Now this is very very bad news:
Osama bin Laden, America’s most wanted man, will not face capture in Pakistan if he agrees to lead a “peaceful life,” Pakistani officials tell ABC News.
The surprising announcement comes as Pakistani army officials announced they were pulling their troops out of the North Waziristan region as part of a “peace deal” with the Taliban.
If he is in Pakistan, bin Laden “would not be taken into custody,” Major General Shaukat Sultan Khan told ABC News in a telephone interview, “as long as one is being like a peaceful citizen.”
This news came out yesterday after news that Pakistan has effectively given up parts of their country to the Taliban: (via The Fourth Rail)
The news of the Pakistani government signing a truce agreement with the Taliban in North Waziristan is far worse than being reported. We raised the alarm early morning on September 4, and newly uncovered information on the terms of the agreement indicate Pakistan has been roundly defeated by the Taliban in North Waziristan. The “truce” is in fact a surrender. According to an anonymous intelligence source, the terms of the truce includes:
– The Pakistani Army is abandoning its garrisons in North and South Waziristan.
– The Pakistani Military will not operate in North Waziristan, nor will it monitor actions the region.
– Pakistan will turn over weapons and other equipment seized during Pakistani Army operations.
– The Taliban and al-Qaeda have set up a Mujahideen Shura (or council) to administer the agency.
– The truce refers to the region as “The Islamic Emirate of Waziristan.”
– An unknown quantity of money was transferred from Pakistani government coffers to the Taliban. The Pakistani government has essentially paid a tribute or ransom to end the fighting.
– “Foreigners” (a euphemism for al-Qaeda and other foreign jihadis) are allowed to remain in the region.
– Over 130 mid-level al-Qaeda commanders and foot soldiers were released from Pakistani custody.
– The Taliban is required to refrain from violence in Pakistan only; the agreement does not stipulate refraining from violence in Afghanistan.Al Rayah – the flag of al-Qaeda. Click image to view.
The truce meeting was essentially an event designed to humiliate the Pakistani government and military.
Today that same General who told ABC they would not arrest Bin Laden changed his story:
The government of Pakistan today denied it would allow Osama bin Laden to avoid capture under terms of a peace agreement it signed with Taliban leaders in the country’s North Waziristan area.
“If he is in Pakistan, today or any time later, he will be taken into custody and brought to justice,” the Pakistani ambassador to the United States, Mahmud Ali Durrani, said in a statement.
The ambassador said a Pakistani military spokesman, Major General Shaukat Sultan, had been “grossly misquoted” when he told ABC News Tuesday that bin Laden would not be taken into custody “as long as one is being like a peaceful citizen.” The comments were recorded in a telephone interview with ABC News.
It’s obvious that the Pakistani government received a great deal of heat about Bin Laden but the part that worries me is that they have ceded control of a portion of their land to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Have they found their Islamic State?
The Pakistani government has ceded a region the size of New Jersey, with a population of about 800,000 to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. The establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan is not the end of the Taliban’s expansion, however. An intelligence source indicates similar negotiations between the Taliban and the Pakistani government are being held in the agencies of Khyber, Tank, Dera Ishmal Khan and Bajaur. The jihadi dreams of al-Qaeda’s safe havens in western Pakistan have become a reality.
This cannot be allowed to happen. Once they gain a foothold country like this Wazieristan they can expand from there back into Afghanistan.
One question I have tho. Since Pakistan is basically allowing them to make a new country, does this effectively give the US the freedom to go into that country without violating the terrortory of Pakistan? Could this be Pakistans plan all along. Knowing they can’t do the job but we can.
Rick Moran is pessimistic that we can take of them:
If 80,000 Pakistani troops couldn’t deal with al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the province then there is little that NATO could do unless there was a massive increase in the alliance’s commitment to the fight.
I’m sorry, you cannot compare NATO troops to our military. Recall the disdain people had when we told the world the Taliban’s days were numbered in Afghanistan. Our military would wipe these guys out in a matter of weeks in that area. That does not mean they wouldn’t run deeper into Pakistan but once flushed into the open Pakistan then wouldn’t have as much trouble taking care of them.
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Waziristan will now be the new home-base of Al Qaeda and the Islamofascists and Target number one for the USA.
“Any vote for any House or Senate Democrat is a vote against victory and a vote for vulnerability. Vote for victory. Vote Republican.” – Hugh Hewitt
Wordsmith: You war dog!
That’s exactly what I was thinking…
It’s about time we went in and took care of business in that lawless region of Pakistan.
It’s only been part of Pakistan due to British map makers in the early 20th Century.
It’s also the first region where a young military cadet, Winston Churchill, first fought the “Mohammadens” in what was then part of India.
Other than our own obsequience to our ally Musharaff we have no other block against entering this region and solving the problem.
Somehow I don’t think we will do it. You know all those Democrats who ask “Where’s bin Laden” will leap to their feet and object to any effort to enter Waziristan and find him.