Those Evil Interrogation Techniques

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Please tell me this is a joke…THIS is the terrible torture techniqued used by the CIA?

The techniques sought by the CIA are: induced hypothermia; forcing suspects to stand for prolonged periods; sleep deprivation; a technique called “the attention grab” where a suspect’s shirt is forcefully seized; the “attention slap” or open hand slapping that hurts but does not lead to physical damage; the “belly slap”; and sound and light manipulation.

Several of those techniques chime with information gleaned about interrogation methods used against some serious terror suspects. The New York Times recently reported that Abu Zubaydah, the first al-Qaida member captured after the September 11 attacks, was kept in a freezing cell until he went blue, and later assailed with loud Red Hot Chili Peppers music.

My god, are these people out of their freakin minds…..the horror these terrorists must have gone through! I do believe they make have forgotten the “raised voice”, the “stuck out tongue”, the “hand in warm water when asleep”, “stern look”, and the dreaded “panties on head”…../sarcasm

Blue Crab Boulevard has some techniques that may work also:

The McCruelty: Subject will be forced to consume twenty seven cups of a certain fast-food establishment’s coffee in a row. Then will find out the restroom is out of order.

The TeleHorror: Subject will be strapped to a seat in front of a wall sized flat-panel television. Barney will be playing. On endless loop.

The Nosmo King: The subject, if a smoker will be sent into a room with 500 cartons of cigarettes, all his favorite brand. No matches will be provided. If a non-smoker, subject will be strapped to a chair in a sports bar during the playoffs. Of several sports.

But seriously, every soldier alive has gone through much worse then that, just in boot camp. A shirt forcefully seized…..geez. I’m actually at a loss for words to explain how anyone cracks under these techniques. A 10 year old could stand up to this kind of stuff.

This just confirms what we’ve known all along. The left and their shrill cries for the end of Gitmo are just plain idiotic. If you have a leader of Al-Qaeda detained and he has information that may save soldiers and civilians lives but you find it offensive to get him a little chilly and slap him in the face then you should just hang it up. Your a victim just waiting to happen.

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