Some Perspective

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I read a comment made yesterday at Hugh Hewitt’s blog that I feel needs to be reprinted:


It is nearly 4 years since the invasion of Iraq began. Let’s compare the progress to date with the same period during the Civil War.

Year 1:

Iraq War – major fighting ends in less than 2 months, Saddam is captured in 9 months

Civil War – The Army of the Potomac is defeated in nearly every battle – Lincoln relieves Gens McDowell and then McClellan, and nearly relieves Grant after losing 13,000 men at Shiloh

Year 2:

Iraq – provisional government formed. First elections held. In the 2nd battle of Fallejuh, the Marines lose 95 men with 500 wounded.

Civil War – Union loses again at Bull Run, wins, but suffers horrible losses at Antietam – 2100 dead, 9500 wounded, then suffers a terrible loss at Fredricksburg – another 12,000+ killed or wounded. Lincoln goes through 3 commanders of the Army of the Potomac

Year 3

Iraq – While the media reports that the insurgency is tearing Iraq apart, the Iraqis hold two elections – one to ratify a Constitution the other to select an assembly. Turnout is higher than in most U.S. elections.

Civil War – Union loses at Chancellorsville – with 17,000 casualties, Lincoln selects his 5th Commander of the Army of the Potomac – the Union actually turns the corner and wins at Gettysburg thanks to tremendous leadership by several senior officers on the Union side. Riots take place in New York, killing 120 people.

Year 4

Four years after the invasion of Iraq, there government is still operational, most provinces are peaceful and the control of the security responsibility is gradually being turned over to the Iraqis
Casualties: 3047 US Dead, 22,834 Wounded

Four years after the bombing of Fort Sumter, Lee finally surrenders

Casualties – Union Only – 140,414 battle deaths, 224,097 non theatre deaths, 281,881 Wounded.

According to the media, Democrats and some Republicans, we are losing the War in Iraq. What would these same people have said 3 years into the Civil War? Would they have suggested a rapid re-deployment into Vermont? Perhaps Jack Murtha would have suggested basing the Army of the Potomac in Iceland?

We are winning, the cause is just and we owe it to Lt Daily and the 3046 other US dead to complete the work they "thus far so nobly advanced".

This comment was made by Mike on the post Hugh wrote honoring Lt. Daily and the beautiful, moving last post made by him.  He was killed serving this country not long after writing it.  If you have not read it, you must.  Go here.

Mike brings up many good points.  All seemed lost after 3 years of war in 1863.  All seemed lost after 3 years of war in 1944.  Both conflicts had VASTLY greater casualties on both sides but our country stood strong. 

We face just as great an evil as Hitler in 2007.  Will we heed the call of Democrats and run and hide?  Or will we face this generations evil head on, toe to toe, and do what needs to be done to protect this country?

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America’s largest military battle ever-and it’s most expensive in blood and treasure-ended only 100 days before Hitler committed suicide: the Battle of the Bulge.