Mexican Flag Raised On United States Government Land

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I’ve been meaning to post on this disgusting display for the past few days. Take a look at what the pro-criminal Mexicans did in Maywood, CA:

Yup, thats a Mexican flag they hoisted above the local Post Office.

Here is some video of the Mexican flag being raised on United States Government land: (best viewed in Firefox)

(Video shot by AmericanPatriot77 from Save Our State)

And here is some video that shows the kind of crowd these pro-criminal Mexicans bring in:

(YouTube has removed the video…how special)

After the demonstration the anti-illegal immigrant demonstrators from Save Our State found many of their cars damaged:

At the end, the Police escorted us to our vehicles amongst the angry mobs of goons. I am sorry to say that a few of us parked of Flora Street had our cars damaged. Four or five of us had our tires slashed. In addition, Sandinator and we had our cars spray painted. In addition, our car also had the rear window completely smashed in and the passenger side keyed.

Not only that but during the Demonstration some of them were assaulted, including the police when they took down that flag:

Maywood blocked the streets that lead to our disignated parking area. This forced many Americans to walk through the crowd of goons & thugs to reach our assigned rally location. The city of Maywood knew exactly what they were doing. One of our female patriots ventured through and was assaulted by several cowards with mexican rags(flags). An ambulance was called. She is sore but ok. An ABC reorter was present when Kele told of her assault, they were told but were not interested in interviewing her. Yes they got the hell out of there as soon as they could. Its obvious they are told what story to get before they even show up to make their reports. BASTARDS at ABC7 in Los Angeles!

We were threatened by lowlifes which was highly entertaining most of the time. of course no CBS, ABC cameras on them.

When officers lowered the mex flag from the post office they were pelted with water bottles and rocks. Yes these illegal alien morons that live in Maywood have ZERO respect for law enforcement even in RIOT GEAR!

While the local MSM outfits pretty much ignored the story a few at SoS took some pictures to record the whole thing: (click to see larger)

This one shows the intelligence of the youngsters in attendance:

And now some pics of those few brave ones who don’t just say they want illegal immigration stopped, they act on it:

Meanwhile we have the LA Times doing a story about those poor immigrant souls who are not allowed to stay, I mean one of them was only convicted of spousal abuse…no reason to kick her out right?

And then this story about the Border Patrol trying to rescue a illegal immigrant from drowning. Great story right? Well except for the fact that some men on the other side of the fence began throwing rocks at the agents. One rock hit one of them on the head which prompted them to open fire when they were about to throw another rock. They killed the scumbag. But to hear the Mexican authorities you would think they just opened fire for no reason:

Miguel Escobar, Mexican consul in Yuma, said the Mexican Consulate would monitor the situation as it develops.

“We are concerned about acts of violence affecting Mexican nationals, and we will keep close watch in regard to the development of this particular case,” Escobar said.

Big hat tip to Cop the Truth for those two stories.

These kind of stories are not rare, such as this one from Oregon:

In a large raid preceding the harvest season, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department has seized 2,500 marijuana plants with a street value estimated at up to $12.5 million.

Two men found at the scattered gardens near Hyatt Lake on Monday remain in Jackson County Jail on immigration holds and the investigation is continuing, Jackson County Sheriff Mike Winters said.

Officials had watched the growing operation, believed to be linked to a Mexican drug cartel, and swept in Monday to destroy it just before harvest time, sheriff’s Lt. Pat Rowland said.

Or the Los Angeles based school that teaches their students to hate America:

Academia Semillos del Pueblo (ASDP), a charter school partially funded by the Los Angeles Unified School District, claims it only wants to help disadvantaged Latinos to earn a quality education. The school’s true agenda, however, is far more radical and far more dangerous. Judicial Watch recently launched an investigation of the ASDP by filing a California Public Records Act request. Here is a small sampling of what we’ve uncovered so far:

  • The school’s principal, Marcos Aguilar is a Mexican revolutionary radical who allegedly led a group of Latino students to seize a faculty lounge at UCLA in 1993 and set it on fire, causing $50,000-$100,000 in damages. In 2003, he told an interviewer with UCLA, “Ultimately, the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction.”
  • The ASDP’s 8th Grade U.S. History class is called, “A People’s history of Expansion and Conflict,” which includes, “A thematic survey of American politics, society, culture and political economy; Emphasis throughout on the nations the U.S. usurped, invaded and dominated; Connections between historical rise of capitalism and imperialism with modern political economy and global social relations.”
  • The school received a founding grant from the radical organization, National Council of La Raza (The Council of The Race). The NCLR, along with other members of the “reconquista” movement, reportedly intends to reclaim much of the Western United States, which they call, “Aztlan,” a fictional ancestral homeland occupied by the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America.

The apathy towards these incidents is the thing that upsets me the most. It’s almost become ho-hum to us.


Other’s Blogging:

Yup, thats a Mexican flag they hoisted above the local Post Office.

Here is some video of the Mexican flag being raised on United States Government land

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I am STEAMING mad!!!

This has got to stop. Come November I will be voting for a 3rd party candidate. Obviously Arnold is not doing anything to solve this problem and Angelides might as well call himself a reconquista agent.

I will be voting for Art Olivier for Governor in California come November. I think this guy is the real deal. If you are from California, check out this link I think this guy is the real deal! Spread the word!

It is time to vote for someone who will do something to stop the illegal immigration problem.