The New York Times will never let us down. They pick a Saturday on a holiday weekend to print a Armitage story about the fact that he was the leaker in the Plame affair. What a bunch of bozo's:
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 – An enduring mystery of the C.I.A. leak case has been solved in recent days, but with a new twist: Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the prosecutor, knew the identity of the leaker from his very first day in the special counsel's chair, but kept the inquiry open for nearly two more years before indicting I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, on obstruction charges.
Now, the question of whether Mr. Fitzgerald properly exercised his prosecutorial discretion in continuing to pursue possible wrongdoing in the case has become the subject of rich debate on editorial pages and in legal and political circles.
There is no question. He did not exercize his prosecutorial discretion from day one and the simple fact that he kept the Armitage info secret is proof enough. Just amazing. I mean come on, this kind of "question" comes from the very paper that printed the Wilson lie about the results of his trip as FACT. When his debriefing has proved it was all a lie.
Mr. Fitzgerald's decision to prolong the inquiry once he took over as special prosecutor in December 2003 had significant political and legal consequences. The inquiry seriously embarrassed and distracted the Bush White House for nearly two years and resulted in five felony charges against Mr. Libby, even as Mr. Fitzgerald decided not to charge Mr. Armitage or anyone else with crimes related to the leak itself.
The Administration knew that they were in the clear on this one. No one was "seriously embarrassed" because a bunch of KosKiddies believed the conspiracy theories that Karl was going to be frogmarched out of the White House.
The fact is that Fitz knew that Armitage was the leaker from day one and never once let it be known. He continued his charade for two years costing us taxpayers to pay for a waste of an investigation for what? To get a assistant to the VP on perjury charges.
Anyone with any common sense would realize this was kept going for one reason and one reason only, to hurt the Bush administration.
But it's come back to bite em' in the ass.
Fitzgerald used his position to vindictively disparage the Bush administration. He knew who the originally leaker was from the start but decided to ignore the truth in his crusade against the Administration. If anyone should be up on the stand testifying as a defendant it's Fitz.
I missed this when it first came out. Apparently ole' Joe responded to the news about Armitage to his fellow compadres at DummiesU:
You may have seen this morning's editorial in the Post. It manages to recycle pretty much every lie and smear over the past three years in a last ditch effort to divert attention from the facts, and the role the Post itself played both in the march to war and in the leak (see Woodward).
I know many of you are better versed in Plamegate than either Valerie or I and I also know that some of you will be addressing the editorial.
I want to let you know how much Valerie and I continue to be buoyed by your support and your dedication to getting the truth out and holding the administration and its lackeys accountable for the terrible policies they have foisted on our country and on the world. We must keep fighting.
As you think about this, our website ( has a copy of the letter I sent to the SSCI when its report first came out, challenging some of its conclusions. The LeftCoaster has a terrific study by eriposte on the whole Niger forgery case from beginning to end. Firedoglake and the Next Hurrah both have highly informative analyses of the case by skilled researchers and former prosecutors. I recommend them all as resources to jog memories. by this afternoon, I expect that our own team will have an updated set of talking points to distribute for your use as well.
Each of you in one way or another has contributed to the public's (and in many cases our own) understanding of the issues from the beginning. Thank you for continuing to do so.
Joe Wilson
Ahhh…how cute. He feels all safe and warm inside when surrounded by his fellow lefties. He tells his followers that it's all lies, you should only believe firedoglake and the other lefties since they are the only one's who know the REAL truth.
Sure thing Joe.
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Fitzgerald used his position to vindictively disparage the Bush administration. He knew who the originally leaker was from the start but decided to ignore the truth in his crusade against the Administration. If anyone should be up on the stand testifying as a defendant it’s Fitz.

See author page
Hey Curt!
I go away for ONE week for a fly-fishing trip and all heck breaks loose!!! LOL
**puff puff** trying hard to catch up on my reading so will be back later. There is so much going on now that it makes one’s head spin, doesn’t it? I am back though, and it looks like just in time to see the crap hit the fan in more ways than one.