Apparently the Gulf States have more sense then the Democrats….
A new paper issued by an influential Dubai think tank suggests that Gulf states may be prepared to back a US military strike on Iran.
The paper, written by GRC program director, Dr. Christian Koch, makes it clear that the Gulf States view Iran as an existential threat and the paper warns that:
Instead of trying to position itself as the main power in the Middle East that is set on challenging and bringing down US dominance, Iran should truly begin to engage the region and seek broad-based solutions to the region’s urgent problems. Unfortunately, Iran refuses to provide its neighbors with any sort of confidence concerning its ultimate ambitions. From the Arab Gulf perspective, Iranian actions simply look as replacing one bully with another. At a time when the Arab Gulf states are looking for reassurances, Iranian pronouncements of its military capabilities and ability to send thousands of suicide bombers to the other side of the Gulf in response to any US military campaign represents an attempt at intimidation in the least. It is little wonder then that the Arab Gulf states continue to request and depend on US protection given that “export of the revolution”? represents a real threat to their existence. from LGF
And let’s compare this to the Democrats of late:
Carter: “Our Country Has No Reason To Be Afraid
” America’s absolute worst former president says, “Our country has no reason to be afraid.” “We are developing an ingrained hatred for people who aren’t Christians,” said Carter, a Sunday School teacher since he was 18 years old.
Unwarranted fear of terrorism is behind these feelings, he said.
“The distortion that we are about to be destroyed makes us suspicious of those who don’t worship the way we do,” he said. “And our country has no reason to be afraid.”
Wesly Clark : wealthy Jews are pushing the country toward war with Iran
How can you talk about bombing a country when you won’t even talk to them?” said Clark. “It’s outrageous. We’re the United States of America. The Jewish community is divided but there is so much pressure being channeled from the New York money people to the office seekers.”
This was just in the past few days, So it is any wonder why Iran’s ( genocidal madman president) Ahmadinejad is sure he can count on the Democrats to keep Iran safe:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday he did not expect a U.S. attack on Iran because there were plenty of “wise people” in the United States who would not let it happen.
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This is a much bigger deal than imagined. The Gulf states are more in danger of an Iranian hegemony than anyone else, but those tiny little states have some serious firepower.
In December 1998, counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke warned that Al Queda was prepping to attack the US, in the US, during the Christmas/New Years period. He was also involed in at least 3 capture/kill opportunities that the US had on Bin Laden between December 98 and March 99.
Where was our counter-terrorism czar during the highest point of terrorist threat to the US to date?
He was off in the UAE selling specially modified F-16s to his friends there.
This is important not only because the 911 plot was set in motion at this time, not only because the US had FIVE entire carrier battlegroups in the region bombing the hell outta Iraq in a wag-the-dog Operation Desert Fox, but because the UAE was armed with fighter-bombers that at the time were better than any in the USAF!
Those F-16’s are almost the same as the ones Israel bought from us-having been specially designed to fly from Israel to Tehran. I have no doubt that the UAE’s F16’s can do the same.
Now combined
the UAE’s special fighter-bombers
Saudi’s Air Force
the air and naval forces of all the little Gulf States combined
Israel’s Air Force
FIVE American carrier battlegroups
American air bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in the Gulf States
Ya know whatchya get?
A strike force capable of reducing Iran to lawlessness in 4weeks or less.
The military option exists-it’s just limited to strikes, perhaps even strikes and invasion, but there is A MILITARY OPTION that is off the table: occupation.
American forces just can’t occupy everything from Syria to Pakistan.
Speaking of Iran … I happened to notice this news article:
One of the reasons I don’t buy Shell Oil products is that the Dutch parent company gets the majority of their revenue stream from us here in the US. That company is a major player in the development of Iran’s oil and gas infrastructure. A portion of the revenue from every gallon of gas you buy from Shell indirectly goes to develop Iran’s revenue production and eventually goes toward supporting terrorism.