Verizon is Getting a Bad Rap

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Verizon I’ve heard of…but wtf is an "Akon"?  Shows you how "hip" I am not. Apparently, he’s a rap(e) artist. Never heard of him until yesterday. But I imagine your kids or grandkids have. If you haven’t seen the video, here’s a taste of disgust; it should be seen, because it should not be excused. It should not be ignored. It should not be swept under the rug. Unless you approve of simulated rape of a 14 year old concert-goer (what were her parents thinking?!) by a high profile rap(e) artist at his concert. Unless it doesn’t bother you that Verizon does business with this filth. Send Verizon a message, or call (866) 673-9561 from your wireless. Let them know what your views are on their partnership with filth.

Hat tip: Laura Ingraham Verizon I’ve heard of…but wtf is an "Akon"?! Shows you how "hip" I am not. Apparently, he’s a rap(e) artist. Never heard of him until yesterday. But I imagine your kids or grandkids have. If you haven’t seen the video, here’s a taste of disgust; it should be seen, because it should not be excused. It should not be ignored. It should not be swept under the rug. Unless you approve of simulated rape of a 14 year old concert-goer (what were her parents thinking?!) by a high profile rap(e) artist at his concert. Unless it doesn’t bother you that Verizon does business with this filth. Send Verizon a message, or call (866) 673-9561 from your wireless. Let them know what your views are on their partnership with filth.

Hat tip: Laura Ingraham

The Old Curmudgeon mentions the following:

If you really want the corker, go to the Verizon webpage on their "Code ofConduct". The first line is:

"Verizon is proud of its leadership and reputation as a world-class company that is committed to the highest ethical standards."

I wrote to them and threw that back in their face. Not that I individually will have much impact, but it’s part of the big picture.

But collectively, spreading the word and letting Verizon know how we feel, we can all make a difference.

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Verizon dumps Akon

Well….ok, then…