A Liberals Wet Dream

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The left never ceases to amaze me. Many of the more fringe on the left believe that 9/11 was a planned Government operation. Ok, we can usually dismiss these guys because they are…well, just plain nuts. But then something like this comes along:

Digital channel More4 will court controversy once again this autumn with a fictional piece, shot as a documentary, about the assassination of the US president, George Bush.

Death of a President seems certain to cause a furore on the other side of the Atlantic when it is premiered at the Toronto film festival next month.

In the UK the 90-minute film will be broadcast first on Channel 4’s digital service in October.

The drama takes the form of a fictional documentary looking back at the assassination of Mr Bush in October 2007, after he has delivered a speech to business leaders in Chicago.

When Mr Bush arrives in the city he is confronted by a massive demonstration against the Iraq war and is gunned down by a sniper as he leaves the venue. The hunt for Mr Bush’s killer focuses on a Syrian-born man, Jamal Abu Zikri.

Death of a President will use a combination of archive footage, CGI special effects and scripted scenes.

Actors play the fictional secret service agents and other aides who are with Mr Bush when he is shot and recall the incident in interviews recorded for the retrospective documentary.

Death of a President also looks at the differing viewpoints of the pro- and anti-Iraq war lobbies and the impact of Mr Bush’s war on terror on the US.

“I’m sure there will be people who are upset by it. But when you watch it, you realise what a sophisticated piece of work it is,” said Peter Dale, the head of More4.

“It’s not sensational or simplistic, it’s thought provoking.”

Death of a President has been made by Borough Films, the independent producer responsible for two similar BBC2 fictional pieces in the style of retrospective documentaries.

It has been produced by Gabriel Range, Simon Finch and Ed Guiney.

Mr Range and Mr Finch previously worked on two similar projects for BBC2, The Day Britain Stopped and The Man Who Broke the Bank, before settting up Borough Films.

And I can no longer dismiss them. In all my life, I have never seen such vile hate that is now spewing from liberals. What the hell is going on in the brains of these loons? They long for the death of another human being because they feel he is a bad President. Not once was a film like this made during the loooooong 8 years of Clinton’s presidency. But the left cannot think about anything else other then killing our President.


Be that it may I am not one that would want this liberals wetdream banned from our shores. I say bring it on, let the rest of the people in this country see you people for what you really are….hate filled socialists with no message other then kill the President.

Here are some thought provoking thoughts from the Dummies at DummiesU

Sentinel Chicken Aug-31-06 08:46 AM
Response to Original message
4. So who’s the villain?

Greeby Thu Aug-31-06 08:19 AM
Response to Original message
4. Makes sense that the Mock-up photo shows Shrub clutching his gut

If it went through his head, he wouldn’t notice :evilgrin:

And then look at some of the comments left at the newspaper webpage:

The hopes of six billion people across the world were raised by the first three words of your headline – then dashed by the next four.

– Kate, Southampton, Hampshire

UPDATE 1300hrs PST

Rick at Right Wing Nut House found this post by The Mahablog in which the writer attempts to detail why he/she doesn’t want Bush assassinated:

I’m just saying I don’t want Bush to be assassinated. Really, truly. Here are the top ten reasons why:

10. Regular television programming would be pre-empted for days, except maybe for the Super Bowl.

9. News coverage of the assassination and state funeral would shine the rosiest light possible on the President’s memory, causing some viewers to think maybe he wasn’t so bad, after all. (In fact, this might be the only way Bush could get his approval numbers over 50 percent again.)

8. Darryl Worley would record a song about it.

7. For the next several months you wouldn’t be able to pass a supermarket tabloid rack without seeing pictures of Bush and Jesus — together forever.

6. You’d have to listen to your wingnut father-in-law rant about it all through Thanksgiving dinner.

5. The Right collectively would become even more paranoid than it is already.

4. For the rest of your life, you’d have to listen to people referring to Bush as a “martyred president.”

3. The assassination would fuel a whole new generation of conspiracy theorists.

2. Bush wouldn’t live long enough to see what historians will write about his presidency.

1. Dick Cheney.

What knee-slapping humor huh? Almost busted a gut with that one, so clever.

Funny thing is I highly doubt it was meant as comedy. Most of us know the left feels exactly the same way. They could care less about the murder of our elected leader, but they do care about the inconvenience to their lives.

Hot Air looks at the history of the film maker and it’s a doozy:

Its director, the aforementioned Mr. Range, has a history of making alt-future films from the conspiracy theory perspective. Look him up on IMDB and you get the following film titles:

The Man Who Broke Britain (2004) (TV)
Supersleuths: The Menendez Murders (2003) (TV)
The Day Britain Stopped (2003) (TV)
The Great Dome Robbery (2002)

[…]Verdict: Gabriel Range is just another lefty fantasist who’s hoping President Bush gets killed. He joins loudmouth radio shocker Randi Rhodes, part of the Florida Democrat party and dozens of other unhinged leftwingers in this fantasy.

Jeff Goldstein at his best:

this is very likely a bit of slapdash fodder designed to exploit the BDS crowd, and as such, it strikes me as cynicism trying to pass itself off as “art.” Let the feverish lefties lap up such unpasteurized agitprop. Hopefully it’ll give ‘em a fine case of the Bangs.

And The Anchoress at her most eloquent:

This much hate backfires on the hater. You’d think they’d know it by now, but they don’t, of course. They always overplay their hand. They can be counted on to do it.

I feel kind of sorry for the people who – undoubtedly – are multiple-orgasming over this story today. You know what sites to visit to find them, if you must seek them out. I feel sorry for them because this is all they are, loyal subjects enthralled to a Kingship of Hate, which is an evil and a real oppressor, although they don’t think they’re oppressed – well, except by that evil moron, Bush, who is keeping them from living freely or speaking out while they sip their lattes.

Just as prayer is a force, and love is a force, hate is a force, too. It has power, horrible, destructive power. And the worst part about the power of hate is that it is so often invisible – it cannot be seen – its effects cannot be seen until much later. Its effects are not immediately clear, as with a hurricane, or even “eventually” clear, as with a child loved into being.

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I’m a hard core Liberal and I don’t want Dubya assasinated, far from it. I want him impeached and thrown in jail for the rest of his miserable life along with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and many many more. I want him to live a long healthy life surrounded by concrete and steel walls.

Our politics have been unspeakably vile for a loooooong time now. The longer the Left is out of power, the loonier and uglier they become. Remember the CBS bio-fantasy about Reagan that was such a tissue of lies it aired only on cable? This is more of the same, though I agree it hits a new, all-time low.

Meanwhile, we have our own harpies. What about Ann Coulter’s piece on Frontpage magazine.com titled, They Shot the Wrong Lincoln?

Horrible, disgusting, and pathetic. That’s what I think of this supposed “docu-drama”; I am a Canadian, and I am embarrassed at the left wing loons in my country.

President Bush is a beautiful man; he’s not perfect, but he is a fine leader. Goodness…compare him to some of the crackpots who have a socialist agenda. It’s not even close. I agree though–let everyone see what the Left is really like with the showing of this “film”…they will never hold power with kooks like this promulgating their views.