Kerry At It Again


The “war hero” John Kerry has begun whining again:

Sen. John Kerry accused the Bush administration on Saturday of stirring up a “spirit of intolerance” to suppress dissent over the war in Iraq.

Kerry said the Bush administration is targeting opponents of the Iraq war in much the same way he was attacked for protesting failed policies in Vietnam in the 1970s.

“Dismissing dissent is not only wrong but dangerous when America’s leadership is unwilling to admit mistakes, unwilling to engage in honest discussion and unwilling to hold itself accountable for the consequences of decisions made without genuine disclosure or genuine debate,” said Kerry, D-Mass.

“Although no one is being jailed today for speaking out against the war in Iraq, the spirit of intolerance for dissent has risen steadily, and the habit of labeling dissenters as unpatriotic has become the common currency of the politicians currently running our country,” he said.

So free speech applies only to the minority party now? The majority party members cannot let the American people know what they think of those who put our country at risk for political reasons?

This coming from the guy who lied about the “war crimes” being committed in Vietnam, the guy who violated our laws by meeting with the enemy in Paris, and the guy who received a less then honorable discharge (which was upgraded by king moonbat himself Jimmah Carter). Now he wants to tell us that those who give our secrets away to reporters should not be held accountable!

“[…]unwilling to hold itself accountable for the consequences of decisions made without genuine disclosure or genuine debate,”

He has to be talking about himself here since he has yet to release his military records which would show his lies.

I mean does anyone really believe that if we were talking about President Bush not releasing his military records, that they wouldn’t be “leaked” to the “unbiased” press about 3 minutes after he refused? Instead we get zip from the MSM about Kerry’s lies while they cover his every word like so:

Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), in an address to a standing ovation at Boston’s historic Faneuil Hall, said that those who disagree with the Bush administration’s policies are being stifled. “Some, like Cindy Sheehan, have been arrested,” said Kerry. “One man has been shot by Vice-President Cheney. Others are frightened into silence by stories of torture and terror of those who have fallen into the clutches of this evil administration.”

“Bush Administration demands that the media be fair and unbiased in their reporting have sent a ‘chill’ through newsrooms across America,” Kerry continued. “Broadcasters and editors have been intimidated into withholding criticism of the President’s reckless war on terror. As a result, voters are inundated with pro-administration propaganda from virtually every news media outlet. My friends, our country is headed into a dark abyss of fascist oppression unless voters return control of congress to the Democratic Party.”

Yup, you read that right. People are afraid to talk about the Administration in a negative light or they will be tortured and shot by Cheney…..

Someone needs some medication real quick I believe.

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No lies, all the records have been released. Senator Kerry also in not interested in bringing down this administration, only in moving America along on a path of truth and justice. Besides, President Bush doesn’t need any help bring down the administration, he is doing a fine job on his own.
Believe what you want about the wiretaps, Gitmo and the necessity for this war, history will judge the actions of this irrational,short sited man you call President. As for those of us who question the scope of the wiretaps and the extent of the abuses at Gitmo along with the justification for this war, we feel compelled to do so, because our sense of right and wrong, and a love for our coutry comands that we challange the path our country is currently taken.
Now for President Bush “kicking Senator Kerry’s ass”, well, I don’t think Bush kicked anyones ass. He looked the other way as Karl Rove did his dirty work for him and manipulated and scared the media into complience,he allowed the Swift Boat Liers to continue defaming a honorable and decorated war hero , and frightened enough of the public into thinking he was protecting them from the terrorists. All the while nothing had been done to protect our ports, inspect the incoming containers, secure our boarders and ready us for diasters- natural or man made.
Say and think what you will about Senator Kerry,but he spoke about and offered solutions and plans for all those things during the election, he spoke of a way to conclude this war in Iraq and continue to pursue those who mean to do us harm. Senator Kerry would have made a fine President and I hope he still has an opportunity to do so at some point. The better man did not win in 2004.
Oh, and by the way, I dislike Daily Kos and do not read that blog, they lie and distort things and don’t report the truth just like this site.

This site is an example of what Senator Kerry refers to as an intollerance for dissent. The very nature of the attacks against him because he disagrees with the Bush administration confirm this opinion. The lies about his war record, confirm this also. And… the reference about his war records not being released are example of lies used to discredit him. In fact, those very records-all of those records have been released. I’ve read about their release and I have seen copies.The references to the meetings in Paris are also reported incorrectly as Senator Kerry has always been interested in hearing-yet not necessarily agreeing with opposing point of views.
Another thing, the quoted remarks refering to VP Chaney and his shooting incident are also lies. I have head Senator Kerry’s speech from April 22nd, and I have read the copy and the quote attributed to him does not appear nor is it heard at all.
Senator Kerry wants people to understand that expressing an opinion different from the administration does not make you unpatriotic, there is good that comes from questioning power. Having an oppsosing point of view doesn’t necessarily make you correct,but being able to express it and asking for accountability without fear of being branded unpatiotic or being concerned about reprisials or worse should mean you have the right to do so and you can be proud because you live in America, the greatest country in the world.

The moonbat express is in full bs effect. LMAO
Don’t worry folks… Kerry will agree with everything he didn’t agree with before and after he votes for and against it. smokingcrazy_fa

Wait, wasn’t Kerry handed a duck to look like he actually could shoot? joke_fa

Lets hope the katsup boy runs again in 08. We all need another good laugh. sillygrin_fa


Maybe a Kennedy will loan him some sleeping pills, pain pills or whatever they use to keep killing people and getting away with it. He definetly meets the requirements for a tin foil hat.