The Next Big Story

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Incredible! So a White House staffer gets arrested for trying to scam some retail stores and the liberals go batty.

The arrest on theft charges of Claude A. Allen, who until recently was President Bush’s top adviser on domestic policy, was an apparent fall from power that surprised and mystified his friends and former colleagues.

Mr. Allen, who resigned from his post as an adviser to Mr. Bush last month, was arrested on Thursday in Montgomery County, Md., where the police said he had swindled department stores out of more than $5,000 during the last year in a refund scheme.

On Saturday, neighbors and members of his church expressed confidence that he would be exonerated.

“I simply don’t believe it,” said the Rev. Joshua Harris of the Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Md., where Mr. Allen and his family are active members. “I think if we let the whole situation clear, the truth is going to come out about this.”

The police accused Mr. Allen of going to stores on more than 25 occasions and buying items, taking them to his car and then returning to the store with his receipt. He would then pick up the same items he had just bought and return them for a refund, the police said. The incidents were said to have occurred while Mr. Allen was still in his job as Mr. Bush’s domestic policy adviser.

Through his lawyer, Mr. Allen denied the charges, saying there was a mix-up concerning his credit card.

All well and good, IF the charges are true (and that is a big if), then crap happens and the guy got caught doing something stupid. He will pay with his career but someone remind the MSM and the liberals that we didn’t hear this sort of thing coming from them when Sandy Burgler got caught with classified documents shoved down his pants.

Fuck that, he is a thief But the rules dont apply to him because he is a Republican and in the BUSH Administration

I’ll bet anyone this guy will have a pysch eval soon he’s a fucking nutcase and that church is freaking cult.

Maybe his parents should have instilled in him Christ’s teachings of helping the poor and those in need. He lived on Uncle Sam’s payroll instead and stole because of his Republican greed.

Once again the New York Times apologizes for a crooked Republican

Never underestimate the power of greed. Greed lies at the core of “republican values.”

Or how about the Washington Post leading the story with the fact his Mother told him not to be a Republican:

Claude A. Allen has said his mother warned him that as a black man he risked ruining his life, or at least his career, by becoming a Republican. As it turned out, nothing could have been farther from the truth.

The Berger story was always shoved way down to the back pages, never led on the evening news, it was all a misunderstanding you see.

But this story will be on the front pages for days and weeks to come, mark my word. Hell, even John Podhoretz can see it coming:

I’m getting genuinely insane e-mail following a few Atrios postings about my “Who the heck is Claude Allen” posts in the past few days — e-mails accusing me of “lying” to “cover up” for the White House and then cursing me out in the language of eleven year-olds. This suggests to me that the next few weeks are going to feature some wild theorizing according to which Karl Rove and the President assigned Claude Allen to steal from Target. The Bush haters can’t even allow themselves to enjoy their Schadenfreude.

We all know why.

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Actually bin Laden was referring to ronald reagan running from Lebanon after the marine barracks explosion of 1983.

How about we send all the corrupt people to jail. I mean both democrats and republic. I think only then these people will realise that we people of america care about corruption.

Wordsmith, let me straighten this out for you:

Not one Democrat has been indicted as a result of Abramoff’s crimes.

Got that? Not one. Zero.

Therefore, ta-da! No Democrats are guilty.

Some of Abramoff’s clients, also paid Democrats. That’s not the issue. The issue is how Abramoff’s actions crossed the line from lobbying to influence peddling and bribery. In other words, the actions crossed over into indictable crime.

All the indictable crimes here are on the GOP side of the aisle. You can like it or lump it, but that’s fact.

So your whole “Dems were lobbied too!” line of argument is utterly irrelevant. Nice try.

“It’s OK If You Are A Republican” is the one side of the most typical excuses I see GOP partisans fling around. The flip side of it is “It’s Wrong If You’re A Democrat.” And here we see both of these in action.

Apparently you and a lot of right-wingers feel that if Democrats can in some way be emotionally tagged as guilty, even if they have not committed any crime (your Abramoff conflation), then that means Republicans who did something similar somehow are not as guilty.

And also, even if the person who committed the crime was not an official, but only worked for a Democrat (Sandy Berger), this means that the Republican was not so bad.

The idea that some people retain logic and think that crimes should be pursued with an eye towards justice, is then claimed to come entirely from the “liberal media”.

