Milblogger Down

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Milblogger J.R. Salzman who blogs at Lumberjack In A Desert has been injured in Iraq.  His right arm has been amputed below the elbow and one of his fingers on his left hand is gone: (h/t Blackfive)

it is hard for me to tell you all this but i was hurt by an ied here. my right arm has been amputated below the elbow, my left has four working fingers. my legs are fine so l can still logroll! i am on my way to the hospital in germany, then back to the states for more care. i am in high spirits. i am going to be ok, but i will have a long road to recovery. please remember me in your prayers, as well as those who were injured with me. i will let you know more as time passes.


The post is dated December 21st so he should be in Germany by now.  Keep him in you prayers.

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Linked ya. Blackfive says J.R.’s at Walter Reed now. Now’d be a great time for a Valour IT plug.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. God bless him. What a strong individual!

Left him a comment, btw, in his subsequent post from Walter Reed.