The blog Stop October Surprises was started a few weeks ago. His mission is to find out who is behind that bogus blog Stop Sex Predators blog that came out of no where and incredibly received the smoking gun that outed Foley.
I am going to “out” the identity of the StopSexPredators blog. Why? Because I hate dirty politics, because our country deserves better. I am sick of these October surprises (aren’t you)? This one is going to cost you, the taxpayer, big time. The FBI doesn’t work for free nor do your Congressmen and their staff. No, it probably won’t change the outcome of the upcoming elections… what moron would change his vote because Foley couldn’t keep away from the youngsters?
StopSexPredators is bullshit. It’s not what it says it is. It was a clever trick, bought by many in the MSM (that’s main stream media), to get the Foley info into the mainstream just in time for the election. How clever? But apparently clever enough since so many were so easily fooled.
The author has been doing some detective work and found a very large connection with the group called Human Rights Campaign:
Send the moron an email using a tracing tool like ReadNotify, wait until the email is read.
This little adventure all started with a simple email sent from an account ‘’. One of the persons behind StopSexPredators, using the email address ‘’, read this email from several network locations. (Don’t think physical location, think network location.)
Others pinned the idiot to the Royal Oaks area of Michigan (again network location), which is true. But I caught said moron reading the email account from the address This address is ‘owned’ by the HRC. Not smart.
And then he did the same thing yesterday:
I sent two emails to in the past 24 hours.
The first one was another trace sent under the made up email address “” and the second one directly from my email account here ( with an invitation to read this very blog.
Both were read back to back and a visit to this very blog occurred moments later. Oh, yea, again from the HRC, same IP address as the original.
[…]Visit record to this blog:
Referring Link No referring link
Host Name
IP Address
Country United States
Region District Of Columbia
City Washington
ISP Human Rights Campaign
Returning Visits 0
Visit Length 0 seconds
Browser MSIE 6.0
Operating System Windows XP
Resolution 1024×768
Javascript Enabled
Which is quite interesting. Why you ask? Well, recall the name Brian Smoot, which I blogged about here:
Gateway Pundit is reporting that he has been told who the FoleyGate spy is:
This much was revealed- “There is very strong speculation that Brian Smoot is one the high ranking democrats who knew of the Foley scandal months before the news broke on September 29, 2006.”
He then points us to this Redstate analysis done last week:
Let’s follow this chain of events, which may be coincidental and may not be coincidental:
In August of 2004, Rodney Alexander’s Chief of Staff, Brian Smoot, and five other staffers abruptly quit because Alexander switched to the GOP. National Journal reported on August 13, 2004, that the Chief of Staff “sharply criticized Alexander for switching parties.” The Chief of Staff and five staffers were promptly hired by minority leader Nancy Pelosi.
In November 2005, Alexander is notified by a couple in his district that the couple’s son had gotten emails from Mark Foley that were not really kosher.
In October of 2006, we find that Alexander’s former Chief of Staff is now running the congressional campaign of Ron Klein in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District against Republican Representative Clay Shaw — a district that shares a major media market with Mark Foley’s district.
Tie this together with the information that a tipster just emailed me with. A little factoid that is even more interesting….the Political Director at HRC is one Samantha Smoot.
Is she related to Brian? Is she the one receiving the emails to Stop Sex Predators? Is she the one behind the Stop Sex Predators?
No answers yet but it’s getting a bit more interesting.
UPDATE 10/25/06 2045hrs PST
There appears to be a major update to this story at The American Thinker:
One blog site that has been tracking the SSP site, warns that if HRC doesn’t come clean about its role in this Republican gay outing campaign, it will be exposed on Friday:
Open letter to Joe Solmonese:
It is your responsibility to rid the HRC of the SSP gang. It is important for you to do so; doing nothing is connivance.When I started this pursuit (or stumbled in), I knew nothing of the HRC or its mission. I am now thoroughly aware of how many people rely on the HRC to forward the rights of the LGBT community. Underhanded tactics of a few not only tarnish the organization but also its mission.
If you do not act, I will. Friday is your deadline or I name names.gtl
Update: So who’s calling? The MSM (main stream media), that’s who.
I was told about this post in the comment section this morning but when I visited the site it didn’t have that post up. Clarice visited later and saw that the post had been replaced:
This is what SOS now has on its site:
Today I received a comment on this blog as follows:
Brad Luna said…
“The email exchanges in question between former Congressman Mark Foley and a House page have been in the possession of bloggers and media outlets for some time now. Yesterday, it came to our attention that an HRC employee, hired just last month to work for us in Michigan, was responsible for initially posting these emails on his blog. We investigated the matter, determined that HRC resources had been inappropriately used, and let him go. No one at the Human Rights Campaign, other than this individual, had any knowledge of his activities,” said Brad Luna, Spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign.
I have emailed Brad asking for confirmation of this statement (and some others things).
Interesting developments. I’m not sure I by the “just hired last month” timeline tho.
I have since tried to get onto Stop October Surprises without success, it gives me a error….unsure what is going on with that.
UPDATE 2300hrs PST
The Stop October Surprises site is back up with this update:
Update: I know who this employee is, and have for some time, but I cannot prove that he has been fired. I will let others go after that for now. There is more to this story… It seems to me that the HRC has more work to do in this matter, and I communicated that message to Brad Luna.
I still don’t believe they hired this guy conveniently after he started the StopSexPredators blog…..just don’t believe it.
UPDATE 10/26/06 2240hrs PST
Word from a tipster that the fired HRC employee and probable StopSexPredators is one Lane Hudson.
UPDATE 10/27/06 1530hrs PST
It appears the blog Fresh Intelligence is trying to steal SOS thunder by releasing the name of the person who was fired by HRC. They did come up with this new information tho:
Susan Horowitz, the publisher of Between the Lines, a gay weekly newspaper in Michigan, said Hudson arrived in Michigan on September 30 and had been attending get-out-the-vote events as recently as yesterday.
[…]Hudson, a onetime staffer to Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC) and former Democratic South Carolina Gov. Jim Hodges, is 29.

See author page
Been at work all day so have not been able to follow the goings on with that story. Interesting, I wonder if it indeed is Mrs. Smoot?
A poster on another blog I follow called the HRC for comment on the issue and they acknowledged they found out one of their staff from Michigan was indeed involved with the SSP blog and that HRC had terminated that staff member.
Could explain why the post was taken down at SOS, because they may have emailed him about their actions.