Saddam Meeting With Nuclear Scientists

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The Wife and I are in Vegas until Saturday so posting will be light by me but I saw this new translation of a Saddam document and had to put it up:

Pages 186 and 193 of document BIAP 2003 00090 carry one of the most important information revealed so far regarding Saddam Nuclear Program. In these two pages which document a summary of meetings held by members of The Military Office of the Iraqi Baath Party and dated May/12/2002 and June/9/2002 they have a section that discuss Saddam Hussein meeting with the Chairman of the Atomic Energy and an elite of researchers.

I first thought that this may be a reference to a meeting between Saddam and the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) so I called both of IAEA offices in New York and Vienna to check if Saddam had any meeting with the IAEA Chairman prior to May 2002, and they indicated to me that they do not recall any such meeting of IAEA chairman and Saddam prior to May 2002.

What is also important is that President Bush in a speech dated October 7 2002 mentioned that Saddam has held numerous meetings with his nuclear Scientists and I quote from President Bush ?The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his “nuclear mujahideen” — his nuclear holy warriors? ( ).

So this document shows that it is true that in 2002 Saddam still has an active nuclear program if he still has a Chairman of the Atomic Energy Group and a group of Nuclear Scientists.

I will do a partial translation of page 186 and 194.

Beginning of the Partial translation of Page 186

In the Name of God the Merciful the Compassionate

The Baath Arabic Socialist Party

The Military Office

Subject: The report of the meeting of the cell members

Comradely Salute

At exactly the hour (13:00) on Sunday 12/5/2002 the committee of the cell of members held its scheduled meeting as follow:

5. The political side: The discussion of the comrade the Leader Saddam Hussein (God protect him) during the meeting of his Excellency with the Chairman of the Atomic Energy and an elite of researchers.

End of partial translation of Page 186.

Beginning of Partial translation of Page 194

In the Name of God the Merciful the Compassionate

The Baath Arabic Socialist Party

The Military Office

Subject: The report of the meeting of the cell members

Comradely Salute

At exactly the hour (13:00) on Sunday 9/6/2002 the committee of the cell of members held its scheduled meeting as follow:

5. The political side: The discussion of the comrade the Leader Saddam Hussein (God protect him) during the meeting of his Excellency meeting with the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Organization and a number of researchers.

So from his very own documents we have now learned that he in fact DID meet with his Nuclear scientists, you think they were just talking about the weather?

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Put $5 on red for me.

Have fun.