The New Face Of The Black Panther Party

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My regular readers know that I patrol South-Central Los Angeles.  Recently I saw this flyer which, as you can imagine, piqued my curiosity: (click pictures for larger versions)

This document was distributed by a group called the Black Riders Liberation Party, an offshoot of the Black Panther Party started by this man:

Whom they call Taco:

The Black Riders Liberation Party was formed in 1996 by Bloods and Crips in the California Youth Authority college class. As their political understanding grew, especially being inside the belly of the beast, they were able to see up close how oppressive and dehumanizing the system of capitalism is.

They recognized the need for a political party that was going to represent the needs and desires of Black people inside Amerikkka’s neocolonies, the ghettoes.

In late 1996, Chairman Taco was released from prison. Immediately he began to recruit and organize, working especially in areas like South Central and the Jordan Downs in Watts.

Because the Party recognizes that historically the ones with nothing to lose have been the ones to move first, we put emphasis on revolutionizing Bloods and Crips.
Realistically, who’s going to get up and fight first? The man who’s comfortable and warm in his bed or that man that’s uncomfortable and cold on the floor?

One thing we have to realize is that the gangs are already soldiers, and already have a war-like mentality from years of gang warfare. We just have to turn all that anger and rage at the real enemy, the oppressive state, instead of at each other!

Now the above two pages are your typical "revolutionary", "socialist" & criminal mindset (I especially love how this group is composed of Blood and Crip gangmembers) but check out the third page of this document:

The new face of the Black Panther Party.

How special.

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Africa is the richest continent?

LOL!!!! Since when?

What a bunch of buffoons…

What a joke…NOT.

Wow…deja vu. Stay safe out there.

Wow, did they rip pages out of the al-queda training manual to create this? Switch the english or BEV for arabic and both documents are virtually indistinguishable.

Violence solves nothing, but there is much they have to be upset about……

I always find the circular logic of these kind of groups so very entertaining (or it would be if it wasn’t used as justification for the criminal actions of their members). In prison, rather than access to a law library and a radical education, inmates would be better served by some in-depth one-on-one anger management therapy.
If this is your beat Curt, watch your back man.

“Africa is the richest continent?”

In terms of natural resources and potential social wealth quite likely. It’s just that Africa’s been managed as a repository of natural resources by outsiders for so long, first Arab traders and then by European colonists who set up shop to export resources to markets abroad, that it’s not apparent because the bulk of that wealth has always enriched outsiders, either through outright foreign colonization or later by their “big man” proxies such as Amin, Mobuto and dozens of others who did the former colonists bidding under the cover of a black face and national pluralism. The Marxist-Leninist inspired rebels such as Mugabe have proven not much better, still exploiting the social wealth of continent for the near exclusive empowerment of their elite party system, in essence setting themselves and their party up as the Neo-colonist leaders under pretensions of national liberation.

I doubt that Africa can change the tide of rule by exploitation until we free ourselves from it in the so-called first world democracies. That is take away the personhood privileges enjoyed by our own corporations and nullify the effective power of our coordinator class, but first we ordinary non-rich folks need to stop being cowards in awe of 200 year old documents that do little but maintain a social peace beneficial to the exploiting classes. First we must refuse to be afraid or to be intimidated into alliances with our own political and economic elite.

“violence solves nothing”?

“give me liberty or give me death”

-Patric Henry

“We must either love each other, or we must die”

-Lyndon B. Johnson

“War – An act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy, to accomplish our will.”

-George Washington

“violence is american as cherry pie”

-H. Rap Brown (Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin)