First reported on ABC's The Blotter on Thursday, a new tape is coming from Al-Qaeda:
Another al Qaeda tape may be coming.
According to the SITE Institute, a private group which tracks Arabic websites, an advertisement from al Qaeda's multimedia production company, as-Sahab, started running on password-protected jihadist forums today. The short ad headlined "An Invitation to Islam" also features photos of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri and a man who appears to be Azzam the American aka Adam Gadahn.
Al Qaeda called on non-Muslims especially in the United States to convert to Islam and abandon their 'misguided' ways or else suffer, according to a video tape posted on a Web site on Saturday.
The speaker was identified as Azzam the American, also known as Adam Yahiye Gadahn — an Islamic convert from California wanted for questioning by the FBI and who U.S. authorities believe to be involved in an information campaign for al Qaeda.
"To Americans and the rest of Christendom we say, either repent (your) misguided ways and enter into the light of truth or keep your poison to yourself and suffer the consequences in this world and the next," Gadahn said in English.
He appeared in the video dressed in a white turban and seated in front of a computer and books.
Al Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawhari made a brief statement at the beginning of the tape — dated Sept. 2006 — urging viewers to listen carefully to the message, entitled: "An Invitation to Islam".
From The Counterterrorism Blog:
Al-Qaeda's latest tape, believed to be the work of Muslim convert Adam Gadahn, is a remarkable example of al-Qaeda continuing to pursue this rhetorical strategy. It is, in fact, al-Qaeda's most blatant attempt to appeal to Westerners. In the very first sentence of the tape, Gadahn states that "[f]our years after the blessed raids on New York and Washington," the people of the West are "continuing to speculate about the causes and objectives which lie behind those historic events and subsequent developments." Gadahn says that there is no excuse for Westerners' uncertainty about al-Qaeda's objectives, since "the mujahedeen have been unambiguous in stating, in stating their methodology, objectives and the reasons for their armed struggle against the crusaders and they have not hidden anything." The rest of the tape is designed to outline al-Qaeda's objectives, and explicitly frames their terrorist attacks as a response to Western aggression.
Speaking to Westerners, Gadahn states that if leaders like President Bush and Prime Minister Blair "really had your protection in mind, they would have heeded the mujahedeen's demands for justice and withdrawn from the Muslim world. If they really cared about protecting you, they would have responded positively to Sheik Osama's proposal for a truce with the European nations, instead of arrogantly dismissing his initiative with the false claim that quote, 'We don't negotiate with terrorists, and that in any case, al Qaeda has no demands to meet.'"
The most remarkable passage of Gadahn's videotape urges Westerners to overthrow their leaders in order to find peace with al-Qaeda:
It is clear from what we have just explained that you, the people of the West, now have two mutually exclusive paths from which to choose. Rid yourself of your current leaders and governments and their anti-Islam, anti-Muslim policies or suffer the consequences. Rise up against your leaders ? crusaders beholden to Zion who claim to be ruling according to popular will ? yet ignore opinion polls and two-million-strong marches. . . . Removing your world rulers is the logical choice for you, the people of the West. As for the alternative, it is the path which you are currently following, the path of [Slobodan] Milosevic and Bush and Blair and their unending campaign of terror, the path of death and suffering and ultimately defeat.
The fact that al-Qaeda has chosen to tailor its message to appeasement-minded Westerners cannot, at this point, be reasonably denied.
The talking points laid out by the American traitor and Zawahari sound awfully like the Democratic talking points don't they? They say Bush isn't winning in Iraq….check, they ask why Bush isn't pulling soldiers out of Iraq….check, they talk about the "desecration" of the Koran at Gitmo….check, they call Bush a liar and a defeated President…..check.
Should a commercial be made with Adam side by side with Pelosi, Dean, and Reid? I mean they all say the same thing.
The talking points laid out by the American traitor and Zawahari sound awfully like the Democratic talking points don’t they? They say Bush isn’t winning in Iraq….check, they ask why Bush is pulling soldiers out of Iraq….check, they talk about the “desecration” of the Koran at Gitmo….check, they call Bush a liar and a defeated President…..check.
The video can be viewed at Laura Mansfield.
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Al Qaeda and the Dems; allied together in their hopes to defeat America and the Republicans.
How pathetic.