The Zucker GOP Ad


Now this ad is just freakin brilliant!

Unfortunately it looks like the GOP won’t be using it on their campaigns:

The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained an exclusive copy of a “scary” campaign advertisement created by Hollywood producer and director David Zucker that was intended to be used by GOP organizations in the closing weeks of the 2006 campaign.

However, the advertisement was deemed “too hot” by GOP strategists all across Washington, DC who have refused to use it!

[…]One GOP strategist said “jaws dropped” when the ad was first viewed. “Nobody could believe Zucker thought any political organization could use this ad. It makes a point, but it’s way over the top.”

Zucker is the producer and director of comedies such as “Airplane” and “The Naked Gun.” In 2004, Zucker, a longtime Democrat, embraced the Republican Party based on concerns he had about national security issues and voted for President George W. Bush.

Oh please, why doesn’t the GOP grow a pair and stop worrying about hurting someone’s feelings. Better to get the truth out there, which this ad does immensely well.

Well, anyway, lets hear it for David Zucker. Recall he made this ad during the last election: (via Hot Air)

[flv:clubforgrowth.flv 400 300]

And Allah found another great one from Move America Forward:

And don’t forget the one released by Move America Forward last week:

[flv:ClintonTerrorism.flv 400 300]

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I bet most Independents would see this and say, “But Clinton and Albright have been out of the picture for six years. If North Korea is a big threat, then why the hell are we relying on China (and other Asian players) to negotiate with them for us?”

You have got to be joking? Well let me see:

President Clinton – in some of his most strident language to date – warned Sunday he will not let North Korea develop a nuclear bomb.

But you see, that tactic of one on one negotiations that Clinton was so proud of just gave Kim all the material he needed to get the job done:

The secret North Korean uranium-enrichment program — to which they confessed in October 2002 — had been in operation since 1997 or 1998. If the North Koreans were cheating in 1998 because they already knew that Bush would be elected and invade Iraq, maybe Kim Jong Il really is the bizarre paranormal being he sometimes seems.

Actually, the North Korean cheating wasn’t the least bit surprising. The CIA had thought North Korea wouldn’t comply with the agreement all along. “Based on North Korea’s past behavior,” the CIA reported in 1995, “the [intelligence] community agrees it would dismantle its known program, [only] if it had covertly developed another source of fissile material.”

The U.S. came to believe in 1997, for instance, that North Korea had built an underground nuclear facility in Kumchang-ri. The administration still dishonestly maintained that all was well with the Agreed Framework. On July 8, 1998, Albright told Congress, the Agreed Framework had “frozen North Korea’s dangerous nuclear-weapons program.” When intelligence about the suspect site at Kumchang-ri became public in August 1998, Albright told frustrated senators at a hearing that she hadn’t known about the information until later in July. The head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, present at the hearing, had to interrupt her: “Madame Secretary, that is incorrect.” She had been told many months earlier.

It was clear by the late 1990s to honest observers that North Korea still had a nuclear-weapons program, while it was spreading missile technology far and wide and battening itself on U.S. support in keeping with the Agreed Framework. In response to congressional outrage, the administration tapped former defense secretary William Perry in late 1998 to review its North Korean policy. He said in March 1999, “What they’re doing is moving forward on their nuclear weapons.” He added, “We believe this is very serious. The long-range-missile program itself suggests in parallel the development of a nuclear weapons program.”

Lets not forget all those other negotiations that went well for Clinton, Arafat being his shining star…..that went real well.

This chronology will show you all the mistakes made by your pal Clinton, and all the bribes he handed over:

The final agreement, which Clinton dubbed “a very good deal indeed,” called for the United States to provide the North Koreans with $4 billion worth of light-water reactors and $100 million in oil in exchange for a promise to be good and an assurance that inspectors would be allowed to poke around at some indeterminate point down the road.

At the time, Kang Sok Ju, the chief North Korean negotiator, bragged that “the complete elimination of the existing nuclear program will only come when we have the light-water reactor in our hands.” In other words you pay first, we stop later.

In the end we have North Korea playing Clinton like a fiddle to get what they wanted and Bush finally calling them on it:

North Korea announced January 10, 2003 that it was withdrawing from the NPT, effective January 11. Although Article X of the NPT requires that a country give three months’ notice in advance of withdrawing, North Korea argues that it has satisfied this requirement because it originally announced its decision to withdraw March 12, 1993. Since then, whether North Korea remains an NPT state-party is ambiguous.

According to the “agreed framework” the spent fuel from North Korea’s 5-megawatt reactor at Yongbyon was to be put into containers as soon as possible (a process called “canning”) and removed from the country. The canning process, conducted with U.S. financing, began April 27, 1996 and was finished in April 2000. However, North Korea refused to ship it and the spent fuel remains in North Korea today.

Anyone with a properly functioning brain, Harry, can see this all happened before Rove the magnificent bastard was assigned an office in the west wing of the White House.

Two years later the Bush administration confronted Pyongyang with proof that they had reprocessed it into weapons-grade plutonium. North Korea admitted to doing so. Last night is further proof. According to the CIA, the amount of fuel is sufficient for several nuclear weapons.

So in reality what Zucker made was a funny ad showing the inept conduct by Clinton’s regime which ultimately led to a nuclear Korea. If he would have shown some balls in the first place maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation. But then again it’s the same story for Iraq….nothing but inept appeasement from a President whose legacy is a joke.

I flagged this as ‘Bad Comedy’. Albright is fugly? Yeah, I think SNL covered that topic… back in 1998. Lil’ Kim is a little goofy? Yep, that’s been covered, too. I do have to give this video a little bit of credit, it makes Zucker’s BASEketball movie seem funny by comparison.

No offense, but this ad just doesn’t work if you aren’t a hard-core Republican. I bet most Independents would see this and say, “But Clinton and Albright have been out of the picture for six years. If North Korea is a big threat, then why the hell are we relying on China (and other Asian players) to negotiate with them for us?”

It’s not worth the cheap laugh and to call the Republican party stupid for not running it is immature.

I’m sick of Republicans criticizing and harping on the party over the stupidest things.

This is one of them.

It would not be worth the fallout of using those stills.
to get her fans riled up.

Sorry but when I see the USS Cole with a big whole in it I get heartsick, and I don’t feel like laughing.

Shoot me -I’m as stupid as the Republican leadership.

I’m sick of the immaturity of Michelle Malkin, and how she takes cheap shots at the party just


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