I just love this:
Two House members will introduce tomorrow a resolution to commend the U.S. Capitol Police department, which Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney accused last week of racial profiling.
“The 1,700 officers of the Capitol Police force risk their lives every day protecting constituents, staff and members of Congress,” said Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, North Carolina Republican. “The right thing to do is to commend these men and women. They deserve a pat on the back, which is more appropriate than what they’ve gotten lately.”
The resolution, by Mr. McHenry and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida Republican, which could be voted on this week, comes after increasingly harsh accusations by Mrs. McKinney, the Georgia Democrat who was stopped by Capitol Police last week for bypassing a metal detector.Also, the Capitol Police today requested an arrest warrant for Mrs. McKinney over the incident. A representative for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, which must approve an arrest warrant, said officials were considering whether to file charges.
One byproduct of this resolution will be that McKinney will be forced to the mike once again, and boy do I love that comedy. Who will she blame this time?
The article then gives a quick summary of the incident:
Members of Congress are not required to go through the metal detectors at Capitol entrances, but officers did not recognize her because she had recently changed her hairdo and wasn’t wearing the member’s pin that identifies her.
Once stopped, Mrs. McKinney swatted the officer with her cellular phone.
“This whole incident was instigated by the inappropriate touching and stopping of me, a female black congresswoman,” Mrs. McKinney said during a press conference last week at Howard University. “I deeply regret that this incident occurred, and I am certain that after a full review of the facts, I will be exonerated.”
The police have to recognize all 535 members by memory and with her new hairdo:

They didn’t recognize her. All this could of been avoided if she had wore that pin, but nooooo. She can’t be hassled with that.
To add fuel to the fire there is this news that she used OUR money to fly in a celebrity for a office dedication:
Rep. Cynthia McKinney admits that she broke government rules by spending money to fly a celebrity to Atlanta.
Channel 2 Action News has uncovered documents showing McKinney, D-Ga., spent about $1,000 of taxpayer’s money to fly singer Isaac Hayes to Georgia to help dedicate a new office in Atlanta.
The money came from a fund members of Congress are supposed to use for office supplies.
Using the money to pay for Hayes’ airline ticket and hotel expenses is a violation of strict congressional rules. Those rules state that taxpayer money can only be used for “travel by Members, Members’ employees and vendors. A vendor is an employee of a private company that provides maintenance and support for equipment and software…”
Watchdog groups call taxpayer-funded celebrity travel a blatant waste of taxpayer money.
A perfect example of the Culture of Corruption in the Democratic party. Blame everyone but yourself and then spend the taxpayers money on your own personal agenda.
Other’s Blogging:
One byproduct of this resolution will be that McKinney will be forced to the mike once again, and boy do I love that comedy. Who will she blame this time?

See author page
She will be the poster girl for going to the well one to many times with the “Racism” charge.
To let you know, the US Capitol Police is NOT required to know every member of congress, they only are encouraged to know who they are.There is no writen rule for them to know what a member looks like or know exacly thier names. If they don’t know who the person is they are to stop them and check thier IDs and the member is supposed to show them thier congressional ID.
Joe or Jane Citizen tries that shit with the Capitol Police Officer, you can bet the house they’re going to jail… IN CUFFS! Enough of this sideshow posturing by McKinney and her cronies. It’s time to face a Judge.
Cynthia McKinney is a fukking loon…
I say that she was “axeing” for trubble…