The Scandal Train Is On It’s Way

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Here comes the scandal train:

Randall L. Tobias, the deputy secretary of state responsible for U.S. foreign aid, abruptly resigned yesterday after he was asked about an upscale escort service allegedly involved in prostitution, U.S. government sources said.

Tobias resigned after ABC News contacted him with questions about the escort service, the sources said. ABC News released a statement last night saying Tobias acknowledged Thursday that he had used the service to provide massages, not sex.

Tobias has been Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s point man in an ambitious effort to overhaul how the U.S. government manages foreign aid, a key part of her "transformational diplomacy" agenda. Just two days ago, President Bush lauded Tobias for his work in the administration leading "America’s monumental effort to confront and deal with the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the continent of Africa."

In an unusual statement issued at 5 p.m., State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Tobias informed Rice "today that he must step down as Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator effective immediately. He is returning to private life for personal reasons."

Contacted last night at his home in the District, Tobias, a former chief executive of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Co., declined to discuss the circumstances of his resignation, saying he would "stick with the statement the State Department released today."

According to ABC News, Tobias said he contacted the escort service "to have gals come over to the condo to give me a massage" and that there had been "no sex" involved.

Well deserved resignation in my opinion.  If he was using escorts then his judgement is not trustworthy.  I have a real problem with this part of the story tho:

Palfrey’s attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, said yesterday that he has been contacted in the past few days by five lawyers asking whether their client’s phone numbers are on Palfrey’s list of 10,000 to 15,000 customers from 2002 to 2006. Some have also asked about whether an accommodation can be made to avoid identifying their clients, which Sibley said he is not able to promise. ABC’s "20/20" is mining that database of phone numbers, Sibley said, for a news report on the more notable of Palfrey’s customers.

"I presume ’20/20′ crews running around with cameras has led to this flurry of activity," Sibley said. "That may cause some people to worry."

With our MSM is there any doubt….ANY doubt that they are mining this list for prominent Republicans while ignoring the side they root for the most….Democrats.

Do not be surprised if we see only Republicans coming out of this list for no other reason then ABC wants that to be the result.  Because you know damn well there are Dem’s on this list who are relaxing with margarita’s in their hands, they know they have nothing to worry about since ABC has their backs.

Get ready for it.

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“Do not be surprised if we see only Republicans coming out of this list for no other reason then ABC wants that to be the result.”

Not sure about that. ABC’s news director Mark Halperin:

– I think we’ve got a chance in these last two weeks to prove to conservatives that we understand their grievances. We’re going to try to do better, but these organizations still have incredible sway. And conservatives are certain that we’re going to be out to get them. We’ve got to fix that.

– If I were a conservative, I understand why I would feel suspicious that I was not going to get a fair break at the end of an election. We’ve got to make sure we do better, so conservatives don’t have to be concerned about that. It’s just — it’s not fair.

Just because the media can be biased doesn’t mean they’re always biased

Don’t worry about this guy resigning. He should as he’s stupid enough to pay for it in a city overrun with whores who give it away.
Ninety five percent of the female democrats in congress (check their background) whore’d their way into money and influence to get elected. I think that takes away all of the democrats right to critize anyone.
Some of the males aren’t tidy bowl clean either. Hanoi John Kerry whore’d his way into everything he has or ever will have.
Now can we call them hypocrites? As for the antique MSM they will do anything while in the throes of dying a slow but sure death. I don’t know one person that will listen to a story from them and ‘take it to the bank’ as gospel truth.

Ian – I would be floored if they really mean this. Time and again we have seen these types go out of their way to twist and bend a story to give the Democrats a nudge over the political finish line. I hope it’s true what Mark says but I highly doubt it.

Scrap – Could care less about him resigning, he should of. Poor poor judgement to be using call girls in such a high profile job.

Democratic and Liberal blogs are already celebrating their victory over this news. My favorite line so far is “The Sex Scandal We’ve Been Waiting For Is Getting Closer! Another Bush Administration Jesus Talker, Randall L. Tobias, Bites The Dust”

Note the obligatory reference to hypocritical Christians.

Note also the obvious reference to how long they’ve been awaiting a chance to get back at Republicans for the Clinton and Monica scandal.

Here’s another thought for my twisted little mind:

They had better wait for the other (left) shoe to drop before they celebrate or they are going to place an enormous foot in their mouths.

Remember, only two names have yet been revealed and they were revealed by a Liberally biased news organization. They won’t reveal names of Democrats until some mole leaks them, and then they will minimize their importance.