AJStrata pointed me to this comment left by MJW at JustOneMinute.? It’s a excellent timeline of the Plame game and needs to be shared:
01/28/03 State of the Union speech
05/06/03 Kristof column
05/29/03 Libby allegedly asks Grossman for information about Wilson’s trip
06/01/03 to 07/08/03 Harlow allegedly mentions Wilson’s wife to Assistiant to VP for Public Affairs, Cathie Martin, who tells Libby
06/09/03 CIA faxes documents on Wilson’s trip (without using his name) to Libby. Name handwritten by someone in VP’s office
06/11/03 Senior CIA official (Robert Grenier, or possibly John McLaughlin) allegedly tells Libby that Wilson’s wife works for CIA and is said to have been responsible for trip.
06/11/03 or 06/12/03 Libby talks to Grossman, who allegedly mentions wife’s role in Wilson’s trip
06/12/03 Pincus column
06/13/03 Kristof 2nd column
06/mid/03 Administration official mentions Wilson’s wife to Woodward
06/14/03 CIA briefer (Craig Schmall) alleged to have discussed Wilson’s trip and Valerie Wilson with Libby.
06/19/03 “The First Casualty: The Selling of the Iraq War” published in The New Rebublic, quotes Wilson anonymously
06/23/03 (Friday) Libby talks to Woodward
06/23/03 Libby talks to Miller (Bureau)
06/27/03 Libby talks to Woodward again
07/06/03 (Sunday) Wilson editorial
07/07/03 to 07/12/03 Presidential Africa trip. Powell allegedly has State Dept. report on Wilson’s trip, and wife’s role
07/07/03 Fleischer allegedly Libby mentions Plame during lunch
07/08/03 Libby talks to Miller
07/08/03 Libby allegedly asks Counsel to VP about paperwork involved if CIA employee sent spouse on trip
07/08/03 Wilson’s friend talks to Novak
07/10/03 (Thursday) Libby talks to Russert
07/10/03 Harlow talks to Novak
07/10/03 or 07/11/03 Rove mentions conversation with Novak to Libby
07/11/03 (Friday) Rove talks to Cooper
07/11/03 Novak column said to be on the wire service
07/11/03 Tenet releases CIA statement on “16 words” and Wilson
07/12/03 (Saturday) Libby talks to Miller
07/12/03 Libby talks to Cooper
07/14/03 (Monday) Novak column published
07/16/03 (Wednesday) Corn column published
07/17/03 Cooper “War on Wilson?” in Time
09/26/03 Mitchell reports CIA leak investigation
10/01/03 Novak’s follow-up column published
10/14/03 Libby talks to FBI
11/26/03 Libby talks to FBI
02/??/04 Rove talks to GJ 1st time
03/04/04 Libby talks to GJ 1st time
03/24/04 Libby talks to GJ 2nd time
04/21/04 Cooper and Russert subpoena
07/09/04 Senate Intelligence report released
07/16/04 Powell talks to GJ
07/20/04 Court rules against Cooper
08/07/04 Russert deposed by Fitzgerald
08/12/04 Miller subpoena
08/23/04 Cooper deposed by Fitzgerald
09/13/04 Cooper 2nd subpoena
10/07/04 Miller held in contempt by Hogan
10/13/04 Copper and Time held in contempt by Hogan
10/14/04 Rove talks the GJ 2nd or 3rd time
02/15/05 Appeals court upholds contempt ruling
06/30/05 Time turns over Cooper’s notes
07/06/05 Miller jailed
07/06/05 Cooper agrees to testify
07/20/05 Cooper talks to GJ
09/30/05 Miller talks to GJ 1st time
10/12/05 Miller talks to GJ 2nd time
10/15/05 Rove talks to GJ 4th time

See author page
MIssed the ‘Vanity Fair’ article where whe admits being a CIA operations officer, paramilitarily trained, and all these people start dying off…………