Christian Peacemaker Teams is Not Pro-Peace

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If they were, they’d protest the terrorists who did this to their member:

Mr. Fox’s body was found this month. He had apparently been tortured by his captors before being shot multiple times in the head and dumped on a trash heap next to a railway line in western Baghdad.

This was brought to my attention between work, listening to Dennis Prager, first hour. I found more at Michelle Malkin’s regarding how the CPT statement on their website doesn’t even acknowledge let alone thank the true peacemakers- the soldiers- who worked hard to bring about their rescue. The only reference to the military is to blame them for the kidnappings in the first place:

They knew that their only protection was in the power of the love of God and of their Iraqi and international co-workers. We believe that the illegal occupation of Iraq by Multinational Forces is the root cause of the insecurity which led to this kidnapping and so much pain and suffering in Iraq. The occupation must end.

How about the power of the U.S. and British special forces? From today’s NY Times:

The men were freed by multinational forces in a military operation. The hostages were found when American-led forces raided a house in western Baghdad, acting on information from one of two detainees interrogated late Wednesday night, Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, a spokesman for the American military, said at a news conference in Baghdad.

In London, the British foreign secretary, Jack Straw, said the mission had included British forces. “It follows weeks and weeks of very careful work by military and coalition personnel in Iraq and many civilians as well,” Mr. Straw said, adding that it involved a number of countries, including Canadian personnel.

Also from the CPT statement:

We pray that Christians throughout the world will, in the same spirit, call for justice and for respect for the human rights of the thousands of Iraqis who are being detained illegally by the U.S. and British forces occupying Iraq.

Ok…why don’t they go protest where real genocide is occurring? Sudan? Darfur, anyone? If they really wanted to work toward peace, maybe they should protest ALL VIOLENCE BEING COMMITTED. By only coming down on U.S. and Coalition forces trying to help with reconstruction and security in Iraq, they are siding with the terrorists and complicit in the violence of the insurgents against Iraqi civilians. It is their presence that adds fuel to the violence. It is the Christian Peacemaker Teams message of outcry against the U.S. that gives the insurgency hope; that what they are doing-i.e. terrorizing the Iraqi people, is working and to keep it up. So long as tragedy TV and the mainstream media and the “anti-war” peace activists such as the CPT give the terrorists a loud voice to shout with and a prominent platform to stand upon, there will be violence and there will be the slaughter of the innocents. Peace activists piss me off, because they are not pro-peace. They are blind to the evils that their actions give aid and comfort to. Do you want to see what a real peacemaker looks like? Here ya go:

Put those into your peace-pipe and smoke it!

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I worked in Iraq for a year as a contract firefighter on two US Military bases. While I was there I got to know many Military Civil Affairs personnel, Special Forces, contractors. What is so ironic about these “Christian Peacekeepers” is that the Civil Affairs people, Special Forces, USAID, and such has done more for the Iraqi people in the three years that they have been there than Saddam did in his entire time in office. And they do more for the Iraqi people than these anti-American, headline grabbing twits called “Christian Peacemaker Teams”. My final question to the Christian Peacemaker Teams is where the hell were you when Saddam was building dozens of Palaces while his people starving, and when Saddam was murdering his citizens by the hundred of thousands??

“Put that in your peace pipe and smoke it”?
Outrageously immoral and evil sentiment.Such people are smug, over-impresses by their own righteousness. In your blameless existence, you negate the very conditions that give meaning to moral evaluations and choices.

It goes against everything i’ve learned to wish harm on anyone, but is it wrong to be completely ambivolent toward those “Christian Peacemakers” and their kidnapping or demise?!


No evidence of CPT being “Christian” and every evidence that CPT is pro-violence and anti-Israel. See my expose’ and post.

Thanks for the post.