Our First Muslim Political Leader

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Will be Keith Ellison. Don’t know him? You should. Powerline, along with the blog Minnesota Democrats Exposed, has been writing about him for the last four months and they have done extensive research about this dangerous man. Pretty much all of this post is from facts and documents found by these two blogs who we are all indebted to in exposing this man for what he is.

This is a man who was a Nation of Islam mouthpiece. He has an extensive history of supporting those who kill cops. He, at one time, wanted the United States to be partitioned so that all blacks would get their own nation…..you think I’m kidding? Think again.

This article
, found by Minnesota Democrats Exposed, is written by Keith Hakim…an alias used by one Keith Ellison. In it he writes about the need to pay money to people whose great-great-grandfathers were sold into slavery. Because you know, they are still in such dire straights:

Black people would not accept money obtained through the exploitation of other oppressed nationalities. Whltes would have to tax themselves, or, as usual. borrow from the Japanese. Hopefully, this tax scheme could be severely progressive. Hopefully, poor whites and whites who fought white supremacy would pay the least but, of course, this wouldn’t be my concern.

Flnally, blacks would have the option of choosing their own land base or remaining in the United States. Since black people toiled most diligently in the southeastern section of the United States this land quite naturally, would be most suitable. That means Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Louisana, and Mississippi. Blacks, of course, would not be compelled to move to the black state and of course peaceful whites would not be compelled to move away.

He has, of course, stated he is a changed man. That it was only during his young college days, for a period of 18 months and that he had no idea they were so anti-Semitic. Of course the whole country knew this but somehow it never occurred to Keith. He wrote a letter (Page 1, Page 2) to the Jewish Community Relations Council claiming all of these facts along with the fact that he left the Nation of Islam years ago.

The fact is that he wrote editorials for local papers as early as 1988 which sung the praises of the Nation of Islam. He doesn’t dispute this fact but then in 1995 he wrote an article for Insight magazine in which he wrote, using the alias Keith X Ellison:

Minister Farrakhan is a role model for Black youth; however, he is not an anti-Semite. He is a sincere, tireless and uncompromising advocate of the Black community and other oppressed people and around the world. Despite some of the most relentless negative propaganda anyone has ever faced, most Black people regard him as a role model for youth and increasingly, a central voice for our collective aspirations.

I am sensitive to members of the Jewish community who have been lead to believe that Minister Farrakhan is anti-Jewish. I believe they should do two things: engage in dialogue with Black people who support Minister Farrakhan (which includes Cornel West, Jesse Jackson, Ben Chavis, Dorothy Height and many others) and urge their leadership to engage in the dialogue that Minister Farrakhan proposed at the Million Man March.

Then, in 1997, he defended a young lady by the name of Joanne Jackson of the Minnesota Initiative Against Racism (MIAR). Ms. Jackson said that Jews were the most racist white people she knew. This caused quite the furor and Keith came to the rescue, this time using the name Keith Mohammed. At a meeting in front of MIAR he defended Ms. Jackson. Powerline has the details:

The published statement parallels Ellison’s 1995 Insight News column. Given Parsons’ account of Ellison’s statement and the parallels with Ellison’s 1995 column, the Nation of Islam statement appears to me to be Ellison’s handiwork. In part the published statement reads:

We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to [Ms. Jackson], and by her right to express her views without sanction.

Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite. Minister Farrakhan is a tireless public servant of Black people, who constantly teachers self-reliance and self-examination to the Black community….

Also, it is absolutely true that merchants in Black areas generally treat Black customers badly….

The last sentence alludes to another of Jackson’s alleged statements, wherein she provided a personal basis for characterizing Jews as “the most racist white people” she knows. Ellison’s May 28 letter acknowledges only that others supported Jackson’s alleged statement in the controversy while vaguely addressing his own statment (“While some at the meeting justified her comments, I spoke out in favor of increased dialogue…”).

And then we have the latest bombshell. A picture found by Minnesota Democrats Exposed of Mr. Ellison with multiple copies of The Final Call, a Nation of Islam paper, in 1998 during a protest against police brutality.

Some have said this doesn’t mean he was a member, he could have just picked it up. The problem with this is that usually if your gonna pick up a paper you pick up ONE copy. He has multiple copies as if he is handing them out. Given his background of being a member of the Nation of Islam, defending the Nation of Islam in editorials and at various meetings, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that he was still a member in 1998.

In fact Insight Magazine wrote an article in 1998 which stated the very same thing, he was a member of the Nation of Islam:

Ellison-Muhammad, who says his affiliation with the Nation of Islam doesn’t mean he isn’t running to represent all the people in his district, feels the critical issues on the table include criminal justice, education, and economic development….

Anticipating possible criticism for his NOI affiliation, Ellison-Muhammad says he is aware that not everyone appreciates what the Nation does and feels there is a propaganda war being launched against its leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan….”For the record, however, I am opposed to the subjugation of any class of persons on account of their religion, national origin, race, sex, or gender. I reject anti-Jewish attitudes from whatever source.

So he is now distancing himself from the Nation of Islam. Is this a purely political move to help him get re-elected? Or is he really a changed man? How about his support for local Communist groups in the area and his support of Sarah Olson? More from Powerline:

As a practicing attorney, Ellison has been an active member of the Minnesota chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. Ellison, in fact, has served as a member of the Guild chapter’s steering committee.

