like,…who the f pays more than a BUCK for a cup of f coffee? …WHO needs latte’ or spattee’ ….or whatever the f that sh is…??
Christ….all’s one needs is a f cup of coffee….(what?…a bag of coffee…costs what?… $10 bucks at most?….who are these suckers who, not only line up like f morons, but actually PAY for the “privilege” for a steaming-coil of foam & sh ON TOP of their f coffe??)…un-f-believable…. BIG MIKE is the KING…!!!
Yiddidh Steel
18 years ago
Big Mike is pretty funny and usually right on the money with his rants, but i’ve got to disagree with his kvetching about Starbucks. It’s all about suppy & demand, Mikey! When the people stop coming in and lining up for that $6.00 limp-wristed caffine fix, that’s when you’ll see the prices come down, and the coupons come in the mail.
Big Mike is KING…..
like,…who the f pays more than a BUCK for a cup of f coffee? …WHO needs latte’ or spattee’ ….or whatever the f that sh is…??
Christ….all’s one needs is a f cup of coffee….(what?…a bag of coffee…costs what?… $10 bucks at most?….who are these suckers who, not only line up like f morons, but actually PAY for the “privilege” for a steaming-coil of foam & sh ON TOP of their f coffe??)…un-f-believable…. BIG MIKE is the KING…!!!
Big Mike is pretty funny and usually right on the money with his rants, but i’ve got to disagree with his kvetching about Starbucks. It’s all about suppy & demand, Mikey! When the people stop coming in and lining up for that $6.00 limp-wristed caffine fix, that’s when you’ll see the prices come down, and the coupons come in the mail.