Here we go again. Another poll that shows Bush’s numbers are declining:
Bush’s overall approval measure stands at 33%, the lowest rating of his presidency. Bush’s job performance mark is now about the same as the ratings for Democratic and Republican congressional leaders (34% and 32%, respectively), which showed no improvement in spite of public approval of the congressional response to the ports deal.
Oh no! What are we gonna do?
But wait, lets take a look at the bias once more in the polling organization:
Yup, once again they over sample Democrats by 6% this time, and guess what?? We’re these registered likely voters?? Nope, just adults…we have all seen how incorrect these polls are:
Results for this survey are based on telephone interviews conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International among a nationwide sample of 1,405 adults, 18 years of age or older, from March 8-12, 2006.
Will these MSM outlets EVER do a poll again where they poll registered likely voters and keep the sample within one point?? I doubt it.? They want to be able to make news instead of report it and what better way then to print a headline that say’s Bush’s approval rating is at a all time low?
No bias here.
Will these MSM outlets EVER do a poll again where they poll registered likely voters and keep the sample within one point? I doubt it. They want to be able to make news instead of report it and what better way then to print a headline that say’s Bush’s approval rating is at a all time low?

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I assume the antique media will finally get to 0% and viola Kerry wins Yeah !!!
I am scared, aren’t you?
Exactly some guy. Every poll shows him in the tank, they can’t all be outliers. I think it’s just cumulative. You can only fail so many times before even the trusting American people will no longer give an administration the benefit of the doubt.
What’s scary is that now the one word most used to descibe this President is “Incompetent”. How do they recover from that indictment?
Right on Pug. The first poll below 40% was called a fluke. Okay. The next one could have been coincidence. But weeks of polling later and he’s down to 33%? The Wall Street Journal has him at 37%.
The Pew poll is getting attention because it’s the lowest support since Hitler, but it’s not like conservative papers show much better. It’s time to wake up and realize that he’s going down the tubes.
As you posted, Democratic leadership is only getting 34%. This is more common, but if they were going to bias it, why not boost the Dems a bit more?
Why should they poll only registered likely voters? Bush is not running for anything. There’s no election to forecast. These are just samplings of public opinion.
As every poll shows similar results it gets harder make the argument you keep trying to make that everybody is just biased against poor ole W. Maybe he really isn’t very popular with the public. Ever think of that?