Riehl World View does an excellent job in his latest post of tearing apart another AP story. The title of the AP article:
Many soldiers say troop surge a bad idea
But Dan Riehl finds that the article title is a bald faced lie. Here is the beginning paragraph of the article:
Many of the American soldiers trying to quell sectarian killings in Baghdad don’t appear to be looking for reinforcements. They say the temporary surge in troop levels some people are calling for is a bad idea.
The Word "many" from the Websters Dictionary:
consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number
So in effect the AP is stating that a large amount of troops do not agree with a troop surge, but when you look at the article we find that a total of three soldiers don’t agree with the troop surge. Those being Sgt. Josh Keim, Capt. Matt James, and Sgt. Justin Thompson.
While 1st Lt. Sean McCaffrey, Pfc. Richard Grieco, Staff Sgt. Anthony Handly, and Staff Sgt. Lee Knapp believe a surge will do some good.
3 against a troop surge, 4 for a troop surge.
Sound like "many"?
Dan Riehl:
And they wonder why we don’t trust the AP, or E&P. Headlined as it is, this story is a farce.
Just another day in the world of the Asshat Propaganda machine.
See author page
I can hear the AP editors crying out right now, “Curses! Blogo’d again!”
Wanna have some real fun, include the email address of the writer, the AP content/comments/feedback, and their editors.
imo, that should be included in every blogosphere article that points out their lies.
just my opinion though.
I am the mother of PFC Richard Grieco. I know he thinks that if they send more troops those in charge should have a clear plan. I also know the soldier out there are tired and have little time to sleep or eat. They still need our support!
Thank you