Good ole’ victocrat herself has come out and blamed the racist cop for DARING to touch her. I mean when a security officer for the Capitol Building doesn’t recognize someone, and they are not wearing a ID to identify themselves, AND they refuse to stop when they go around the metal detectors, HOW DARE he put his hands on a black women. HOW DARE HE!
A lawyer for Rep. Cynthia McKinney, the Georgia congresswoman who had an altercation with a Capitol Police officer, says she was ?just a victim of being in Congress while black.?
Her lawyer, James W. Myart Jr., said, ?Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, like thousands of average Americans across this country, is, too, a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin.?
?Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black,? Myart said. ?Congresswoman McKinney will be exonerated.?
It appears this women is one of the worst racists in either house, other then Mr. Byrd of course:
Now we’re hearing reports from others on Capitol Hill that Cynthia McKinney has a reputation for treating people whom she considers beneath her status with disdain … and especially white people whom she considers to be beneath her. One former staff member on the House International Relations committee, Richard Stafford, is now talking about an incident where McKinney struck him and pushed him aside when he tried to stop her from entering a closed-door, members-only meeting with a friend and two small children. He wanted to press charges then, but figured it would end his career.
Of course her run-ins with those white folks who are in a position of authority are legendary;
For the fifth time since 1993, U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., had a run-in with Washington security personnel when an officer failed to recognize her.
[…]In 1993, Capitol Police posted a photo of McKinney on an office wall so officers could remember who she was after she complained. Then in 1995, she complained again about being stopped.

Funny how those darn Capitol Police can’t remember her face, I mean they only have to know 535 faces. It’s not like they are doing anything anyways other then dying to protect the capitol from armed intruders:
Russell Eugene Weston Jr., a former mental patient from Montana, was charged yesterday with murdering two U.S. Capitol Police officers during a rampage in the Capitol building that allegedly began when Weston walked up behind an officer and shot him point-blank in the back of the head.
Law enforcement sources and court documents added chilling new details yesterday about the Friday afternoon killings of Jacob J. Chestnut, 58, and John M. Gibson, 42, both 18-year veterans of the force. They said that after bursting through a Capitol security checkpoint and shooting Chestnut, Weston chased a screaming woman down a hallway until he was confronted by Gibson, who pushed the woman out of harm’s way and exchanged deadly gunfire with the intruder.
Being a cop in South Central I am constantly bombarded with this affliction that Larry Elder calls a victocrat. Blame everyone and everything but yourself. This lady felt that putting on a ID pin was too much hassle. I mean she is special you know.
She is so special Harry Belefonte and Danny Glover stood beside her for her press conference. Did they witness the incident? Nope. They usually just follow the crumbs to each race card incident and help move it along it seems.
The BIG question is, how long do you think it will be until she appears on Oprah?
Is this isolated?
Lets look at the Barry Bonds issue. It’s become quite clear he used, knew he used, and even injected steroids himself to become the home run king. But here come the racists:
“White America doesn’t want him to (pass) Babe Ruth and is doing everything they can to stop him,” says Leonard Moore, director of African and African-American Studies at Louisiana State University. “America hasn’t had a white hope since the retirement of (NBA star) Larry Bird, and once Bonds passes Ruth, there’s nothing that will make (Ruth) unique, and they’re scared. And I’m scared for Bonds.
Hmmm, but didn’t Babe Ruth already get surpassed by a black guy named Hank Aaron? So he means when Ruth gets surpassed TWICE, then the white’s will have no hope.
Moore sees the grand jury testimony differently. “To black America, this is just another example of the judicial system trying to railroad an African-American male,” Moore says.
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Funny how those darn Capitol Police can?t remember her face, I mean they only have to know 535 faces. It?s not like they are doing anything anyways other then dying to protect the capitol from armed intruders

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Geez… I thought having to claim Jimmy Carter was enough of a punishment for Georgians. Now we’ve got Cynthia and her Pimp to deal with.
McKinney – Total ass-clown! Even better was her attorney, Leo Terrel on Hannity & Colmes last night defending her playing politics with this by throwning the race card out there immediately as the cause of all this, after she has already admitted to hitting the cop. Just another episode of how the Defocrat turns.
That pics w/ McLooney rolling her eyes is priceless!!!
That’s the best one I’ve seen! She looks like a lunatic! (Probably because she is!)
This woman has no business holding public office.