Re the cartoon, sad but true. Re Murtha and the Kennedy award, nothing surprises me anymore. How pathetic.
John F Kennedy would be thrown out of the Democrat party today as a warmonger.
Carol Johnson
18 years ago
Cox and Forkum! Gotta love it.
By the way, via NewsMax this morning:
“Rep. John Murtha, a Vietnam veteran who has denounced the war in Iraq, was named a recipient of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday.”
Give me a break! Murtha? Courageous? When I was in junior high school in 1963, JFK was assasinated. I swore I would always be a Democrat because of John Kennedy. This is huge insult to his memory to bestow on this jerk an honor to which is is NOT entitled!! Needless to say, I am not a Democrat these days. But I still idolize John Kennedy for what he represented. There has been NOBODY since then that can hold a candle to him. His own brother isn’t fit to have the same name, in my opinion.
This is a disgusting sign of the times when people will choose to honor someone so devoid of personal courage like Murtha. I am so tired of this self-idolatry that “celebrities” and “politicians” have of themselves! It’s sick and revolting.
Re the cartoon, sad but true. Re Murtha and the Kennedy award, nothing surprises me anymore. How pathetic.
John F Kennedy would be thrown out of the Democrat party today as a warmonger.
Cox and Forkum! Gotta love it.
By the way, via NewsMax this morning:
“Rep. John Murtha, a Vietnam veteran who has denounced the war in Iraq, was named a recipient of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday.”
Give me a break! Murtha? Courageous? When I was in junior high school in 1963, JFK was assasinated. I swore I would always be a Democrat because of John Kennedy. This is huge insult to his memory to bestow on this jerk an honor to which is is NOT entitled!! Needless to say, I am not a Democrat these days. But I still idolize John Kennedy for what he represented. There has been NOBODY since then that can hold a candle to him. His own brother isn’t fit to have the same name, in my opinion.
This is a disgusting sign of the times when people will choose to honor someone so devoid of personal courage like Murtha. I am so tired of this self-idolatry that “celebrities” and “politicians” have of themselves! It’s sick and revolting.