The only one responsible for 9/11 was Clinton and his years of enabling Bin Laden, including running from Somalia like a cowardly jackass.

The only one responsible for 9/11 was Bin Laden.
This partisan crap is just that, partisan crap.
Either you blame BOTH Clinton and Bush for failing to prevent 9/11, or you blame neither.
BOTH missed opportunities that can be clearly seen, but only with hindsight.

I choose to blame those who actually carried out and those who actively supported the operation.

On August 6, 2001, Bush received an intelligence memo reporting that Al Qaeda was preparing a major attck on the U.S. using hijacked airplanes. Instead of calling for a staff meeting, Bush went fishing. We know what happened next.

So, yes, Bush is responsible for not doing anything to prevent the attacks of 9/11. After all, the attacks came right on time to build political that he did not have at the time. It helped him to get elected in 2004.

No matter what Curt and the other Bush zombies on this blog say, hard facts always prevail, even if it takes a long time.

The Bush administration will go down in history as the most malevolent and incompetent government that this country has had in its entire history.

No, the Libs do not hate Bush. They hold him in utter contempt. The Libs hate the Democracy-haters like Curt and the rest of its ilk.

The Bush zombies want a dictatorship. That’s why the Libs hate them.

Whatever I post is flagged to require review by an admin before it shows up.

While everything I’ve posted eventually shows up, it’s tedious.

Until that can be fixed, I’m not sure it’s worth the trouble to respond more.

As for Curt’s last, of the many flaws – and it’d be nice if he defines ‘Clinton associates’ – one he makes is that any attack on a republican receives a minimalist response and attempts to implicitly nullify the wrong by listing democratic wrongs, while, if he holds to the right-wing pattern, he would not respond to a wrong by a democrat by listing things the republicans have done wrong, too. It’s a blinders-wearing, hypocritical double standard, which he rationaizes because he’s not simply denying that any republican crime is wrong. As long as he has a sliver of admitting wrong by his side, he thinks he has no bias. The utterly unjustified name calling is always a nice touch.

Of course, he makes all kinds of fundamental logical errors, too – for example, you see no mention of the relevant informaiton, PAST republican wrongs which had time to go through the system, as he instead implies that the republicans have done nothing wrong by listing incidents which have not had time to go through the system. Even if DeLay is guilty of every charge, he would not yet be found guilty because it takes time; citing that as Curt does as evidence of him somehow being in a better situation is wrong, as he simply denies the facts and evidence we know, but which Curt won’t discuss.

You know, Clinton was not convicted by the Senate, and convicted of no crime, but democrats can admit he misled people when he said he had no sexual relations. They don’t need a criminal conviction to admit that. The right-wing cultists, however, can’t even bear to admit wrong-doing when there is a criminal conviction much of the time, for example, the fact that Oliver North has a big following, and the way the right plays up the technicality of his conviction being reversed simply because his testimony to Congress created an immunnity issue, not affecting how much he was guilty of the crime at all. Hypocrites.

He’s a thief. And if he’s a thief in the small things, he’ll be a thief in the big things.

Of course, he’s just following Administration precedent – after all, this is the administration that has stolen $7B from the Treasury.

What’s with all the “My Politicians aren’t as dirty as your Politicians” talk?

Both sides are full of lying, cheating idiots, but since there’s two sides… we like to pretend that they can hold each other up to a higher standard.

The bigger question is why would a guy who can afford a million dollar house be shop lifting?

“Claude A. Allen has said his mother warned him that as a black man he risked ruining his life, or at least his career, by becoming a Republican. As it turned out, nothing could have been farther from the truth.”

Well I guess mother knows best. Self-hatred is a terrible thing.

If you think that the press did not pay attention to Sandy Bergers actions, you’ve probably been taking Rush’s vitamins for too long.
The press excoriated Berger and he was charged for his crimes:
Sandy Berger to plead guilty on documents charge
Clinton Adviser Berger Cops Plea

To this day there is no documented evidence of Berger “stuffing documents” anywhere except his briefcase (that was actually pioneered by Fawn Hall concerning a little bitty terror operation, FYI) of which they were copies no matter what backwater source you cite may still shreik.

Did it occur to you that the reason for the media attention to Claude Allen’s misgivings is that
Allen worked for a President who is still in office?

Of course not. That requires you to research and drop your obivious contempt for your readers curiosity.

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