Which Banner is an Embarrassment?

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Banner #1?:

Or banner #2?:

It seems that every year, the lefty blogs like to "celebrate" the carrier speech, "Mission Accomplished". Well, I’ve posted the text of the speech twice since starting my blog in 2005. That’s because I see nothing shameful about this speech; and think it still holds its soup to this day. Read it. It’s a great speech.

Then check out the "informed" opinions of four-star general, foreign policy expert, and all-around patriot, Rosie O’Donnell (compliments of Hot Air):

Watch these next two videos; the second one will give you a good Nelson laugh at the first video. They’re short and worth your while:

Read Michael Medved’s excellent blogpost.  Or, listen to an excellent hour here.

Also blogging:
A Soldier’s Perspective

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U gots us pegged, Rosie! You knows us activ duty Army gize and girlz so well! We iz all so lost and stoopid that the only way we kood get edumacated wuz to scratch our X on the Army listmunt formz! I thank sweet Jeezus the juj and my paroll ossifer talked me intu it ‘cuz they sed da Army wuz full uv feluns like me an I’d hav lots uv frens to help me kill Irakee babees!

You sanctimonious BITCH! You are the worst kind of abuser of free speech: an idiot with a highly visible pulpit and enough gullible idiots in your audience to keep you rolling in cash. My lower intestinal tract regularly produces more tangible intelligence in one “session” than your brain could in a lifetime! You don’t support or love anything military so quit talking like you are acting in our behalf. It is nauseating and we don’t need or want your support!

That last video was good. These moonbat surrender monkeys are so dumb they think everyone else must be dumb too. So when you nail them with facts that contradict their whacked out nincompoopery they just run and hide.