If you haven’t seen Tony Blairs speech from yesterday you should. I put together a 5 minute video below of some of the good stuff:
You can find the whole text here as well as the more video. All in all a great speech, and one that I wish Bush would give.
It can be broken down into one theme. While a free country loves the fact that other cultures travel far and wide to come here but once here respect the very laws that made you want to come here in the first place.
About time a world leader said this.

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Tony Blair’s comments were on target, but I can’t help but wonder if some of his proposals are too little, too late. Among other things, his calls for educational reforms, “stressing British values and unity” are bound to face hostile protests and cynicism from Britain’s left-leaning elites. They have a sizeable presence in government, academia, and the news media.
Blair did not single out these folks, but they appear to be part of the problem. Some of their core values, after all, are the same as the Islamists: a burning hatred of Israel, America, and even Western culture. By some accounts, their values have trickled down to many ordinary Britons.
Some of the elites to whom I refer: London Mayor Ken Livingston; left-wing Parliamentarian Diane Abbott; and Nobel laureate Harold Pinter. Abbott, incidentally, whipped up tens of thousands of pro-Hezbollah Brits at a rally during the recent war in Lebanon.
On another front: Blair seems to be in denial about the scope of Muslim extremism in Britain when he says, “Most Muslims are proud to be British and Muslim and are thoroughly decent law-abiding citizens.”
It’s an odd comment in light of polls like one recently published in the London Times. It showed that 1 in 10 British Muslims regard London’s suicide bombers as “martyrs,” while 16 percent (150,000 adults) condemned the attacks but felt “the cause was right.”
Obviously, Tony Blair’s government has much work to do.
Oh, I agree completely. They have a loooooong way to go but at least Blair decided to give this speech in the first place. While he may not be successful, and recent history bears this out, you have to give him a thumbs up for trying to bring some common sense into Britian.
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