Debate Or No Debate?


The New York Times:

And they continue to say, what bias?

Cloture is used by the Senate to LIMIT debate dummies.  It is dishonest and biased to suggest otherwise but alas, nationwide our newspapers are covering it as such.  More proof of media bias? Just take a look at stories printed while the Republicans were in the majority and they voted the opposite:

But now when the Republicans vote AGAINST Cloture:

The New York Times before:

And after:

Here is CNN in 2005:

And today:

Nope, no bias here.

Other’s Blogging:

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Of all people and places, Chris Matthews did a good job on this last night. He had a Dem and a Rep senator on and pointed out that the deadlock was because Dems are putting up a resolution aimed at dividing republican party, and republicans want an up/down vote on whether or not Congress will cut funding for war (which dems are afraid of doing because it would show their constituents that they do not have those balls).

I was really surprised to see Chris bring that out.

btw, Mary Catherine Hamm pointed out that AP has gone way off the AP style handbook in their reporting on this-as FA photos of headlines demonstrates.

Does the “news” media and Harry Reid think we are all complete fools?

It’s amazing that Democrats can even say this stuff with a straight face.

I went back and pulled out Robert Byrd “The Conscience of the Senate” and his longwinded defense of the fillibuster he made when Dems were in the minority.

It makes great reading now that the shoe is on the other foot.