When I first saw the posters for V For Vendetta my first thought was that it might be a cool little flick. The same guys who did the Matrix series that I love were doing this one. It sure appears I was wrong. I have not seen the movie but have started to read some of the reviews from those I respect and holy cow, what a twisted little anti-Bush movie. I am not surprised since that is what seems to be made more often then not in Hollywood, but I’m disappointed.
The guy who wrote the comics the movie is based on is not too happy with it also:
MTV: So why sell the film rights in the first place?
Moore: […]When you’re talking about things like “V for Vendetta” or “Watchmen,” I don’t have a choice. Those were works which DC Comics kind of tricked me out of, so they own all that stuff and it’s up to them whether the film gets made or not. All I can do is say, “I want my name taken off of it and I don’t want any of the money.” I’d rather the money be distributed amongst the artists. But even though [the filmmakers] were aware that I’d asked that my name be taken off “V for Vendetta” and had already signed my money away to the artist, they issued a press release saying I was really excited about the film. Which was a lie. I asked for a retraction, but they weren’t prepared to do that. So I announced I wouldn’t be working with DC Comics anymore. I just couldn’t bear to have any contact with DC Comics, Warner Bros. or any of this shark pool ever again.
[…]”V for Vendetta” was specifically about things like fascism and anarchy.
Those words, “fascism” and “anarchy,” occur nowhere in the film. It’s been turned into a Bush-era parable by people too timid to set a political satire in their own country. In my original story there had been a limited nuclear war, which had isolated Britain, caused a lot of chaos and a collapse of government, and a fascist totalitarian dictatorship had sprung up. Now, in the film, you’ve got a sinister group of right-wing figures ? not fascists, but you know that they’re bad guys ? and what they have done is manufactured a bio-terror weapon in secret, so that they can fake a massive terrorist incident to get everybody on their side, so that they can pursue their right-wing agenda. It’s a thwarted and frustrated and perhaps largely impotent American liberal fantasy of someone with American liberal values [standing up] against a state run by neo-conservatives ? which is not what “V for Vendetta” was about. It was about fascism, it was about anarchy, it was about [England]. The intent of the film is nothing like the intent of the book as I wrote it. And if the Wachowski brothers had felt moved to protest the way things were going in America, then wouldn’t it have been more direct to do what I’d done and set a risky political narrative sometime in the near future that was obviously talking about the things going on today?
George Clooney’s being attacked for making [“Good Night, and Good Luck”], but he still had the nerve to make it. Presumably it’s not illegal ? not yet anyway ? to express dissenting opinions in the land of free? So perhaps it would have been better for everybody if the Wachowski brothers had done something set in America, and instead of a hero who dresses up as Guy Fawkes, they could have had him dressed as Paul Revere. It could have worked.
No, the author is not pissed because they are dumping on Bush, he is pissed because they changed everything in his story to fit their schizophrenic views of this Country.
Some will say “it’s only a movie” but my answer would be that ALL movies send a message. As a commenter noted on another blog, Passion of the Christ was attacked relentlessly for its “message”, so how is it that now it’s ok to have a movie like this send a message of Bush hatred? I tell you why, because the left can only see and understand one belief system. All other’s are wrong. They are some of the most closeminded people I have ever seen, and these kind of movies do nothing to change my opinion of them.
In the end the lefties will love this movie and go see it in droves. Take for example the Clinton News Network leadin to a story on the movie:
The CNN Headline News show “Showbiz Tonight” led Monday night with controversy over the movie “V for Vendetta,” and stomped hard on the idea that it was directed at the Bush administration. Host A. J. Hammer began with a promo: “On ?Showbiz Tonight,? the war in Iraq, the war on terror and the hottest movie in America. The shock and awe over ‘V for Vendetta.’ And the controversy. Is art imitating life? A political thriller where the hero is a terrorist. Is that really such a bad thing?“
They then go on to answer that question with a “not really” type of answer. Or about this typical review from a leftist dumbass:
[S]ome of the allusions skewer more toward the Nazi regime than the Republican Party (though many will persuasively argue that they’re one and the same), but how to deny the topicality evidenced in the scenes involving detainment centers where prisoners are hooded, humiliated and tortured, or the presence of a TV station that’s unabashedly pro-government, or an administration that instills a vague fear of foreigners to quiet the teeming masses, or a ruler who uses faith-based initiatives to crush opposing viewpoints?