The National Lawyers Guild appears to have acted as a Communist front organization through much of its history, and it was recognized as the legal bulwark of the Communist Party in the United States by the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities in 1950. Even Walter Goodman’s The Committee, an unfriendly history of HUAC, provides evidence (at page 407 note 8) that tends to support HUAC’s characterization of the Guild.

In recent years, the Guild has embraced “every anti-America, anti-capitalist, anti-war, anti-Israel, and ‘anti-imperialist’ cause in vogue among the far left and declare[d] itself ‘dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system.'” In Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left, David Horowitz describes the Guild as an organization with a long history of “political agitation on behalf of radical and terrorist groups accused of violating [federal internal security measures].” A good example illustrating Horowitz’s point is the Guild’s active support of Palestine Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian.

Another good example is the Guild’s support of Minnesota’s own Sara Jane Olson (formerly Kathleen Soliah, hereinafter referred to as “Soliah/Olson”). Soliah/Olson is the former Symbionese Liberation Army member who participated in the 1975 Crocker Bank robbery in Sacramento that resulted in the murder of Myrna Opsahl. Following the robbery, Soliah/Olson attempted to murder police officers in Los Angeles with three pipe bombs planted under two police cars.

Soliah/Olson was indicted for the attempted bombing in 1976. Not long after the attempted bombing, the SLA broke up for good and its members went their separate ways. Soliah/Olson stayed with the SLA gang to the bitter end and then forged a new identity, calling herself Sara Jane Olson. She had her name legally changed to Sara Jane Olson after her apprehension on the Los Angeles charges in St. Paul in 1999, twenty-four years after the crimes for which she had been indicted.

Soliah/Olson became a cause célèbre for Minnesota radicals, Minnesota members of the National Lawyers Guild foremost among them. John Hinderaker and I dubbed Soliah/Olson’s Minnesota supporters “Kathy’s Clowns” in a 1999 column. At a February 2000 National Lawyers Guild fundraiser for Soliah/Olson, Keith Ellison declared Soliah/Olson “a black gang member” with the implication that she was the subject of politically-inspired persecution by law enforcement authorities.

At one point in his speech he stated: (Powerline has the whole speech here.)

I am praying that Castro does not get to the point where he has to really barter with these guys over here because they’re going to get Assata Shakur, they’re going to get a whole lot of other people, they just want to get them so badly. They just want to throw them away. And so, I hope the Cuban people can stick to it because the freedom of some good decent people depends on it.

Assata is a convicted cop-killer who escaped and fled to Cuba.

This means in 2000 Mr. Keith Ellison was calling cop-killers “decent people”.

Now he is campaigning for Congress. Scary thought right? You don’t know the half of it. Last month he enlisted Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, to help raise funds for his campaign. We all know that CAIR is a front group for the fanatical Islam proponets across the world. Powerline, as usual, details some background on Nihad:

• Nihad Awad publicly declared his enthusiasm for Hamas at Barry University in Florida in 1994: “I’m in support of Hamas movement more than the PLO.”

• This same year, according to the Weekly Standard, when Mike Wallace of CBS’s “60 Minutes” asked Awad if he supports the “military undertakings of Hamas,” Awad stood up for the terrorist group and told him, “The United Nations Charter grants people who are under occupation [the right] to defend themselves against illegal occupation.”

• In an August 19, 2006 interview on C-Span’s Washington Journal, Awad rationalized suicide terrorism by suggesting it’s really about fighting injustice. He refers to the writing of author Robert Pape on the subject: “He found out that it [suicide terrorism] has more to do with occupations and fighting injustice than religion. It really responds to the myth and the known notion now that has been used by several commentators and some politicians as a cliché because it sounds maybe dramatically well but factually it is not.”

• Shortly after September 11, 2001, Awad and CAIR placed on their website a picture of the World Trade Center in flames and under it a call for donations. It read, “What you can do for the victims of the WTC and Pentagon attacks,” and by clicking on “Donate to the NY/DC Emergency Relief Fund” one was unsuspectingly sent directly to the website of the Holy Land Foundation. A week later, the wording of the site was changed, as visitors to the site were directly told to “Donate through the Holy Land Foundation.” The link was on CAIR’s website until early December 2001, when the information mysteriously disappeared.

• On December 4, 2001, the reason for the disappearance was apparent, as the Holy Land Foundation’s assets were blocked by the United States government for funneling money to Hamas. According to the White House website, “The U.S.-based Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development [provided] millions of dollars each year that [was] used by HAMAS.”

• On Sept. 16, 2000, at a Washington rally sponsored by CAIR, AMC, and MPAC, Awad declared: “They [the Jews] have been saying ‘next year to Jerusalem,’ we say ‘next year to all of Palestine!'”

Add all these events and facts together and you have the making of a very dangerous man if he is elected to Congress. Which for all intents and purposes appears to be a shoo-in.

So five years after 9/11 we will now get to welcome the first Muslim to Congress, one who is backed by CAIR. Not only that, he will be the first defender of cop-killers to get elected to our Congress.

Just warms your heart doesn’t it?

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