Iran’s Saber Rattling

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So August 22nd is fast approaching and here we have Iran not only telling the world that they will not stop enriching Uranium:

Hamid Reza Asefi, a foreign ministry spokesman, said on Sunday: “We are not going to suspend [enrichment]. The issue was that everything should come out of negotiations, but suspension of uranium enrichment is not on our agenda.”

Iran said it would formally respond by Tuesday to proposals made by the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany.

Suggesting Iran will not give a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’, Asefi said: “As the proposal has had several dimensions, our answer will be multi-dimensional too.”

But they also denied access to their nuclear sites by the UN:

Iran has turned away U.N. inspectors wanting to examine its underground nuclear site in an apparent violation of the Nonproliferation Treaty, diplomats and U.N. officials said Monday.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the confidentiality of the information, told The Associated Press that Iran’s unprecedented refusal to allow access to the facility at Natanz could seriously hamper international efforts to ensure that Tehran is not trying to make nuclear weapons.

While at the same time testfiring their missiles during military training exercises….what timing:

Iran test-fired 10 surface-to-surface short-range missiles on Sunday, a day after it launched a series of large-scale military exercises throughout the country, state-run television reported. The Saegheh missile had a range of between 50 and 150 miles, the report said. It did not specify whether the missile was capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, but it was not believed to be.

Iran said it launched the new military exercises Saturday to introduce a new defensive doctrine.

[…]Iran already is equipped with the Shahab-3 missile, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. An upgraded version of the ballistic missile has a range of more than 1,200 miles and can reach Israel and U.S. forces in the Middle East.

[…]Iran’s military test-fired a series of missiles during large-scale war games in the Persian Gulf in March and April, including a missile it claimed was not detectable by radar that can use multiple warheads to hit several targets simultaneously.

My guess the next event will be Kofi sending the Iranians a strongly worded letter….they’ll show em.

Ok, seriously now, it’s quite apparent the threat of sanctions does not worry Iran. Why should it? They have plenty of friends in the neighborhood (including Russia and France) who will help them out. They will not allow sanctions to take effect anyways so its foolish to even talk about it.

No, its apparent that Iran is determined to finish the uranium fuel cycle and in so doing gain the bomb. It doesn’t matter that they signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, they know that most of the world doesn’t have the gonads to do anything except rattle their sabers. Except for Israel and the United States.

They will string us along for a few years in the hopes that the next President is more Clinton like, meaning a big wuss. That way the next President will talk Israel out of taking actions against Iranian nuclear sites

And they get the bomb.

The left and anti-war people believe once Iran gets the bomb they will all of a sudden become a level-headed group of Mullah’s. They wouldn’t attack Israel, I mean that would be suicide. No matter that the fanatics believe that dying while fighting the enemy (meaning killing innocent men, women and children) will ensure they meet 72 virgins.

No, if they get that bomb things will be getting quite messy.

Other’s Blogging:

My guess the next event will be Kofi sending the Iranians a strongly worded letter….they’ll show em.

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The left and anti-war people believe once Iran gets the bomb they will all of a sudden become a level-headed group of Mullah’s.”

They said the same thing about Hamas and HB when they became part of the “government”. We all saw how well that worked out.