I just love this.? The?leftist?geography teacher that spewed his hatred and biases upon some high school kids now say’s not only is it his duty to spread these lies, but that the tape was not representative of the whole lecture:?
A high school social studies teacher who was put on leave after comparing President Bush’s State of the Union address to speeches made by Adolf Hitler defended his lecture on Tuesday, saying he was trying to encourage students to think.
“My job as a teacher is to challenge students to think critically about issues that are affecting our world and our society,” Jay Bennish said on NBC’s “Today Show.”
[…]Bennish told “Today” the excerpts broadcast weren’t representative of the full lecture.
“This is 20 minutes out of a 50-minute class. The rest of the class provides the balance,” he said.
So I’m curious, did the rest of class contain?some pro-Bush remarks?? I don’t think so.?
On the recording, Bennish told the students that some of Bush’s speech “sounds a lot like the things that Adolf Hitler used to say. We’re the only ones who are right, everyone else is backwards and our job is to conquer the world and make sure that they all live just like we want them to.”
Later in the recording, Bennish said he was not claiming Bush and Hitler were the same, “but there are some eerie similarities to the tones that they use.”
Recall he said this while trying to make the SOTU speech sound similiar to Hitler:
“We’re the only ones who are right, everyone else is backwards and our job is to conquer the world and make sure that they all live just like we want them to.”
Hmmm, I watched the STOU and read the transcript.? Never saw anything like this in there.?
This is his hatred for our Country and our President seeping into his class where uninformed teenagers can do nothing but listen and become brainwashed.? He wants to bring the 60’s back, plain and simple.? Hate our country and government while “understanding” terrorism.? Pathetic.
What’s even more pathetic is he hides behind the “They do not necessarily reflect my own views” statement.? He doesn’t even have the balls to just admit that he’s a Socialist.? Typical of these people to be such cowards.
Then he has his lawyer go own Hannity and mutter the same crapola “it’s only 20 minutes of the class”, but there are kids coming forward already that have taken his class telling the same story.
Sean Allen’s father was on Mike Rosen’s show, and said a number of older students who took Bennish’s class in the past, are coming forward and volunteering to testify that Bennish did the same thing in their classes.
I’ll say it again, pathetic

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I think you’ll find that this “teacher” has been coached on how now to respond to his rants. Notice the “out-of-context” diatribe, now he’s just been misunderstood. Remember the first word found in liberal is lie. Another leftist mouthpiece is born, move over Cindy the stage is getting crowded.