Illegal Immigrants Get Financial Help For College

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A few days after criminal immigrants put a Mexican flag up a flagpole on Government property the state of California approved legislation that will give taxpayer money to illegals so that they can go to school:

Students who came to the country illegally could apply for state financial aid when they attend California colleges and universities under legislation approved Tuesday by the Assembly in a party-line vote.

Supporters said immigrant children who have graduated and completed at least three years of high school in California should not be penalized for their parents’ decision to bring them to the U.S. illegally.

“It is one small measure to help these kids that are working their butts off to live the American dream,” said Assemblyman Hector De La Torre, D-South Gate.

The bill would build upon existing state law that allows the same group of students to qualify for in-state tuition at California public schools and community colleges based on high school attendance, rather than U.S. citizenship or state residency.

Critics said offering financial aid to illegal immigrants would short-change needy American students already competing for a small pot of money.

“We’re talking about limited resources here,” said Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, R-Irvine. “There’s only so much that can go around. It’s a slap in the face to people who have followed the rules.”

Lawmakers approved SB160 by a 43-27 vote, with no Republicans supporting it, and sent it to the Senate for final approval. Aides to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he had taken no position on the bill.

So not only do these immigrants break our laws by being here illegally but they now can apply for financial aid for school. Tell me exactly what kind of policies do we have in effect that deter people from coming here illegally?

That’s right. There is none. We give them free medical care, welfare, free schooling, and now financial help for college.


And sad.

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we can not blame any particular group of people for trying to obtain something that not even u.s citizens really work towards achieving or care about. And lets not forget that 94% of this community work hard here for us and with us. And people “can not” ignore that they also are taxpayers and donators to this country as well, illegal immigrants also see a tax deduction in their payroll but they do not receive many of the benefits as I think they should. so don’t forget that we also benefit from them living in this country because they also are taxpayers and contributors. so… just a thougth.

The fact that no Republicans favored SB 160 is “wacky” and “sad.” Going to one of the most expensive schools in California, I can relate to “competing for a small pot of money.” And as a registered Republican, I understand the hesitation behind helping undocumented people. However, helping immigrant students who are assimilated into America is definitely necessary. Let’s remember the students who are going to be benefiting from this Bill are intelligent. There is no way this money will be poorly spent because in order to receive any financial aid, you have to be one of the best. This student has to be academically successful, well rounded, and in all, assimilated into the “system.” Having worked many times with inner-city students, I know first hand how the mentality of an undocumented student works, “Why should I study if I’m not going to be able to go to college and get a good paying job.” Every time I am told something like this, my heart breaks. These students with potential then lose all hope and resort to violent illegal paths, costing the government even more money. The program is estimated to cost 7.3 million dollars, which is a small price to pay for the future of positive members of society.

Thats just the begining, then they get to get out of school and practice their artistic skills on our walls and fences. then they get to move up to robbery and car theft, and eventually get free room and board in a prison payed for by us. Hopefully they don’t kill any cops on their way to this end, but if they do, the media will blame the dead cop for it…The ACLU will sue the cops family. it all works out for the best.

Those illegal immigrant kids shouldn’t have been here in the first place. Maybe the federal government should close the borders first to prevent illegal immigrants coming to the u.s. in the first place? And the kids who are already here…well, they are here. Better educate them rather than turn them into criminals. It’ll be even more costly.

Why do some Americans get mad when illegal immigrants get financial aid when U.S. Citizens have the chance to study they just let go the opportunity go and perform do drugs and sex we just should let them study and probably some day they will become our leaders that some U.S. Citizens couldn’t do.