note, as I read the news accounts of this arrest I was struck by this report:
A local marksman remembers the guys with the AK-47s as "bad shots."
Randy Swiden, 59, said he remembers the Russian-speaking men were shooting with 20-round clips rather than the typical three-round clips. They were shooting at 50-yard targets, packs of paper plates and milk jugs, and were missing.
Suspicious activity at a public shooting range in Monroe County led an official from the state game commission to tip authorities on what turned out to be an alleged terror plot to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey.
"(The men arrested Monday) allegedly used our rifle range in the Gouldsboro area to train in some tactics," said Tim Conway of the game commission in a phone interview today. "We did recognize a few things awhile back and reported that to the appropriate authorities."
Why should this one account ring a bell for me? Well in July of 1989 one of our biggest intelligence failures, that being Mr. Ali Mohamed, former Army Sergeant and al-Qaeda member, traveled from Fort Bragg to Long Island to train four men at shooting guns. These four men (Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammed Salameh, El Sayyid Nosair, Nidal Ayyad) were part of the cell that would be responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and the Day Of Terror plot to blow up the UN, the FBI headquarters, and tunnels into Manhatten.
He took them to a shooting range in Calverton, Long Island over four weekends in 1989 but no one said anything. Not even the FBI who surveilled them during each and every shooting practice

(More on this incident can be found in Peter Lance’s book "Triple Cross")
This time the FBI did the job right. The infiltrated the group and built a great case against them:
Alarmed by what they had seen on the videotape, store employees contacted the FBI. After the recording was turned over to the FBI, agents used a confidential witness (CW) to infiltrate the group. The CW convinced the plotters that he had the same jihadist goals and that he could get them weaponry needed to carry out the assault at Fort Dix.
[…]The CW, following his infiltration of the Duka Organization, recorded numerous conversations with the defendants, in which they discussed tactics, surveillance and plans for attacking U.S. military bases and killing soldiers, radical theology and hatred of America and support of jihad.
On Aug. 11, 2006, for example, Shnewer was recorded by the CW as Shnewer described his and the group’s intentions in an attack at Ft. Dix: "My intent is to hit a heavy concentration of soldiers…. This is exactly what we are looking for. You hit four, five or six Humvees and light the whole place [up] and retreat completely without any losses."
Hopefully we have all learned a thing or two since then, at least we know this camera shop owner learned something since 9/11. You notice something out of sorts, report it.
Like six men praying to Allah, speaking highly of the 9/11 attackers, and acting strange on a flight.
Report it.
Moonbattery has some examples of the HuffPo idiots calling the plot a big conspiracy:
Sorry. This administration has conditioned me to deem this to be wholly manufactured bullshit. Next !!
George Bush is creating more hate in the World every day that he remains in office.
Sounds like a feeble attempt by the Bu$h administration to recreate the 911 hysteria all over again.
It is time to get Bush and Cheney impeached so that we can get on with fixing the chaotic mess they have created.
Isnt it strange that the US Attorneys office dont seem to know much about these guys but they are perfectly sure about their plans to "kill as many as possible"? This will scare the crap out of the Republiwackos and Reich Wing Christiwackos, but any thoughtful person will see through this as poorly thought out Pentagon Propaganda of the simplist sort.
Another "here we go again"????? Is it fear time? I think it is sad that it has come to the point where we can’t believe anything they tell us! It is the old "they have cried wolf so many times", we are smart to be sceptical!
Yup, all one big conspiracy to scare everyone…..
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Good catch on the 1993 World Trade Center bombing terrorists. Just because someone saw them ‘shooting badly’, doesn’t mean that they didn’t improve later. And with the right automatic weapons at close enough range, you don’t have to be all that good.
Thanks for the mention.
The Huff & Puff commentors have gone past the idiot stage and are now comical. I wonder if they will die laughing if the next group picks their local shopping mall or maybe their chidrens school.
Can someone please inform the idiot left that President Bush cannot run for president again. He actually believes in the constitution unlike the left wingers that like to pick a para here and there.
Also remind them that this was in a blue state where it’s really lucky that someone had a brain (not suffering from BDS) and reported the plans of the home grown terrorists from the religion of murder.
THURS MAY 10 Do Not Confuse the Fort Dix Illegals with Hispanic Migrants Looking for a Better Life