And you will understand that these people really believe in this stuff. Maybe we should start a charity drive to get them on some medication.

See author page
I went to see this ‘movie’, if you can even call it that, last night and I walked out. I am a conservitive. The movie started out with hints of bashing Bush. I figured that was ok because Bush is not perfect so maybe the critisizim is ok. I was wrong. It painted christians as part of this insane fasist plot against the country. It took place in England but was clearly and cowardly about the U.S. It even attacked the Catholic church and smacked it in the plot of the wicked schemes of the government. I hung in still. The movie blurs so many lines with its so called hero. He is nothing more than a likable anarchist (looking for a vote next election is all hes lookin for). They went even as far as making the koran illigal…but the owner of this life risking book..”reads it for the poetry and stories”. That was as much as I could take. We(My girl, my sister and I) took as much as we could. This type of film does nothing but stir hatred (on both sides). Luckily the right side’s anger is just and with prayer it can be directed to good. The left is going to eat it up and the demon will grow. Seeds were planted my brothers and it will not be long before we see the rotten fruit.
You won’t find too many people more Conservative/Right-Wing than me, but I saw the movie and I actually liked it. I’m one that doesn’t go to some movies because of certain actors in them, the message they convey, etc., but I thought this movie was good.
There were a couple of off-handed references to
Bush/Conservatives, but I looked at the movie as a battle of a “Freedom Fighter” battling against a Fascist/Totalitarian government.
I went to the movie with somewhat of an open mind and I was pleasantly surprised.
I would advise anyone to go check it out and make up your own mind. Do it at a matinee, so you won’t lose too much money if I’m wrong.
FWIW, I wouldn’t have been mad about paying full-price for this movie.
Semper Fi!
I rarely see movies. The last one I saw was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
It’s difficult these days to watch anything, without wincing at what appear to be political overtones. I wanted to watch the last Star Wars movie as an escapist fantasy, but couldn’t help but feel certain parallels to political commentary of current events. And usually, I think I’m pretty good at separating myself from real world politics and what I see in film.
Thanks for blogging on this Curt.
I know it comes across as campy to just say “it’s just a movie”. I’m with you on this one, but, the bar on expectations out of Hollywood was set to 0.1 in the 90’s. Movies are a waste of time, waste of money, and mostly a waste of tact and intelligence for those that can boast an IQ over 100 and possess the ability to process abstract thought. I can tell you in all honesty, the only movies I have spent money on at a theater in the past 5 years are all kid movies; mostly Disney or Pixar animated flicks that I took my kids to see for their benefit, not mine. Hollywood has the collective moral compass of a jackyl, and is completely void of an original idea. That’s why we see such desperate and vain attempts to force this liberal propaganda down our throats. Only those that meet the criteria of lucent grey matter subscribers are going to realize this and save their money and time by not going to the movies and acquiring an ambivolent attitude toward show business and it’s deplorable motis apperendi.
Why in the world would you devote even a single blog entry to defending George W Bush or the Bush administration? Aren’t you aware that Bush (and Cheney, whose memoir is due out Tuesday) needs absolutely no defense? If a person can initiate the breaking of a series of international laws (including the UN Convention Against Torture, which was signed by Ronald Reagan and which forbids exactly the tactics pursued under Bush), launching a war of aggression against a country that did not attack us (see Cheney’s exit interview with Fox’s Greta Van Susteren for his admission of this), that kills 100,000 civilians (not to mention nearly 5,000 American soldiers) and *still* not stand trial in a single court of law on this planet, you, my friend, with your barely visible conservative blog, need do no defending. Bush and his clan are the best-defended citizens on the earth. The mere idea that you’re spending your time batting away at a little anti-Bush film, when people who should be tried in the Hague for crimes of war (not representation–real war) is pathetic.