Collusion With The Enemy

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Michelle Malkin has been out front in the story of an AP photographer with many ties to Al-Qaeda:

Over the past five months, I have pestered the Associated Press for answers about one of its photographers, Iraq-based Bilal Hussein. As noted here in April, Hussein’s photos have raised persistent questions in the blogosphere about his relationship with terrorists in Iraq and whether his photos were/are staged in collusion with the enemy. Military sources informed me then that Hussein had been captured by American forces in a building in Ramadi, Iraq, with a cache of weapons.

Now the AP has printed an article blasting the detention of Bilal in Iraq:

The U.S. military in Iraq has imprisoned an Associated Press photographer for five months, accusing him of being a security threat but never filing charges or permitting a public hearing.

Military officials said Bilal Hussein, an Iraqi citizen, was being held for “imperative reasons of security” under United Nations resolutions. AP executives said the news cooperative’s review of Hussein’s work did not find anything to indicate inappropriate contact with insurgents, and any evidence against him should be brought to the Iraqi criminal justice system.

Hussein, 35, is a native of Fallujah who began work for the AP in September 2004. He photographed events in Fallujah and Ramadi until he was detained on April 12 of this year.

“We want the rule of law to prevail. He either needs to be charged or released. Indefinite detention is not acceptable,” said Tom Curley, AP’s president and chief executive officer. “We’ve come to the conclusion that this is unacceptable under Iraqi law, or Geneva Conventions, or any military procedure.”

But in the same article note that he was with a Al-Qaeda leader when he was arrested, found explosives in the house where he was arrested, and found traces of explosives on his person:

The military said Hussein was captured with two insurgents, including Hamid Hamad Motib, an alleged leader of al-Qaida in Iraq. “He has close relationships with persons known to be responsible for kidnappings, smuggling, improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and other attacks on coalition forces,” according to a May 7 e-mail from U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Jack Gardner, who oversees all coalition detainees in Iraq.

“The information available establishes that he has relationships with insurgents and is afforded access to insurgent activities outside the normal scope afforded to journalists conducting legitimate activities,” Gardner wrote to AP International Editor John Daniszewski.

[…]The military said bomb-making materials were found in the apartment where Hussein was captured but it never detailed what those materials were. The military said he tested positive for traces of explosives.

but in the same article state:

In Hussein’s case, the military has not provided any concrete evidence to back up the vague allegations they have raised about him, Curley and other AP executives said.

This is the kind of picture we get from Bilal:

You can only get this kind of picture by being buddy buddy with those who kill our troops. And now we should feel sorry that this kind of photographer is being detained? The AP states in the article that just because he was with the terrorists at the time of capture, that doesn’t make him one of them. Baloney. If a reporter is colluding with the enemy, he must be caught and detained until he can no longer help those who kill our troops.

Michelle reminds us of this recent document found in Saddam’s possession:

Document ISGQ-2005-00026108.pdf dated July 25 2000 is a report from an Iraqi Intelligence officer to different Iraqi Intelligence Directorates talking about information provided to them from a trusted source that works in the Associated Press (AP). The information is about the formation a newly formed UN weapons inspectors team called UNMOVIC.

Take a look at that document and now this statement from the AP:

“Journalists have always had relationships with people that others might find unsavory,” she said. “We’re not in this to choose sides, we’re to report what’s going on from all sides.”

Yeah…..we believe ya.

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If you let me be in charge, as far as I’m concerned we could parade the little scum thru Baghdad with his panties on his head, then behead him and give the video to al Jazeera.