CYA Director, George Tenet Scores a Foul

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Curt adds:

Very interesting part of the interview:

Conservative estimate of 100 to 500 tons [of chemical weapons agent]? I mean, how can you be so wrong?" Pelley asks.

"Scott, we’ve gone through this. It’s what we believed, it’s what we wrote," Tenet says.

"Where did these numbers come from?" Pelley asks.

"From our national intelligence estimate," Tenet says. "You don’t make this kind of stuff up."

"Wait a minute, you did make this kind of stuff up," Pelley remarks.

"No, we didn’t make it up, Scott, we just…," Tenet says.

"It’s not true," Pelley remarks.

"Scott, you’re doing it again, you’re impugning the integrity of people who make analytical judgments and make their best judgments about what they believe of the Iraqis possessed. Intelligence, you know, my business is not always about the truth. It’s about people’s best judgments about what the truth may be. We believed it. We wrote it. We let the secretary down," Tenet says.

Christopher Hitchens slams Tenet a new one.

Previous Posts:
George Tenet-  Spinmeister
George Tenet Stops Spinning and Starts Lying

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“We let the secretary down.” That pretty well sums it up. No regrets about the incorrect judgements presented to the President and the Congress, only regrets that Powell and Tenet embarrassed themselves at the UN. How arrogant and self-serving can you get? Democrats have tried for years to shut down the intelligence community with leaders like this and operations officers like 00-Val maybe we should.

Gee Tenet, tell us something 78% of this country hasn’t figured out already. Big woop! Another liar comes clean! Where were you then before 3300 Americans died Tenet? Blood on your hands too pal!

Tenet: Iraq Nukes in ‘07-’08, NYT: Saddam a year away

Lorie at Wizbang picks up on something George Tenet said in an interview this weekendvideo here:

SCOTT PELLEY, CBS’ “60 MINUTES”: January ‘03, the President, again: “imagine those 19 hijackers this time armed by Saddam&#8…