Bring On The Biased Polls

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Another week, another bogus poll. This one by Newsweek:

If the elections for Congress were held today, according to the new NEWSWEEK poll, 60 percent of white Evangelicals would support the Republican candidate in their district, compared to just 31 percent who would back the Democrat. To the uninitiated, that may sound like heartening news for Republicans in the autumn of their discontent. But if you’re a pundit, a pol, or a preacher, you know better. White Evangelicals are a cornerstone of the GOP’s base; in 2004, exit polls found Republicans carried white Evangelicals 3 to 1 over Democrats, winning 74 percent of their votes. In turn, Evangelicals carried the GOP to victory. But with a little more than two weeks before the crucial midterms, the Republican base may be cracking.

But as anyone who follows polls knows, the demographics of who was polled is quite important to the final result. Take a look at who they polled:

37% of those polled were Democrats while 26% were Republicans. An 11% difference! And this poll is not biased? Come on.