The Moonbat Arizona 9/11 Memorial, Update III

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If you had not heard already the Arizona 9/11 Memorial Commission will be meeting after the November election to decide whether some of the offensive inscriptions will be removed:

Arizona’s 9/11 Memorial Commission will reconvene to re-examine the language of some of the new monument’s inscriptions after a hail of criticism in the past week, its chairman said.

Billy Shields, the commission’s chairman and president of the United Phoenix Fire Fighters, said Friday he would wait until after the November election to reconvene the memorial commission. He expressed outrage, saying Sept. 11 victims and their family members should not be politicized.

[…]Shields said panels on the memorial carrying the inscriptions could easily be modified. But he said he would oppose any change to the memorial’s design.

[…]Shields said he is still proud of the memorial.

Man, this is one firefighter I already do not respect. He would oppose changing a inscription that reads “You don’t win battles of terrorism with more battles” and “Erroneous US air strike kills 46 Uruzgan civilians” when they are on a memorial to honor the victims of that day…..

But if this reader of the local paper is indictive of the residents inside Tucson then they have an uphill battle in getting this thing righted:

What’s insulting here is that those calling for the removal or revision of the monument have essentially accused anyone who dares disagree with them of being dishonorable, anti-American and unpatriotic.

What’s shameful is how Munsil and the state Republican Party are trying to inflame emotions on this issue and exploit the 9/11 tragedy in a blatant bid to boost Munsil’s long-shot campaign for governor.

You see, this is the typical liberal response to an attack….claim that all they are doing is disagreeing with us. Fine, then write a letter to the editor. Sign up for local protests. Vote for a liberal in the next election. Write a book. Hell, there are many ways to disagree but when you put up a memorial to the victims of that day full of moral relavitism then you disgrace the memories and the legacy of those victims and their families.

This article depicts a different side of Tuscon however (who am I to talk living in the Socialist State of Kalifornia right?)

While a pair of East Valley lawmakers say they want the Legislature to take action against a Sept. 11 memorial they call an “insult” to the victims of that day’s terrorist attacks, the commission charged with approving the placement of the memorial in Wesley Bolin Plaza will review the monument’s controversial laser-cut inscriptions “and see if some of them could be removed,” the panel’s chairman said.

Former state Sen. Tom Smith, chairman of the Legislative Governmental Mall Commission, also said the commission hadn’t made it a practice to review the wording of any memorials.

“We sure as heck will do it in the future,” he told The Associated Press.

[…]”The Capital Mall Commission is responsible for the placement of the memorials that go into Wesley Bolin Plaza,” he told The Associated Press. “Therefore, I think we have not only the responsibility but we have the authority to make any changes if something’s happened that’s inappropriate.”

[…]Mr. Smith told The Associated Press on Sept. 27, that it never occurred to him during the February meeting to check on details of the inscriptions’ wording.

“We never thought anything would be inappropriate,” he said. “It didn’t sound like there would be anything controversial.”

He also said he didn’t think his commission was misled. “No, I think we could have been naïve”

Rep. Russell Pearce, R-18, told Arizona Capitol Times he plans on submitting legislation next session to tear down the existing memorial, which was recently dedicated on the five-year anniversary of the 2001 attacks, and build a new one.

[…]Regardless of how changes must be made, Mr. Pearce said he is determined to make sure they happen. He said he is considering putting a measure on the 2008 ballot asking voters to approve the changes, and he joked that he would take the memorial down himself if he had to.

“We’re not going to let it stand – we’re going to rectify it, one way or the other,” he said. “If I have to come over with my own hammer, enough is enough. I’ve got a hammer that will take this down.”

I love that. I know that I would volunteer to bring my hammer and tear down this disgrace piece by piece.

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